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1.What are you most looking forward to about this internship?

The most important thing I am looking forward from this internship is to improve my communication
skills. As communication at workplace is rated as one of the most important things, it is evident that I
work on it.This can be done by responding to consumers in a better way and dealing with peers and
superiors appropriately.

2. a) What do you suspect may be the biggest challenge(s)? b) How will you aim to overcome these


The biggest problem according to me, is going to be on increasing focus. Since, my position is
interviewer and it requires making up to 150 calls in a day, it is crucial to maintain focus during the,
working hours. To improve my focus, I need to minimize distraction like using phone and constantly
being active on it. Moreover, breaks need to be utilized for relaxation.

3. Consider both your personal and professional objectives. What is one SMART goal that you can share

that demonstrates your awareness of SMART goal setting pertaining to this internship opportunity?

Specific: I will increase my survey completion from 2 to 6 per day.

Measurable : I will increase my survey completion from 2 to 6 per day in next 3 months.

Achievable: I will try to finish 3 per day per week.

Relevant: I have dreamt of becoming a good communicator.

Time -based: Grow avg. 5 completes by end of 3 month.

4. What are three specific items, goals, and objectives that you can achieve during this internship?

- to become person in top 5 of highest survey completes.

- reduce time take to finish survey by at least 1/3rd.

-not using phone during workhours and use only in breaks.

5. What is your plan to discuss these with the person(s) that you report to at the workplace? (Or how

have you already discussed it with them?)

- At my workplace , I have discussed it with my Quality control person or supervisor to keep tabs on the
amount of time taken for survey. Moreover, I have asked them to provide a survey completion sheet
with feedbacks so that I can improve myself. Finally, I have asked them to notify me the top performers
in every project that we do.

6. How might you track success? Keep records of your achievements for your future career

- In order to work on myself, I will ask my superior to provide me with detailed feedback on my
performance in particular section. For example, supervisor can provide me feedbacks on how I
can write an effective email to client to get better response. In this way I can keep records of my
achievements and work on my failure.

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