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Albert Chu

Personal Narrative Speech Outline

Topic: Personal Narrative

General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: Share about myself to the class to get to know me better


I. Attention Getter: How many of you have hobbies that challenge your real world


II. Connect with Audience: I ask this because my hobbies are able to be connected

with my major.

III. Establish Credibility: I am sharing about myself.

IV. Thesis Statement: My name is Albert Chu, and this is my personal narrative


V. Preview Statement:In my speech, I will share my interest in collecting, my major

Computer Science, and reading

1. Body

I. Main Point #1: Collecting

A. Sub-Point: Collecting money

1. I always found collecting different coins to be fun and unique because

there were so many different kinds

B. Collecting toys

1. I like to also collect toys that I was able to display, especially LEGOs,

since they were easy and fun to build and showed off cool looking objects.

II. Main Point #2: Computer Science Major

A. Problem solving

1. Being able to solve challenging problems through creative thinking is very


B. Immediate results are satisfying

1. When finishing a project, you will immediately know if you got the

correct result or not

III. Main Point #3: Reading

A. Calming

1. Spending time by myself is especially calming when reading as it is a

great source of entertainment and takes your mind off of things.

B. Fun to imagine

1. Being able to vizualize the scene in my head is always interesting as each

person will have a slightly different visual image.

2. Reading light novels is especially interesting as there are certain key

images during important scenes that can focus your mental image of the



I. Signal Closing-or-Transition to Conclusion: In conclusion…

II. Summary of Main Points: I love collecting, Computer Science, and Reading
III. Restate Thesis Statement: With my hobbies lining up well with my studies, I found it

easy to lose myself and hours going by.

IV. Closing Remarks: Thank you.

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