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How to level work/study pressure?

David Coello
Diego Mejia
Esteban Gonzales
Maynor Morel
Noe Coello
Instituto No Gubernamental Bilingüe Florencia
Scientific Project Design
Eleventh Grade
Mrs. Hazael Pineda
October 01th, 2023
Chart#5 How do you feel about the current workload and study?

Category Frequency Percentage

balanced 47 56.6%

little busy 8 9.6%

very overwhelmed 28 33.7%

Source: Instrument applied to university students who are working and studying at the same
time or people who already graduated from university and studied and worked at the same
time at some point of their lives. Between the ages of 20 and 70, San Pedro Sula, Cortes,
September 2023.
Interpretation: According to the survey, 56.6% of the people feel very overwhelmed in their
current work and study, 9.6% of the people feel a balanced load on their work/ study and the
33.7% feel a little busy on their current work and studies.

Analysis: According to the results, the work/study load is very balanced and it is not a
problem for the majority of people but also the ⅓ of the people feel a very overwhelmed load
and that can mean that depending on what are you studying or working, can change your load
or not
Chart #6 What are the biggest challenges you face when trying to balance work and

Category Frequency Percentage

Time 41 49.4%

Load 15 18.7%

Stress 9 10.84%

Family 8 9.64%

Nothing 10 12.5%
Source: Instrument applied to university students who are working and studying at the same
time or people who already graduated from university and studied and worked at the same
time at some point of their lives. Between the ages of 20 and 70, San Pedro Sula, Cortes,
September 2023.
Interpretation: According to the survey, 49.4% of the people’s biggest challenge is time,
18.7% biggest challenge is the load on their work or studies, 10.84% biggest challenge is
stress, 9.64% biggest challenge is the family and the 12.5% does not have any challenge

Analysis: According to the results, the time is the biggest challenge people face when they
try to balance work and study and that happens because sometimes the schedule crash and the
people have to choose which thing they have to leave and that can cause a lot of conflicts on
our daily mental, or sometimes the small amount we have to study or to relax after a busy day
at work or at the university.
Chart#7 Have you established clear goals for both your work and your studies? How do
you handle them?
1st Question

Category Frequency Percentage

Yes 56 67.47%

No 27 32.53%
Source: Instrument applied to university students who are working and studying at the same
time or people who already graduated from university and studied and worked at the same
time at some point of their lives. Between the ages of 20 and 70, San Pedro Sula, Cortes,
September 2023.
Interpretation: According to the survey, 67.47% of the people have an established goal for
work and studies and 32.53% have not an established goal for both work and studies.

2st Question

Category Frequency Percentage

Organizing agendas 18 21.69%

Short-term goals 37 44.68%

Discipline 28 33.73%
Source: Instrument applied to university students who are working and studying at the same
time or people who already graduated from university and studied and worked at the same
time at some point of their lives. Between the ages of 20 and 70, San Pedro Sula, Cortes,
September 2023.
Interpretation: According to the survey, 21.69% of the people organize agendas in order to
handle their goals, 44.68% of the people create short-term goals to handle their goals and the
33.73% use discipline in order to handle their goals.

Analysis: According to the results, we conclude that almost all people have goals on both
study and work and in order to manage them they use short-term goals which helps in not
getting demotivated and that it really helps in order to continue working and studying at the
same time.

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