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5 goals in life

By: Julien
Health - Swimming at least 2 times a week
Family - Help my parents water the plants 2 times a week
Hobby - Read about 12 pages a day
A true based “Chinese Cinderella is about a young chinese girl named Adeline
who faces the struggles of being unwanted and unloved. Adeline is seen as bad
luck because her mother died after she was born. Her stepmother Niang, hates
her and favors all other siblings besides Adeline. Adeline achieves academic
awards and good grades in hopes to make her family proud however they still see
her as nothing. Throughout the book she faces many different problems all relating
to her family mistreating her. Adeline is even sent to an orphanage at one point
due to her friends coming to her house to throw a party for her. Not only does she
face physical issues, but Adeline faces mental and emotional issues. Despite
these issues, Adeline stays strong until the end and continues to try her best.
Friends - Spend more time with them at dinner once a week
Study - Practise my guitar once a week

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