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Greyhawk Rebooted - 576CY

rural existence, when they werent being

The Demon Wars conscripted into any number of warlords’
From their earliest migrations to the
west of the Tyurzi Mountains, the Suhfeng
By 2,000 years ago, the Suh culture had
were friendly with the indigenous Yokai
spread to cover nearly the entire western
and Spirit Folk and throughout the Many
half of Oerik but these peoples were still
Kingdoms period, these three peoples
fractured politically, broken into over a
had integrated into a new unified culture
hundred kingdoms and an ever shifting
which would eventually also incorporate
balance of alliances and wars. This was
the Korobokkuru of the Minyeo region.
the perfect chaotic environment; society
was rife for interference by demonic
For millennia the people of this region
had been ruled by a chaotic succession of
warlords, princes and petty kings. Some
Tempting warlords with power and
lasted only months while others may
guile, more than one demon lord saw an
have been able to hold onto power for a
opportunity to not only sow discord and
generation or two before being supplanted
chaos on the Prime Material, but possibly
by a more powerful, or devious, ruler. This
a chance to gain and wield power on Oerth.
chaotic political structure prevented the
They set about corrupting Suh warlords
Suhfeng from building their civilization
who increasingly found benefit in using
beyond a simple agrarian society. Cities
demonic troops in the incessant wars
rarely exceed a few thousand people
between states. Eventually, more and
at best and most Suhfeng eeked out a
more powerful demons were summoned

40 Greyhawk Rebooted 576CY is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan WotC Content Policy.

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