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The trend in ionization energies among the main group elements follows the trend in their
electronegativities. The columns on the left for each element represent the first ionization
energies. The columns on the right represent electronegativity values. Elements in the second
and third row are shown.

2. First ionization energy increases from left to right across the periodic table, and decreases down
a family. It is the energy required to remove one mole of electrons from a mole of neutral atoms
in the gas phase

3. Ionization energy is the energy required to remove one mole of electrons from a mole of atoms
or ions. We can use the periodic table to identify the trend

4. In general, first ionization energies increase from left to right across a row on the periodic table.
Thus the easiest element to ionize in a row is the first one (leftmost), and the hardest is the last
one (rightmost). This pattern makes sense because the charge of the nucleus increases across a
row and so does the attraction between it and the surrounding electrons. n=5 n= 1 ~'= 2n = 3 n =
4 2500 (a) (b) 7.11 I Ionization Energies I 341 Ionization energy (IE) is the amount of energy
needed to remove 1 mole of electrons from a mole of ground-state atoms or ions in the gas
phase. FIGURE 7.31 The first ionization energies of the representative (main group) elements
generally increase from left to right in a period and decrease from top to bottom in a group of
the periodic table, as illustrated here in (a) a two-dimensional plot and (b) a threedimensional

5. is the amount of energy needed to remove 1 mole of electrons from a mole of ground-state
atoms or ions in the gas phase

6. In general, first ionization energies increase from left to right across a row on the periodic table.
Thus the easiest element to ionize in a row is the first one (leftmost), and the hardest is the last
one (rightmost). This pattern makes sense because the charge of the nucleus increases across a
row and so does the attraction between it and the surrounding electrons

7. Ionization energy is a measure of how difficult it is to remove an electron from a gaseous atom.
Energy must always be absorbed to bring about ionization, so ionization energies are always
positive quantities. The (first) ionization energy is the energy change for the removal of the
outermost electron from a gaseous atom to form a 11 ion: M(g) 9: M1(g) 1 e2 DE1 5 first
ionization energy The more difficult it is to remove electrons, the larger the ionization energy.
Ionization energies of the main-group elements are listed in Figure 6.17. Notice that ionization
energy • increases across the periodic table from left to right. • decreases moving down the
periodic table. Comparing Figures 6.15 (page 180) and 6.17 shows an inverse correlation
between ionization energy and atomic radius. The smaller the atom, the more tightly its
electrons are held to the positively charged nucleus and the more difficult they are to remove.
Conversely, in a large atom such as that of a Group 1 metal, the electron is relatively far from
the nucleus, so less energy has to be supplied to remove it from the atom.
8. The ionization energy of an atom is a measure of its tendency to lose electrons; the larger the
ionization energy, the more difficult it is to remove an electron. There are several different ways
of comparing the tendencies of different atoms to gain electrons. The most useful of these for
our purposes is the electronegativity, which measures the ability of an atom to attract to itself
the electron pair forming a covalent bond

9. First ionization energy - the minimal energy needed to remove one of the outermost electrons
from a neutral atom Successive electron removal is called second ionization energy, third
ionization energy, etc. Successive ionization energies increase because each electron that is
pulled away creates a larger positive charge (i.e. a higher effective nuclear charge) Ionization
energies tend increase with atomic number within a perio

10. More difficult to remove an electron that is closer to the nucleus Remember: There is a higher
effective nuclear charge across a period Ionization energies tend to decrease down a grou

11. Metals have low ionization energies Lose electrons easily Do not gain them readily

12. As the atomic radius increases from top to bottom in a group, the valence electrons become
more further away from the nucleus and the nuclear attraction forces on these electrons
decrease. Therefore, as the atomic radius increases, the amount of energy required to remove
an electron decreases. As a result, we can say that within a group ionization energy of elements
decrease from top to bottom.

13. Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its ground state
in the gas phase. This energy shows the degree of attractive force that the nucleus has on the
electron. In order to accomplish ionization, the atom cannot be in neither a solid state nor a
liquid state. The removable electron is the most loosely held electron. The amount of energy
required to remove one electron from the valence shell of a neutral atom in a gaseous state is
defined as the first ionization energy, and denoted by I1. The first ionization energies, I1, and
corresponding equations for the elements are given below.


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