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Members: Rich Nathaniel S. Arimado

__________________________________ Section: STEM 11E

Teacher: Ms. Meldren Torrevillas Date Submitted: October 31, 2021

Activity 16. Concept Paper

Propose a program to be implemented in a community that would help to conserve and protect the soil
and water resources. Below are the parts of a Project Concept Paper that you should follow. Once done,
submit your file in the google classroom.
Parts of a Project Concept Paper
Introduction: Arouse the interest of the reader/target sponsor by showing your understanding of their mission.
Identify your (organization’s) mission and show how your mission dovetails with the reader’s priorities.
Purpose: Identify a problem or need of the reader that you wish to address and justify the need for your
proposed project.
Project Description: Describe the activities that your project will undertake to address the problem/need. Point
out the strengths of your approach. Discuss the general impact of your proposed project: what will be the
outcome, who will be affected?
Objectives: States specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) objectives of the
Methodology/Project Design: Enumerate the steps/procedures to implement the project.
Project Needs: Make a list of materials, personnel, equipment, and space that will be needed to carry out the
project. Include a cost estimate.
Timetable: Make an estimate of the time it will take for the completion of the project.

Write below your concept paper:

(You can use another paper)

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