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Greyhawk Rebooted - 576CY

seclusion, the battles with humanoids Oerth. Although given little credence by
were frequent, but the might of each of most non-Noniz sages, the gnomes claim
the realms remained unchallenged. to hail from an entirely different world.
Where this world is or what its called
This was known as “The Time of none can say.
Flowering” and much of the best of
olvendom came to pass in these days. The Noniz myth tells how Garl Glittergold
12 gray elven cities were built, including and his fellow gods were guiding the
Erieadan, the High Seat of Olvendom and Noniz to safety after the conquest of
The City of Summer Stars. Many mighty their homeworld aboard massive sailing
magics, songs and items of beauty were vessels that could traverse the heavens.
crafted in this period. The history of this At least one such vessel crashed into the
time is largely hidden from humans, tundra north of the current Archbarony
however, because there were few humans of Blackmoor near the mysterious Land of
in the east at this time. Elves rarely Black Ice some 4,000 years ago.
speak of it today. Among the few known
personages to have lived during Legends speak of a great leader named
this time were Queen Ehlissa and Uldra who led them from the ice and
the Elven Minstrel Ye’Cind. wooded highlands of the far north.
After several generations the first great
The Time of Flowering came gnomish settlements were established
to an end sometime before the in the Lortmils, Verbobonc, the
Flannae began their migrations Kron Hills, and the Flinty Hills,
into the Flanaess. Sometime and in other environments where
between -3,000 and -2,266 CY dwarves tended to dominate.
Aliador and the last High King, This seems to have occurred
Gilthonial, fell to a massive sometime during the period
horde of Euroz, Eiger, Trunkt of the four Elven Kingdoms as
and other foul creatures that Celene was well established by
spewed forth from the massive the time the Noniz had reached
underground city of Garel the Velverdyva River. Over
Enkdal. Not a single olve is known the centuries they would
to have survived and Aliador is come to colonize as far as
still known to this day as the “Lost the Yatil Mountains in
Kingdom.” the west, the Good Hills in
the Sheldomar Valley and
the Hestmark Highlands to
Origins of the southeast.
The Noniz
The Noniz have had a less
turmoil-ridden history than
the olve or the dwur, and most
consider that to be a good thing.
Gnome history is shrouded in
myth and legend. Elders tell of the
distant past when Noniz first
came to the Flanaess, finding
themselves “shipwrecked” on

34 Greyhawk Rebooted 576CY is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan WotC Content Policy.

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