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The color that I would never wear is orange because form orange will clash with my
personal style. I find that it does not match with my skin color and make me look
more yellow. Also, it may not always harmonize well with other colors or create a
pleasing visual balance, making it difficult for matching a great outfit. Orange is a
vibrant color, too, so it can draw the attention of people away from my natural
features. Instead, I will prefer to use more neutral colors as black, white, and nude,
that I think matches better my skin tone and make me have a better silhouette.

2. My favorite brand in technology devices is Apple. Apple has established a

reputation for its innovation products. Like for example the iPhone that
transformed the mobile industry or the MacBook laptops that are perfect for
everything and their iPads that are super practical for working and designing
things. Also, their design is beautiful, their colors are gorgeous, and the software
speed are perfect for absolute everything. Sometimes their prices are expensive
but there are totally worth the price because they will last forever.

3. Yes, I do shop online, and I prefer doing that than going to the place because I find
really stressing the amount of people there and the long lines to pay. So, I prefer
doing online shopping, is faster, have better discounts and I can buy it multiple
stores at the same time while lying in my bed very relax. Also, Online platforms
offer an extensive selection of products that I would not find in the local store. And
the most important thing is that online stores are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a

Lo mejor que he comprado en mi vida es un perfume en Europa. Porque

literalmente lo uso para absolutamente todo, desde salir con mis amigos hasta para
ir a fiestas. Además cabe absolutamente en todos mis bolsos y no pesa nada. Su
aroma es delicioso, cada vez que salgo todos me preguntan cual es. La verdad fue
un poco costoso, pero valio totalmente la pena.

4. On vacation I usually go to Cartagena with my family. We love to enjoy the beach

and at night we go to a restaurant to eat delicious food and enjoy the music and
atmosphere of the city center. In addition, you have the possibility to visit the
islands and that plan is super fun to go with my family and friends. Also, it is super
close and fast to go from Barranquilla to Cartagena and the truth is that the beach,
sun and sand on vacation is the best plan in the world.

A. I think white is a color that has a real meaning because I am religious and for
my religion white represent peace. I also believe that white represents purity
and that is why brides wear a white dress. In addition, it also represents
cleanliness and spaciousness and I love the color white for interior decoration.
In addition, the color white is widely recognized as having a positive and
beautiful meaning in many cultures and contexts. So, I do thing white have a
real meaning in a lot of areas like religious or decoration.

B. Regarding this sentence I have a divided opinion. I feel that the amount of
money that is needed depends on the plan that we want to do. If we go on a
trip to another country with a different currency, obviously we will need more
money than if we go to a beach within the same city. So yes, I think that
sometimes you need a lot of money to be able to enjoy a vacation, but other
times, with little money, you can make a super cool plan.

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