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Bank system requirements and user roles.

Bank System Requirements

A bank system typically has two main sets of requirements: functional and non-

Functional Requirements:

 Account Management: Create, manage, and close accounts (savings,

checking, loans, etc.)
 Transactions: Deposits, withdrawals, transfers, bill payments, etc.
 Security: Secure login, multi-factor authentication, transaction monitoring,
encryption of sensitive data.
 Reporting and Statements: Generate account statements, track transactions.
 Customer service: Provide ways for customers to contact the bank for support
(phone, online chat, etc.)

Non-Functional Requirements:

 Performance: The system should be fast and responsive to handle high

volumes of transactions.
 Availability: The system should be available 24/7 with minimal downtime.
 Scalability: The system should be able to handle growth in the number of users
and transactions.
 Security: The system should be secure from cyberattacks and fraud.
 Usability: The system should be easy to use for customers of all technical

Bank System User Roles

 Customer: This is the most basic role, allowing users to view account balances,
make transactions, and access basic customer service features.
 Teller: Tellers can perform basic transactions for customers, such as deposits,
withdrawals, and check cashing.
 Customer Service Representative (CSR): CSRs can assist customers with a
wider range of needs, such as opening new accounts, resolving disputes, and
answering questions.
 Loan Officer: Loan officers can review and approve loan applications.
 System Administrator: System administrators manage the bank's IT systems,
including the bank system. They have the highest level of access and can create
new users, assign roles, and configure the system settings.
 Auditor: Auditors can review the bank's financial records and ensure compliance
with regulations.
Bank System User Roles in Requirements Gathering
In the process of gathering requirements for a bank system, various user roles play
crucial roles in providing insights, identifying needs, and ensuring that the system meets
the expectations of stakeholders. Here are some key user roles involved in
requirements gathering for a bank system:

 Customer:
o Customers are the end-users of the bank system, and their feedback is
invaluable in understanding their needs and preferences.
o Focus: Provide insights into their daily banking activities, pain points with
current systems, and desired functionalities.
o Methods: User interviews, surveys, focus groups to understand preferred
features for account management, transactions, and self-service options.
 Teller:
o Focus: Share details on their workflow, system interactions for
transactions, and potential improvements for efficiency and customer
o Methods: Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions or workshops where
tellers collaborate with developers to define requirements for their daily
 Customer Service Representative (CSR):
o Focus: Explain the types of inquiries and issues they handle, preferred
reporting tools, and functionalities for better customer support.
o Methods: Interviews and workshops to identify features needed for
account management, resolving disputes, and accessing customer
 Loan Officer:
o Focus: Share details on the loan application process, risk assessment
steps, and desired functionalities for streamlining loan processing.
o Methods: Interviews or workshops to define requirements for loan
application forms, automated credit scoring systems, and document
 System Administrator:
o Focus: Provide insights into system maintenance needs, security
protocols, and user management functionalities.
o Methods: Technical discussions with developers to define system
administration tools for user access controls, security audits, and system
 Auditor:
o Focus: Ensure regulatory compliance is considered in the requirements.
o Methods: Review of relevant regulations and sharing reporting needs for
financial transactions and audit trials.

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