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Maria Aurora Merino Abrego

Grupo 451

Matrícula: 2113467


Messenger is one of the most used messaging applications today. To the enter in
this plataform, it offers the possibility of communicating instantly whoever, like
friends and family, regardless of distance. In addition, it allows you to send voice
messages, make video calls and share files easily. Trough it has lost popularity
compared to other social media applications, it is still a very useful tool to stay in
touch with people close to you.


Trough of messenger Instagram has become a very popular platform for sharing
visual content. Through this social network, users can publish and look up photos,
videos and stories to share special moments with their followers. In addition, it has
messaging functions that allow you to communicate directly with other users.
Although its main focus is visual content, Instagram also offers the ability to send
written messages and make video calls, making it a versatile tool for online

Connector: also

Connector: in addition

Adverbs of place: trough

Wh-ever words: whoever

Phrasal verbs: look up

Connector: like

Phrasal verbs: enter

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