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Slowly the other regions of

Oerik were fleshed out, not in
a vacuum but rather as part of
a unified history of the entire
continent. The Suel backsto-
ry was further expanded and
lands merely hinted at in the
Gord the Rogue novels were
given life and linked to the
world in a natural and inte-
grated way.

On the Baklunish people and

their homeland... this region
was the least developed in the
original folio and boxed set.
There is very little detail pro-
vided for their nations and cul-
ture and out of the core human

sub-races (i.e. ethnicities), the Baklunish

have the lowest word count in the origi-
nal sources. They don’t even have a ful- have been returned to their Arabian, Per-
ly fleshed out pantheon of gods and god- sian and Turkic analogs. We didn’t want
desses like the Oerdians, Flan, Suel and real world modern Arab stereotypes con-
even the Olman did later (in post-Gygax fusing things so to solidify this, we dou-
development). The Living Greyhawk cam- bled down and made the Baklunish West a
paign was the first time that the Baklun- land of wonder and intrigue, one populat-
ish West was fleshed out. Unfortunate- ed by elementalist wizards and sorcerers,
ly, the Living Greyhawk teams made the one where genies walk among mortals and
Baklunish analogous to real world Islam- their offspring, the Saab’Sirat (i.e. genasi,
ic culture, right down to the use of the are not uncommon. We re-imagined their
words mosque, mufti and imam. Whereas cultural development from the time of the
the original Gygax-era Baklunish had a Twin Cataclysms forward and we expand-
vaguely pre-Islamic Arabian/Persian feel ed them further west to the lands of Ri-
to them in the vein of Ali Baba and the say and Komal which were mentioned in
Forty Thieves, this new Living Greyhawk passing in Gygax’s Gord the Rogue novels.
treatment made them Oerth versions of
Muslims, even giving them their own Sun- And then there is the map. There are two
ni/Shia schism. “canon” maps of Oerik beyond the Fla-
naess. The one found on page 7 of the
While I understand the attraction of original folio and then there is the map
grounding them in real world tropes, published as the official setting from the
there is a religious and racial insensitivity Chainmail miniatures game that WOTC
to it that did not sit well with me and this republished in the early 2000’s. This lat-
change was never adopted into my home ter map radically expanded the landmass
campaign. So, in the rebooted version, the of Oerik to, what I consider, a completely
Baklunish have been de-Islamified. They


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