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Regular attendance is a fundamental aspect of academic success. However, absenteeism among

students has become a prevalent issue in educational institutions worldwide. Nagyantok High
School, like many others, faces the challenge of addressing absenteeism and understanding its
impact on the academic performance of senior high students.

This research aims to examine the effect of absenteeism on academic performance among senior
high students at Nagyantok High School. By investigating the relationship between absenteeism
and academic achievement, this study seeks to provide insights into the consequences of irregular
attendance and the potential implications for students' educational outcomes.

Background of the Study:

Absenteeism refers to the consistent or frequent absence of students from school without valid
reasons. It can be influenced by various factors, including personal, family, and school-related
circumstances. Chronic absenteeism has been associated with negative consequences, such as
lower academic achievement, decreased motivation, and increased dropout rates.

Nagyantok High School, located in [insert location], serves a diverse student population. The
school recognizes the importance of addressing absenteeism as a critical factor that may hinder
students' academic progress and overall success. However, a comprehensive understanding of
the specific effects of absenteeism on academic performance within the senior high school context
is necessary to develop targeted interventions and support systems.

This research will employ a quantitative research design, utilizing attendance records and
academic performance data of senior high students at Nagyantok High School. By analyzing the
attendance patterns and corresponding academic outcomes, the study aims to identify the extent
to which absenteeism impacts students' academic performance.

The findings of this research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on absenteeism and
academic performance, specifically focusing on the senior high school level at Nagyantok High
School. It is anticipated that the results will provide valuable insights for educators, administrators,
and policymakers, enabling them to develop evidence-based strategies and interventions to
mitigate absenteeism and improve educational outcomes.

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