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My next coaching session is today!
I want to be 10/10 ready, available, open, grounded, prepared,
and present for my coachee.

Set up this upcoming transformational conversation for success by checking

off these easy and impactful pre-coaching tasks. Your coachee reaps the
benefits and you are showing up with the integrity of a professional coach.
It’s a winwin!

I have:
Blocked off 30 minutes prior to the session in my calendar(s)

Turned off all notifications on my ‘tech’ (phones, computers, etc.)

Set up my environment (temperature, desk, computer, forms, notepad) in a way

that I feel comfortable in and feels client-ready.

Reviewed my client’s long-term goals and notes/action steps from our last session

Reviewed my client’s pre-session coaching form (if applicable)

Taken the space to clear my mind (meditation, breathing, movement)

Taken the steps to feel 10/10 grounded and present

Set a session intention for me as a Coach (listening, questions, tones, etc.)

Reminded myself of why I do this and what I enjoy about coaching

Stepped into full belief of the 5 Erickson Principles with my client in mind

These are some of our suggestions. What would you like to adjust or add to yours?

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