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4:30 – 5:15

Classroom book: Picture Dictionary - Unit 6 Fruit in the Gym.

Workbook: Book 1 – for homework ( I assign 6 pages for homework )

Rissa. She`s very nice girl, likes to hug me every time and eager to learn more. She can recognize some upper-case
and lower-case letters and need more practice. She can answer simple questions in the Q&A 1-20.

Yusei. Very cute boy and sometimes naughty and playful but if you ask him to stop, he will listen and try to focus on
the lesson. He can recognize some upper-case and lower-case letters and need more practice. He can answer simple
questions in the Q&A 1-20.

Momoka. A very cute and sweet girl. She`s very smart and she can recognize all the alphabet and can answer simple
questions in the Q&A 1-20. She`s the youngest in this group but she tries to keep up in the lesson.

5:30 – 6:20
Classroom book: My First Grammar 1 – Unit 9 ( We answer 2 pages every lesson and I give them a test every unit )
Workbook: Book 4 -for homework and seatwork ( I assign 2 pages for homework) We just started to use this book.

Note: We started writing their diary as a homework.

Haru. He`s the youngest in this class but he tries to keep up with in the lesson and has wide vocabulary.
Sometimes he takes time to answer some questions because he doesn`t want to make mistake and good reading
skills but need more practice on writing.

Tsubaki. Very sweet and eager to learn more. Good reading and writing skills and has a great attitude in the class. If
she speaks in a low voice that means she`s not sure with her answer.

6:30 -7:20
Classroom book: My First Grammar 1 – Unit 11 (We answer 2 pages every lesson and I give them a test every unit)

Workbook: Book 3 - For homework and seatwork. (Currently they are learning consonant digraphs “sh” .)

Yuzu. She`s very sweet girl and eager to learn more. Good reading skills but need more practice in her writing skills.
The grammar book is kind a hard for her because of her age but she tries to keep up with the lesson. She cries
sometimes if she can`t answer some questions so I tried to encourage her to make her feel better.

Nico. She`s 5 years older than Yuzu and very sweet and kind. Always helping Yuzu in the lesson. Has a good reading
skill and writing skill and eager to learn more.

7:30 -8:00

Classroom book: Talk a lot ( We discuss the questions first to make sure he understands every number then we go to
listening and check the answers. )

Tatsuya. Low intermediate level. He has a good reading skill but some question in the book is confusing to him
specially if he`s tired and sleepy. Sometimes I find it hard to explain the question so we google translate it.

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