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At School:

Ryan : Hi, Guys. Do you know if we have English Conversation tommorow?

Jonathan : Yes, I know. We will do it in front of the class. We will do it in group of 4 or 5


Pauline : Excuse me guys...... Don’t you know if we are in the same group? Me, Aron,
Jonathan. And Ryan is the leader of our group, right?

Aron : So, what should we do now? Guys.......Let’s talk now!

Ryan : Yes.......I think so. Are you free this afternoon at 4 after the school? It would be
great if you could come to my house. So we can prepare ourself for the
conversation tommorow.

Jonathan : That’s a good idea, Ryan. .............How about you, Pauline? Will you join with us at
Ryan’s house too?

Aron : I think, we all have to prepare this well. So, this afternoon is the only time we have

Pauline : Sure. I will join with you. No Problem. I will have my Daddy take me to Ryan’s

Ryan : OK Guys. See you there at 4.


1. Prepare : Menyiapkan
2. Ourself : Diri kita sendiri
3. Available : Ada/ Tersedia
4. So : Jadi,......
5. Join : Bergabung
6. Have : Menyuruh
7. Take : Mengantar
8. See you there : Sampai ketemu disana
9. The only time : Satu-satunya waktu
10. Let’s talk now : Mari kita omong sekarang!!

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