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Title: Simplify Your Research: Mobile Learning Literature Review Made Easy

Welcome to ⇒ ⇔, where we understand the challenges of crafting a comprehensive

literature review, especially when it comes to a complex topic like mobile learning. As researchers
and academics ourselves, we recognize the time, effort, and expertise required to sift through
countless scholarly articles and synthesize them into a coherent narrative.

Writing a literature review on mobile learning can be particularly daunting due to the vast amount of
literature available, spanning various disciplines such as education, technology, psychology, and
more. Navigating through this vast sea of information, identifying relevant sources, and critically
analyzing them requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also considerable
research skills.

Moreover, keeping up with the latest advancements and trends in mobile learning adds another layer
of complexity to the task. As the field continues to evolve rapidly with the emergence of new
technologies and pedagogical approaches, staying updated becomes crucial for producing a literature
review that is both comprehensive and insightful.

Attempting to tackle these challenges alone can be overwhelming and time-consuming, leaving
many researchers feeling frustrated and stuck. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in to simplify
your research process and alleviate the burden of writing a literature review on mobile learning.

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By entrusting your literature review to us, you can save valuable time and energy while ensuring that
your work meets the highest academic standards. Our writers are adept at conducting comprehensive
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coherent narrative that highlights the latest developments and insights in mobile learning.

Furthermore, we understand the importance of originality and academic integrity, which is why we
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Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review on mobile learning hinder your research
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As shown in Table 4, we have found 56 papers met the minimum quality criteria and were examined
in detail; 33 of them use personalized learning, 17 adaptive learning, three individualized instruction,
and three customized learning. Most of the studies agree that eOL provides employees, managers,
and even clients with opportunities to learn in a more differentiated manner, compared to formal and
face-to-face learning. Download Free PDF View PDF Mobile Learning: Perspectives on Practice and
Policy. As the amount of medical information continues to grow, timely access to information is
critical to medical personnel. We need to promote the culture of strong people help weak people. In
as many facets as teachers differ so too do the online VLE tools that may be utilized to deliver
programming and the effects of each LMS’s nuances can be difficult to account for and isolate as
non-contributing factors within the studies. Based on the instructors’ and students’ interviews, and
document analysis of course outlines, two major principles, consolidation and extension,
differentiating the design of the three courses, are identified. To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. If material is
not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from
the copyright holder. This notion has evolved from one-on-one human tutoring. Relevance of the
curriculum structure to students’ learning The feeling of being stressed by the compact courses and
the required learning material in the curriculum was shared by many students. AM Publications THE
were selected as they provided the widest catchment for the screening process required for this
scoping review; in particular, the search term virtual learning environment was selected to identify
research that was specific to an interactive context of online learning, as opposed to, for instance,
online learning structured as a correspondence course. Batteries are the largest single source of
weight in a portable computer. In addition, we have synthesized the extracted challenges and
opportunities and proposed a research agenda consisting of five elements that provide suggestions on
how researchers could approach these challenges and exploit the opportunities. The students’
reflections highlighted an appreciation for the college’s concerted efforts to improve the deficits in
clinical exposure, underlining the institutional responsibility of enhancing the students’ practical
learning experience. PDF Perception of Students towards Online Learning: A Review of Literature
This literature review aims to explore the perception of students towards online learning. This will
allow meta-analyses to be conducted and it will also identify the potential effects of a firm’s size or
area on the performance and other aspects relating to organizational value. Moreover, it seems in
education industry terms are quite varied, but when it comes to academia, it is mostly adaptive
learning and personalized learning being used interchangeably Rastegarmoghadam and Ziarati ( 2017
); however, mostly adaptive learning is being used when it is technology-enhanced learning. Some
studies focused on the use of mobile devices in the. Students praised the faculty’s efforts in
establishing mentorship and guidance through uncertainties, albeit suggesting the need for more
consistent interactions. Hence, the main objective of this project is to develop a platform for the
students to use the UTP E-Learning website through a mobile device (Android). As educational
technologies began to mature in the last half of the previous century, personalized learning took the
form of intelligent tutoring systems. In this century, big data and learning analytics are poised to
transform personalized learning once again. Stress and its effects on medical students: a cross-
sectional study at a college of medicine in Saudi Arabia. In an earlier section of this scoping review,
we referenced the lack of research as a product of the field being relatively novel in nature. So, for
example, blended learning can occur when online instructional tools are used to support face-to-face
learning in a classroom, or when some face-to-face instruction is interspersed with online learning as
part of a longer course. Educational factors Decisions about the importance and relevance of their
learning. Zhang,yixin investigating effectiveness of using handheld computers nftej v21. A
considerable number of studies utilized the firm (rather than the individual employee) as the unit of
analysis. We applied eight quality criteria informed by the proposed Critical Appraisal Skills
Programme (CASP) and related works (Dyba and Dingsoyr 2008 ).
BMC Med Educ. 2019;19(1):312.. Mirza AA, Baarimah H, Baig M, Mirza AA, Halawani MA,
Beyari GM, et al. Does inducing students to schedule lecture watching in online classes improve
their academic performance. Association of the different e-learning technologies with the objectives
investigated in the various studies. We follow the definition offered by the U.S. Department of
Education and note that individualized learning in school systems requires significant technology
support, such as big data and learning analytics. Washington, DC: Office of Educational Technology.
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology (2017 ). Students in Croatia”,
Central Europian Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, Sept. 23-25,2016.(pp. For
these families, school boards in Ontario created whole virtual schools or adopted a form of hybrid
learning that would accommodate student from Junior Kindergarten through to Grade 12. The
analysis of these terms guided the systematic review of the research literature that follows. Chang
and Hannafin (2015) add that it will be important to consider the unique traits of adult-learners and
the impact that online collaboration tools may have on learning for this group. The search process
uncovered 2,347 peer-reviewed articles. 3.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria The selection phase
determines the overall validity of the literature review, and thus it is important to define specific
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Notably, the educational institution’s role, including that of faculties,
has been addressed in literature. For most studies, the individual participant (40) was the unit of
analysis, with few studies having the firm as the unit of analysis, and only one study using the
training session as a unit of analysis. The keyword determination method was conducted using a
snowballing process to identify the reflections or keywords relevant to this study. Retrieved April 3,
2020, from Writers, S. (2018, February 14). The rationale for focusing on this span of just over a
decade was to draw our attention to the most recent research evidence related to our question. An
experimental analysis of a time management intervention. Learning which requires the use mobile
devices which are personal. Investment in innovative tools and technologies is necessary to keep the
VLE from becoming stagnant for students and, depending on the technology, can promote healthy,
rich, and meaningful student interactions (Du et al., 2019 ). There is promising research in the use of
tools such as AR, VR, 3DVR and 3DVE to create experiences and spaces that allow students to
attend to one another virtually. Exploring the Role of Teacher-Student relationships in Academic
Achievement: a qualitative study in primary schools. The nuances and features of each of the
methods are considered The process is described, and the basic principles of creating curricula are
described taking into account the specifics of the mixed form of training. It should be tailored to and
continuously modified to an individual learner’s conditions, abilities, preferences, background
knowledge, interests, and goals and adaptable to the learner’s evolving skills and knowledge
(Sampson, Karagiannidis and Kinshuk, 2002; Sharples, 2000 ). We need to promote the culture of
strong people help weak people. Messinger, J. (2011). m-learning: an exploration of the attitudes and
perceptions of high school students versus teachers regarding the current and future use of mobile.
In conjunction with a well-designed curriculum, instructional practice plays a crucial role in how
children learn. In addition, we have synthesized the extracted challenges and opportunities and
proposed a research agenda consisting of five elements that provide suggestions on how researchers
could approach these challenges and exploit the opportunities. Mobile learning anytime, anywhere:
What are our students doing. The MOBILE consists of a mobile learning server and mobile learning
tools, which is able to support in- or outdoor learning activities. The consolidation principle
emphasises designing different types of activities for students to think again, so that their knowledge
can be consolidated. Taking a more student-centred approach during online instruction fits with
features of the online environment. Our personal experience of in-person learning after the initial
lockdown was atypical: though there was slight excitement the first day, this waned quickly and by
the end of the week students were behaving very differently than they had been in March.
Because the discussion happens asynchronously, students have time to ruminate over the ideas
presented and respond in a more thoughtful manner (Roberts, 2004). (Bates, 2015) Another
important element of the Online Collaborative Learning model depicted above is the role of the
teacher. Virtual and augmented reality effects on K-12, higher and tertiary education students’
twenty-first century skills. It is our view that findings of studies with a less than thirty sample size
should be interpreted cautiously, as the dynamics and pressures conspicuous in an average sized class
cannot be accurately measured. Other studies have focused on the importance of communication
through different social channels to develop understanding of new technology, to overcome the
challenges employees face when engaging with new technology, and, thereby, to support
organizational learning (Menolli et al. 2020 ). By considering the related work in the area of
organizational learning, we identified a gap in aligning an organization’s learning needs with the
capabilities offered by the various technologies. Coda: review and revise It is fair to say that the
move to an entirely distance learning programme is the single biggest and most rapid change that
many educators will ever have had to make. When this disconnect occurred, teachers were advised
to continue to call the student and encourage them to login to their VLEs, but this consistent check-
in by four teachers at least once a week to each family began to feel at best like nagging and, at
worst, an intrusion. Both the preclinical and clinical phases of the MBBS program were well
represented. In this case, peer feedback is used to strengthen their work. Emphasizing practical
applications in the curriculum is crucial to bridge the gap between theory and practice, making
learning more relevant and engaging for students. Learning has been defined as a stable and
persistent change in what a person knows and can do. They finalized the papers to be reviewed,
depending on the content of the papers’ content and quality. Student involvement in decision-
making processes is essential for fostering a sense of ownership in their educational journey.
Furthermore, we, along with many educational technologists, believe an efficient personalized
learning approach can increase learners’ motivation and engagement in learning activities so that
improved learning results. Researchers could not locate a systematic literature review on
personalized learning terms that review the terms that have been used for personalized learning, and
it is important to address this need. The adaptive learning system is built on principles that have been
around for a very long time dating back to the era of apprenticeship training and human tutoring.
Another limitation to this scoping review related to participant selection is the scale and size of many
of the studies. Additionally, peers can respond to posts in video form. The results illustrate various
issues and positive aspects related to the educational facilities and environment experienced by
students. The inclusion of the remaining 63 articles was based on their titles and abstracts having
expressed: (1) the use of an online modality that would implicitly involve the visual presence of an
educator, and (2) the interest in the contexts of the learners’ experiences being a result of the
instruction provided. The students expressed their concerns with the limited clinical exposure and
constraints faced due to limited patient availability and the absence of a university hospital. This will
allow meta-analyses to be conducted and it will also identify the potential effects of a firm’s size or
area on the performance and other aspects relating to organizational value. I saved as a favorite it to
my bookmark site list and will be checking back soon. K-12 students often spend more than half their
waking hours in school environments and VLEs; it is notably unclear why most of the studies
observed in this scoping review are unilaterally disinterested in exploring an identified area of need
for mental health support. Personalized learning is not the only way to think about teaching and
learning. The following question often arises: In which proportion should they be used by teachers
and by students. A manual search conducted prior to the exercise of prescribed database search-terms
warranted the inclusion of one other meta-analysis authored by Mesman et al. ( 2009 ) which is noted
in the introduction section of this scoping review. It is further compounded in the noting of pre-
existing intervention groupings as it is perhaps the result of simple pragmatism in observing VLE
implementations where they are available to be observed. Factors considered by medical students
when formulating their specialty preferences in Japan: findings from a qualitative study. The content
of online discussions can be retrieved at a later time. Perceptions of competence have expanded;
work styles are shifting.

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