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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Literature Review on Employee Engagement and

Organisational Performance

Crafting a comprehensive literature review on the intricate relationship between employee

engagement and organizational performance is no easy feat. It requires diligent research, critical
analysis, and adept synthesis of scholarly works spanning various disciplines. As one delves into this
dynamic field, the complexity of navigating through vast amounts of literature becomes evident.

The process of writing a literature review demands meticulous attention to detail and a deep
understanding of the subject matter. Identifying relevant sources, evaluating their credibility, and
synthesizing diverse perspectives into a coherent narrative pose significant challenges. Moreover,
interpreting the findings and drawing meaningful conclusions require a nuanced understanding of the
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The reason is the consequence of the employee engagement, namely employee job performance and
organizational financial performance. Steven Wallach Exploring the Relationship between HR
Practices and Employee Retention: A Stu. Every organization seeks to retain their employee, frown
at high employee turnover and increase positive organizational outcomes. Engagement and Their
Impacts toward Employee Loyalty. Study of the articles could help in providing a proper guideline
to implement the practical application in regard to increase employee engagement. Add Links Send
readers directly to specific items or pages with shopping and web links. Through this, Kahn inferred
that a worker has to exist both psychologically and physically while executing organizational roles. 2
End of preview Want to access all the pages. The financial performance is concerned with return on
the assets, profits and the return on investment. There is no unified, complete, empirically verified
model of managerial activity leading to employee engagement in the subject literature. The reason is
the consequence of the employee engagement, namely employee job performance and organizational
financial performance. This paper is based upon review of literature and secondary data collected
from various websites, journals, magazines, newspapers and reference books. Similarly perceived
training effectiveness is highly correlated with the job satisfaction of employee, supporting the
findings of Tsai et al (2007). Induction as a Tool to Gain Employee Commitment with Special
Reference to IT. A leader’s attitude and behavior determine whether an organization has an engaged
workforce or not. When these all are present in a job, positive feeling and improved performance will
be noticed. A study stated that a study on factors of employee engagement in food industry in
Jordan hotel. The manager has a major impact on the level of employee commit-ment. However, a
considerable literature stream also suggests that there exist dissatisfaction in From the bulk of
management literature available on performance measurement, comprehensive review outlines have
the aim of delineating performance in a manner that echoes strategic organization goals (Taticchi,
2010). Choose one concept from the given list and explore its influences and impacts. 10 Pages
2595 Words 312 Views Added on 2023-06-04 About This Document This literature review analyzes
the impact of employee engagement on organizational performance. Suggestions presented in this
paper include different employee engagement approaches for new employees like strong induction
programs, rigorous training and development programme, certification programme and giving them a
realistic job preview. The study was qualitative in nature; it explored relevant related literature and
narrowed its scope to examine the antecedent of employee engagement, forms of employee
engagement, critique of employee engagement, the social exchange theory perspective to employee
engagement, and prospect. There has to be a meaningful intersection between what the company is
expecting from the employee and what the employee is expecting from the company. This paper
makes an attempt to study the different theoretical dimensions of employee engagement with the
help of review of literature. The second aspect is the market performance which considerably deals
with the market share, sales and other customer related data. People want to find meaningfulness at
work and will employ discretionary effort in their job roles if the conditions are right. It's like a
masterclass to be explored at your own pace. The paper highlights the conceptualization of employee
engagement, factors that cause it, and its results. It is believed that an organization is a paradigm of
various aspects which range from topics like End of preview Want to access all the pages. By this
Kahn implied that an employee has to be present both physically and psychologically when
performing organizational roles. Further a question arises to decide whether employee engagement is
an attitude or a behavior.
Review of Literature Concept 2: Organizational Performance The organizational performance can be
rightfully defined as the results of an organizations operations and actions which take place during a
particular time period. Appropriate leadership styles and human resource (HR) practices that drive
engagement need to be fostered in organizations to drive performance. The Role of
Constitutionalism, Relationship and Co-operation in Teacher’s Liv. Organizations set standards for
Results: 40 articles are included in this integrative literature review. The present paper aims to
understand the basic concept of employee engagement and to study the different dimensions of
employee engagement with the help of review of literature. Exploring the Relationship between HR
Practices and Employee Retention: A Stu. It also discusses the importance of leadership, social
support, communication, and job characteristics in achieving employee engagement. Training implies
constructive development in such organizational motives for optimum enhancement of quality of
work life of the employees. The paper focuses on various dimensions of employee engagement with
its definitions and the various frameworks. The purpose of this paper is to explore what type of
leadership style is more conducive to increasing the levels of employee engagement. To accomplish
their talent management goals, organizations must move beyond employee motivation strategies and
towards increasing the levels of employee engagement. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full
PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. However, for the
purpose of the report, the review will concentrate on the overall welfare of the organizational
performance like the profits, customers earned and the value added. The Role of Constitutionalism,
Relationship and Co-operation in Teacher’s Liv. This literature review examined peer-reviewed
journal articles, working papers, books and other published resources on the internet. Performance
evaluation links the goals and objectives of an organization with the individual actions and behavior.
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN (Print): 0974-6846. DOI. Performance evaluation
looks at the issues that lead to progress in the daily activities of employees. An engaged employee is
aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the
benefit of the organization. Most of these organizations used to think of capital simply as shares,
cash, investments, or some sort of wealth. This paper is based upon review of literature and
secondary data collected from various websites, journals, magazines, newspapers and reference
books. Managers can redesign the work and policy on the basis of the factors presented in this paper
would lead to happy workforce. Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Turnover of Information
Technology Workers. Moreover limited studies that looked into employee performance had not
integrated all dimensions of employee engagement. In the present study, questionnaire were used as
an instrument of primary data collection.For clear analysis, the study centers on two Literature
review 2.1 Introduction Performance evaluation is an aspect of organizational progress that facilitates
productivity and innovation. Recruitment and selection play an effective role in improving the
organizational performance, because recruitment directly is relating with employee engagement. The
thesis is a literature research and thus a review by the work of others. International Journal of
Economics and Financial Issues, 5(Special Issue) 63-69. Employee Attrition Rate, MBA HR, Final
Project Report. It examines the concepts of employee engagement and organizational performance,
and their relationship.
Subodh G Krishna A project report on job satisfaction of employees in dena bank A project report on
job satisfaction of employees in dena bank sujayshetty12 Employee Attrition Rate, MBA HR, Final
Project Report. These types of training and development programs help in improving the employee
behaviour and attitude towards the job and also uplift their morale. SHANLAX INTERNATIONAL
JOURNAL OF COMMERCE Employee Engagement has been emerged as a motivational factor
towards Organization’s Objectives achievement. The study also focused on measuring the Employee
Engagement in relation with the Organizational Performance focusing on non-financial factors. AI
Publications The Role of Constitutionalism, Relationship and Co-operation in Teacher’s Liv. Four
major gaps were identified through the review. In present day, where is large-scale competition in the
market, it is necessary for the organization to have engaged workforce for the survival and smooth
functioning of the organization. Download Free PDF View PDF Employee engagement: conceptual
clarification from existing confusion and towards an instrument of measuring it Kennedy
Gunawardana Abstract In the literature of Human Resource Management and Organizational
Behavior, it seems that growing attention has been given to employee engagement which is an
employee related outcome contributing to organizational effectiveness. Through this, Kahn inferred
that a worker has to exist both psychologically and physically while executing organizational roles. 2
End of preview Want to access all the pages. The available studies indicate numerous connections
between the different aspects of the leader’s performance and employee engagement. They helpdrive
a competitive edge,a growing competitive business environment. This paper thus proposes a
conceptual integration between all dimensions of employee engagement and employee performance.
By this Kahn implied that an employee has to be present both physically and psychologically when
performing organizational roles. The employees The research objective of this paper is analyze the
importance of the employee motivation for bring the large scale productivity in an organization. Job
Satisfaction, Employees Commitment and Turn over Intention. Since different measures are being
developed and used, there is little consistency and consensus regarding what drives engagement and
how engagement can be developed or increased. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. If an Organization wants
to achieve its goal, it has to utilize its Human resource only by Employee Engagement. Organization
use talent management in order to achieve some of their goals, such as competitive advantage,
retention, and increase productivity. Engagement is known to be manifested in an employees’ deep
interest in the organization’s principles and in an inculcation of a sense of job satisfaction and
commitment. In Armco Health Center, the quality of employee performance is measured by three
individual measures of employee performance. Expand 10,326 PDF 1 Excerpt Save “Same Same”
But Different?: Can Work Engagement Be Discriminated from Job Involvement and Organizational
Commitment? U. Hallberg W. Schaufeli Business, Psychology 2006 The present study investigates
whether work engagement (measured by the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale; UWES) could be
empirically separated from job involvement and organizational commitment. Employee engagement
is a relationship between the employee and the enterprise, an engaged employee is the one who is
entirely engrossed in and ardent about their work and so takes positive steps to further the
organisation's prestige and interests. This study aims to analyze the role of employee engagement as
a discussion of human resource management, from Khan which focuses on the condition of human
psychology, and how this view was developed in the following years by other researchers. Employee
Engagement is an emerging topic being studied with differing conceptualizations and lack of clear
definition. The review is to rely solely on information that comes from peer-reviewed academic
journal articles. 9 Pages 2083 Words 214 Views Added on 2023-06-10 About This Document This
paper reviews the literature on organizational behaviour and management to discover the extents and
backgrounds of employee engagement, its causes, and results. The results showed that there was an
increase in the engagement topic study. Employee engagement is a relatively new but extremely
popular concept in the field of Human Resource Development. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Research 19:12, 1359-1380. Also an attempt was made to decide whether employee engagement is
an attitude or a behavior, and to explore its dimensions and elements for the purpose of developing
an instrument to measure the variables of employee engagement.
Organizational leaders are in the position to increase their employees' engagement levels and do more
than just motivate them. Having employees with high engagement is not easy for a company. It
combines elements of belonging, commitment, motivation, readiness and productivity. Induction as a
Tool to Gain Employee Commitment with Special Reference to IT. An engaged employee is aware of
business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of
the organization. It examines the concepts of employee engagement and organizational performance,
and their relationship. There is a conceptual confusion with regard to the meaning of employee
engagement, as there are several associated terms such as job satisfaction, job involvement, work
involvement, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior which have been
used in the literature either synonymously or non-synonymously in addition to the labels of
engagement. There is increase in the chances of the business success due to this approach, adds to
individual and organizational performance, well-being, and productivity. In Armco Health Center,
the quality of employee performance is measured by three individual measures of employee
performance. This paper makes an attempt to critically review the existing literature around the
construct and identify research gaps in the field for systematic empirical investigation in order to
substantiate future studies. Recruitment and selection play an effective role in improving the
organizational performance, because recruitment directly is relating with employee engagement.
Engaged employee is the instrument of organizational success. To instill higher levels of engagement,
leaders need to be very aware of the impact of their own behavior. In a work context, the value of
employee engagement as a continuous activity to work jointly with collectively discussed inputs is
known to produce positive outcomes in an organization in terms of efficiency, productivity and
innovation. People want to find meaningfulness at work and will employ discretionary effort in their
job roles if the conditions are right. Since Employee engagement is a fairly novel concept thus a lot
of measurement metrics are not present to find out direct relationship between employee engagement
and its impact on the performance of employees thus the purpose of this paper is to find out an
Impact of employee engagement on the performance of the employees. Review of literature was
done in order to examine the gaps in the current literature. Each of the profiles has been
characterised by the tasks performed. By this Kahn implied that an employee has to be present both
physically and psychologically when performing organizational roles. Download Free PDF View
PDF Towards a Conceptualization and an Operationalization of the Construct of Employee
Engagement Kennedy Gunawardana Employees are generally considered as the most important
resource needed for an organization to achieve its main goals. Realization of goals achievement
heavily depends on the extent to which these employees are engaged in their jobs and their
organization. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. This development has
increased the quest to understand employee engagement and inherently, necessitated the need for
this study. The performance standards are quantified and pegged against an individual evaluation
which is essential for employee motivation. To browse and the wider internet faster
and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Employee engagement is the
level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values.
The human resources management help achieve an organization’s objectives by maximizing employee
engagement and employee satisfaction. To accomplish their talent management goals, organizations
must move beyond employee motivation strategies and towards increasing the levels of employee
engagement. However, the construct of employee engagement is very vague and different researchers
have defined and measured the construct differently. Employee engagement has been linked to
positive organizational outcomes.
More Features Connections Canva Create professional content with Canva, including presentations,
catalogs, and more. The study also focused on measuring the Employee Engagement in relation with
the Organizational Performance focusing on non-financial factors. Organization use talent
management in order to achieve some of their goals, such as competitive advantage, retention, and
increase productivity. It also discusses the importance of leadership, social support, communication,
and job characteristics in achieving employee engagement. Training implies constructive
development in such organizational motives for optimum enhancement of quality of work life of the
employees. These articles revealed the existence of positive linkage between employee engagement
with work and Organizational performance. Lastly, implications and conclusions bring this paper to
a close. Choose one concept from the given list and explore its influences and impacts. Engaged
employee is the dream of every Chief executive officer. Significant managers’ actions affecting
employee engagement have been identified. Organizational performance can be stated to be a broad
construct which tends to measure what the actions of the firm are, what constituencies do they build
and what are their aims and objectives with respect to the long run of the organization. Download
Free PDF View PDF Employee Engagement: A Shared Practice in Varied Organizations IJSRP
Journal Employee Engagement is an important driver in an organization to achieve its goals.
Employee engagement has been known to have a strong impact on the motivational aspect of the
employee which can then have an impact on the performance of the firm on the whole. As a result of
this, the construct of engagement is shrouded by a cloud of ambiguity. You can download the paper
by clicking the button above. The paper concludes that employee engagement has a positive impact
on organizational performance. Due to globalization, companies are changing their structure and
competing in a bigger arena. To examine the impact of Gender, age and years of experience on
organizational performance in the Eravurpatru Divisional Secretariat? 2. Download Free PDF View
PDF Labor et Educatio Nature of Employee Engagement: Rethinking its Levels Manoaj Keppetipola
Employee engagement is a human resource facet. These types of training and development programs
help in improving the employee behaviour and attitude towards the job and also uplift their morale.
Training implies constructive development in such organizational motives for optimum enhancement
of quality of work life of the employees. The empirical study is based on the data collected from 340
front-line employees from five organizations across the service sector in the Delhi-National Capital
Region (NCR). The objective of this conceptual paper is to articulate the progress that has been
made in understanding employee motivation and organizational performance, and to suggest how the
theory concerning employee motivation and organizational performance may be advanced.
Performance evaluation looks at the issues that lead to progress in the daily activities of employees.
The available studies indicate numerous connections between the different aspects of the leader’s
performance and employee engagement. Literature review has shown prior research work done in
this area. To improve employee engagement and to give full play to the employee potential ability is
a magic weapon to obtain success. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Exploring the Relationship between HR
Practices and Employee Retention: A Stu. Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance
With Special Reference to.
The performance standards are quantified and pegged against an individual evaluation which is
essential for employee motivation. Steven Wallach Exploring the Relationship between HR Practices
and Employee Retention: A Stu. Research shows that committed employees perform better. These
articles revealed the existence of positive linkage between employee engagement with work and
Organizational performance. If an Organization wants to achieve its goal, it has to utilize its Human
resource only by Employee Engagement. Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance
With Special Reference to. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging
content for every channel. RELATED TOPICS Behavior Performance Commitment Involvement
Discretionary Effort See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job
Board We're Hiring. The paper will highlight the conceptualization of employee engagement, a
factor that causes it and its results. The reason is the consequence of the employee engagement,
namely employee job performance and organizational financial performance. Satisfaction. Business,
Management and Education 13:2, 175-202. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within
your publication. Organizational leaders are in the position to increase their employees' engagement
levels and do more than just motivate them. To improve employee engagement and to give full play
to the employee potential ability is a magic weapon to obtain success. Transforming leaders with a
great vision about their. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, (IOSR-JBM) e-. Digital Sales
Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. The review is to
rely solely on information that comes from peer-reviewed academic journal articles. It examines the
concepts of employee engagement and organizational performance, and their relationship. The
studies concerned with employee engagement revels that factors like level of employee. Employee
engagement is a relationship between the employee and the enterprise, an engaged employee is the
one who is entirely engrossed in and ardent about their work and so takes positive steps to further
the organisation's prestige and interests. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol2
No3, 232-241. Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance With Special Reference to.
The paper concludes that employee engagement is an essential human resource variable for most
companies and is crucial for effective management of business operations. Every organization seeks
to retain their employee, frown at high employee turnover and increase positive organizational
outcomes. Significant managers’ actions affecting employee engagement have been identified. There
is a conceptual confusion with regard to the meaning of employee engagement, as there are several
associated terms such as job satisfaction, job involvement, work involvement, organizational
commitment and organizational citizenship behavior which have been used in the literature either
synonymously or non-synonymously in addition to the labels of engagement. First, employee
engagement and leadership are discussed followed by an exploration of what leadership style is more
conducive to increasing employee engagement levels. An engagedemployee is aware of business
context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the jobfor the benefit of the
organization. However, the construct of employee engagement is very vague and different researchers
have defined and measured the construct differently.
Employee engagement develops positive attitude among the employeestowards the organization.
Exploring the Relationship between HR Practices and Employee Retention: A Stu. Download Free
PDF View PDF Towards a Conceptualization and an Operationalization of the Construct of
Employee Engagement Kennedy Gunawardana Employees are generally considered as the most
important resource needed for an organization to achieve its main goals. Most of these organizations
used to think of capital simply as shares, cash, investments, or some sort of wealth. It has been
discussed by many of HRD practitioners lately because it is believed to have positive impacts toward
performance, work attitude and work behavior. These outlines possess fundamental attributes that
assist in pinpointing the apposite series of standards against which Present research study assesses
empirically the effect of employee's motivation on organizational performance. A Study on Employee
Perception towards Organisational Climate and HR Practice. The Role of Constitutionalism,
Relationship and Co-operation in Teacher’s Liv. A Study Of The Effect Of Organization, Employees
Opinion, Experience And Comm. By this Kahn implied that an employee has to be present both
physically and psychologically when performing organizational roles. By reviewing various literature
studies, the researcher found that theses all factors influencing the employees for higher level of
engagement in organizations. Overview of topic Employee engagement is an approach of workplace
that helps in bringing right situations for every member of the company to contribute their best
efforts every day, committed to their values and goals of the company, encouraged to add something
to the success of the company, with an improved sense of their own comfort. Download Free PDF
View PDF PARIPEX INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH Improving and Enhancing the Level of
Employee Engagement in Modern Era Gunjan Anand Engaged employees are the true assets and
retaining them depends on their adaptation of existing and challenging culture of the organization.
The results from this study reveal significant relationships between leadership styles and employee
engagement. Literature review In a complex and dynamic environment, leader of the organization
used to create the environment in which employee feel trusted and are empowered to take decisions
in the organization which leads to enhance motivation level of employee and ultimately
organizational performance are enhanced. Those articles were selected where the term employee
engagement featured either in the title or in the abstract. Journal of Economics and Behavioral
Studies Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 423-430s. In the present study, questionnaire were used as an instrument
of primary data collection.For clear analysis, the study centers on two. The study highlights the
importance and the significant role of employee engagement and the role leadership styles play in
developing a culture of engagement. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Various studies has been done in the area of
employee retention and engagement worldwide. The review of literature method in current study it is
a relevant research approach for defining. This paper aims to analyze the drivers of employee
motivation to high levels of organizational performance. Literature review has shown prior research
work done in this area. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(Special Issue) 63-
69. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 5192.2013.876440. Semantic
Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI.
Talent management has emerged as an area in which organizations, and especially human resource
professionals, can spend time and resources to develop a workforce that gives them a competitive
and strategic advantage. Download Free PDF View PDF Employee engagement: conceptual
clarification from existing confusion and towards an instrument of measuring it Kennedy
Gunawardana Abstract In the literature of Human Resource Management and Organizational
Behavior, it seems that growing attention has been given to employee engagement which is an
employee related outcome contributing to organizational effectiveness. The paper focuses on various
dimensions of employee engagement with its definitions and the various frameworks.

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