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SSP 008: Student Success Program 8

Revisiting the Odyssey Plan

Student Activity Sheet

Name of Student: Ella Marie M. Retiza Section: BSN 3 – C1


Lesson Title: Revisiting the Odyssey Plan

Year 3, Sem 1 Odyssey Plan SAS
Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, students should be able
to: 1. identify how to master consistency in
Wil’s World. (n.d.). Revisiting Goal Setting. Wil’s
achieving goals
World. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from
2. create a self-commitment


Hello, students. It’s good to see you again after the semester break! To start things off, let’s play
a game. Are you familiar with the game “two truths and a lie”? Here you are going to come up
with three statements regarding yourself of which two statements are correct and one statement
is incorrect.
1. I am a hard working and dedicated person who pursue my goals in life.
2. I am very optimistic and a positive minded person
3. I am contented with my life



Knowing yourself first is essential in creating a life plan. And knowing the reason for each of the goals
is essential for the full realization of the life plan.

Revisiting Goal Settings

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SSP 008: Student Success Program 8

Revisiting the Odyssey Plan
Student Activity Sheet

Name of Student: Section:

Sinek’s book titled “start with why” and his thesis is simple. Successful people have a sense of
purpose. They know why they want to do something before they explore how they are going to
do it and the details that will make it happen. Ultimately success is the result of a strong belief
and clear vision and a drive borne from knowing who you are, what you represent and where you
want to go.

Using this framework here is what we now know about the goals we already achieved:
The goal had been generated from a place of purpose; it was very clear to us the reasons we wanted
to achieve it. (why)
From this place we created a resolution – something we were going to achieve. (how)
Finally, we broke that down into measures or goals – specific, tangible actions with a timeframe.
The ones that did not play out well were the ones where we started with a resolution and the ones
where we failed most miserably were the ones where we totally forgot to turn that resolution into a
For example:
Why How What

To achieve my goals Pass my exams

I will take notes of my lectures
and read it from time to time.

Enhance quality of life

To exercise everyday, pray,
and have a daily rest.
C. Check


Now that you are aware that there are reasons for the goals that we wanted to achieve, revisit
the life plan you created last semester and determine the reason/reasons why you would want it
to be achieved, and create at least three actions that you will do (remember what we have
learned last semester to make small steps).

SSP 008: Student Success Program 8

Revisiting the Odyssey Plan
Student Activity Sheet

Name of Student: Section:

To achieve my goal and to help my
Goal 1. To have
family to live a comfortable life
a stable job
Action 1. To work
hard and study
Action 2. To stay dedicated and commited
Action 3. To never give up
To secure my future and to be
Goal 2. To build
satisfied with life.
my dream house
Action 1. Work
hard and earn a
lot of money
Action 2. To be more of a business minded
Action 3. To be wise at all times
To find happiness that I deserve
Goal 3. To start
a family of my
Action 1. To find
Action 2. To meet a wise and good man
Action 3. To be happy and contented with

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