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Friend Interview

Julien: Hi everyone, so I am here interviewing with my friend Yong Xuan here and the purpose of this
interview is to talk about what kind of person do you see in me like the characteristics of myself?

Yong Xuan: So I think that you are a hardworking person and you would always do the taksks you
were given with 100% of your effort even if there is something that you wouldn’t know you would try
it our on your own and get it right and I think that you are smart at times.

Julien: So what is your perspective when you see me?

Yong Xuan: So I see you as someone who is responsibility and disciplinary.

Julien: Okay, is there any more elaborations.

Yong Xuan: So, most of the time you would try to read us into doing some tasks doing something for
that other stuff and you would try to put us into order and that is all.

Julien: All right thank you for your time and so yeah that is all for this interview with Yong Xuan here
and Yong Xuan thank you for this interview and thank you for your time and that is all for this
interview thank you very much.

Family Interview
Julien: Hello everyone my name is Julien and today I’m interviewing with my cousin Sheun Sheun
here to talk about what kind of person do you see in me of what of the characteristics about me.

Adrina: Hi I’m Adrina what kind of personality of my cousin is I think he’s very independent person,
he can done things very independently and also done things well and perfectly and this is the things
that I admire with him.

Julien: Okay, what is your perspective when you see me?

Adrina: Like my perspective is that I think that he’s a like a very quiet person like if I talk with him I
can talk very well and also we have sometimes we can also exchange opinions in doing our
assignment too yeah and like the things that you can improve is that you can communicate more
with more friends and also questions beside you.

Julien: I see okay are there any more elaborations.

Adrina: Uh, nothing.

Julien: Ah Okay, so yeah thank for you time and that concludes this interview and Adrina thank you
for your time and thank you for this interview so that is all for this interviewing thank you very much.

Coach Interview
Julien: Hello everyone, my name is Julien and today I am interviewing with Coach Xin Yi here so what
about what kind of person do you see in me of what of the characteristics.
Xin Yi: So you are asking me two questions what kind of person you are then what are your
characteristics right?

Julien: Yes.

Xin Yi: Okay based on since I lecture you since intermediate class okay so from what I see is Jun Hong
is a very I can say a hardworking person also a student who thought very positive learning mindset.
Even though you joined in the age of 15 if I’m not mistaken right 15 years old that time to join us in
Promizzion but I can still see this 15 years old boy is putting his effort in doing his learning
assignment his class and also even though the class is like last time he took like solo one class you
given challenge by me based on different class activity you still positively faced all the challenges also
you overcome them so I actually do heard that the other coaches because after you finished your
intermediate class should be after my coaching session class right?

Julien: Yes.

Xin Yi: So intermediate okay then I think that what I really want say is that wow I’m surprised you are
letting more confidence In your speaking, presentation style and even your elaboration with your
friends and teamwork style with your team growing and then I heard that you went to your advance
class okay to be honest I am very proud of it and I’m very surprised of that because you know I never
expect you to go to advance but you really give me a surprise that you dedicate and determined to
go into advanced class that’s really wow for me and here comes to our nearly stage up assignment
stage for your advanced level which I’m really happy about that so to me to conclude Jun Hong is a
student with hardworking with positive learning and also challengings and that is why I conclude

Julien: Okay so what is your perspective when you see me?

Xin Yi: Can you clarify your question can you elaborate your question?

Julien: Like what do you see in me when you heard the name Julien what is your perspective when
you see me?

Xin Yi: You mean now or last time?

Julien: I mean like can be both.

Xin Yi: Can be both? Last time, my expectation to you are you asking?

Julien: Yes.

Xin Yi: Okay allow me to answer in this way actually I did not have any expectations to Jun Hong but
of course I believe that Jun Hong to be called my student as well because what I feel like expressing
all the student you joined Promizzion as a role of student as a role learner, apprentice and all that.
You have your own thing to build your confidence, to start your confirmational journey, you have
your own direction on what your strategy means so I did not actually set expectation any of my
students so what I can say from here is if you really ask me what kind of things I expect from you I
hope okay I hope Jun Hong can be a confident person and allow to achieve influence other person
positivity so this what my expectation from my student so at least what you learn in foundation you
consider to apply like in Promizzion but also in your daily life to influence the people around you
yeah just to inspire the expectations to students so I hope you can also just thought positive energy
to your friends as well.
Julien: That’s very interesting all right Coach Xin Yi that is all for today thank you for your time and so
yeah that is all for this interview thank you very much.

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