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Teachers play a crucial role in promoting social inclusion in

the classroom. Social inclusion is about creating an

environment where all students, regardless of their
background, abilities or characteristics, feel valued, respected
and fully participate in the learning process. Here are several
strategies teachers can employ to ensure their practice
facilitates social inclusion:
Establish a positive classroom culture.
Create a welcoming and respectful atmosphere where
every student feels valued and accepted.
i) Encourage students to make positive environment
ii) Always support students to build positive
iii) Always use examples and evidence when teaching to
create positive relationship with students.
iv) Conduct parents meeting to understand pupils needs.
Learn about students’ backgrounds.
Take the time to understand your students’ cultural, linguistic
and socio-economic backgrounds. This helps you appreciate
their diversity and tailor you teaching methods accordingly.
 Set minimum standards for behaviour so that the
classroom is a safe environment for all. Make sure to
enforce these standards regularly.
 Use inclusive language. i.e the language that everyone
can understand.
 Address bullying and discrimination. Bulling and
discrimination can demotivate individuals and make
them see the class as an unsafe environment. So,
addressing this is very important.
 Regularly evaluate and adjust so that you can make
changes based on the evolving needs of the students.

From Rita Piersons TED talk, we can see the value and
importance of human connection and I believe that the
strategies I have listed above can help create this connection.
As Rita mentioned the toughest kids are never absent. The
strategy listed above will help every student to be motivated
to come to school

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