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Evaluating a purpose statement in a research study

Worked by: Gisela Hoxha

MARCH 20, 2024

1. Write a purpose statement for a research study that reveals the problem or question
to be addressed.
The purpose of this research study is to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence
(AI) on job displacement and workforce adaptation in the software engineering industry.
Specifically, the study aims to explore how the integration of AI technologies affects job
roles, skill requirements, and career trajectories for software engineers. By examining
the adoption patterns of AI in software development practices and its implications for
employment dynamics, this research seeks to provide insights into strategies for
workforce adaptation and professional development in the era of AI-driven automation.
2. Review your purpose statement and ask yourself three questions:
• Are the problem/question and purpose presented in one or more complete,
grammatical sentences?
Yes, the purpose statement is presented in a complete, grammatical sentence.
• Is it clear how the area of study will be limited or focused?
No, the purpose statement lacks specificity regarding the aspects of AI's impact or the
focus within the software engineering industry.
• Is it clear that you have an open mind about results that the research effort might
Yes, the purpose statement does not presuppose specific outcomes but rather aims to
investigate the impact of AI on employment dynamics in the software engineering
3. On the basis of your answers to the questions in Item 2, edit your purpose statement
as necessary.
Revised Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this research study is to explore and analyze the multifaceted impact of
artificial intelligence (AI) integration on job displacement and workforce adaptation
within the software engineering industry. Specifically, the study aims to investigate how
the adoption of AI technologies reshapes job roles, skill requirements, and career
trajectories for software engineers. By examining the patterns of AI adoption in software
development practices and its implications for employment dynamics, this research
seeks to provide insights into effective strategies for workforce adaptation and
professional development in the era of AI-driven automation.
4. Look at your edited statement and reflect on three additional questions:
• Does the answer to your problem or question have the potential for providing
important and useful information?
The purpose statement outlines the potential for providing valuable insights into the
effects of AI adoption on employment dynamics and workforce adaptation strategies
within the software engineering industry. However, it could be further enhanced by
clearly articulating the specific types of insights that will be generated.
• Will the result be more than a simple exercise in gathering information, answering a
yes-or-no question, or making a simple comparison?
While the purpose statement indicates an intention to delve into the complex interplay
between AI adoption and workforce dynamics, it could benefit from elaboration on the
methodologies or approaches that will be used to achieve this. This would ensure that
the research goes beyond basic information gathering and achieves a more
comprehensive analysis.
• Is the project focused enough to be accomplished with a reasonable expenditure of
time, money, and effort?
The purpose statement appears focused on examining the impact of AI specifically
within the software engineering industry, which is appropriate for a research study.
However, it could be strengthened by providing more clarity on the scope of the
research and the resources required to execute it effectively.
5. Looking at your statement once more, consider this: Is the problem or question really
what you want to investigate?
Revised Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this research study is to explore and analyze the multifaceted impact of
artificial intelligence (AI) integration on job displacement and workforce adaptation
within the software engineering industry. By employing a combination of qualitative and
quantitative methodologies, including interviews, surveys, and data analysis, this study
aims to uncover nuanced insights into how AI adoption reshapes job roles, skill
requirements, and career trajectories for software engineers. Through a detailed
examination of AI adoption patterns in software development practices, the research
seeks to provide actionable recommendations for organizational decision-making and
workforce development initiatives.
6. Show some of your colleagues or fellow students your work. Ask them to consider the
questions listed in Items 2 and 4 and then to give you their comments. With your
compiled feedback, rewrite your purpose statement once again
First Feedback: "The purpose statement is clear, but it would be helpful to focus on a
specific aspect of AI's impact, such as its effect on job roles or skill requirements, to
provide a more targeted investigation."
Second Feedback: "It would be beneficial to include details on the research methods
employed, such as case studies, surveys, or interviews, to ensure the study's credibility
and robustness."
Third Feedback: "While the purpose statement outlines the research's importance,
emphasizing the practical implications for software engineering practices and workforce
development would enhance its relevance."
Fourth Feedback: "Considering the rapidly evolving nature of the software engineering
industry, it would be valuable to address current trends or emerging technologies
related to AI integration in the purpose statement."

Based on these feedback points, I revised and improved the purpose statement:
Final Revised Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this research study is to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence
(AI) integration on job roles and workforce dynamics within the software engineering
industry. Through a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative interviews and
quantitative surveys, the study aims to explore how AI technologies reshape job roles,
skill requirements, and career trajectories for software engineers. Specifically, the
research will focus on the adoption of AI in software development practices, including
its effects on task automation, skill evolution, and job displacement. By providing
insights into the practical implications of AI integration for software engineering
practices and workforce development strategies, the study aims to inform
organizational decision-making and contribute to the ongoing discourse on AI's role in
shaping the future of work in the software engineering domain.

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