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Tableau MCQ :

1. Which of the following file types can Tableau work with?

a) .xls
b) .csv
c) .txt
d) All of the above
Ans. d) All of the above

2. In Tableau, what is a "Dashboard"?

a) A type of database
b) A collection of worksheets arranged on a single screen
c) A data source
d) A filter
Ans. b) A collection of worksheets arranged on a single screen

3. What is a "Dimension" in Tableau?

a) A measure of data
b) A qualitative attribute or categorical field
c) A filter condition
d) A calculated field
Ans. b) A qualitative attribute or categorical field

4. How can you create a calculated field that concatenates two string
fields in Tableau?
a. Use the CONCATENATE() function
b. Use the + operator
c. Use the STRCAT() function
d. All of the above
Answer: d) All of above
iNeuron Intelligence Pvt Ltd

5. What is the purpose of the "Show Me" menu in Tableau?

a) To display the user's profile
b) To show available data sources
c) To change the chart type of the selected view
d) To access Tableau settings
Ans. c) To change the chart type of the selected view

6. What does the term "Aggregation" mean in Tableau?

a) A type of chart
b) A method of combining multiple charts
c) Summarizing and displaying data
d) Sorting data alphabetically
Ans. c) Summarizing and displaying data

7. How can you create a calculated field in Tableau?

a) By dragging and dropping a field into the calculated fields area
b) By right-clicking on a field and selecting "Create Calculated Field"
c) By using a separate application
d) Both a and b
Ans. d) Both a and b

8. What is the role of the "Marks" card in Tableau?

a) To show the data types of field
b) To display a summary of the data source
c) To control the level of detail in the view
d) To create a calculated field
Ans. c) To control the level of detail in the view
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9. Which of the following is true about the "Dual-Axis" feature in

a) It creates a copy of the chart on the same axis

b) It combines two charts into one
c) It allows for the use of two different data sources
d) It adjusts the scale of two charts on separate axes
Ans. d) It adjusts the scale of two charts on separate axes

10. What is the purpose of the "Data Interpreter" in Tableau?

a) To interpret programming code

b) To clean and transform data
c) To analyze dashboard performance
d) To create calculated fields
Ans. b) To clean and transform data

11. How can you create a Tableau extract?

a) By copying and pasting data from Excel

b) By importing a CSV file
c) By connecting to a data source and selecting "Extract"
d) Both a and b
Ans. c) By connecting to a data source and selecting "Extract”.

12. What is the default aggregation for a measure in Tableau?

b) SUM
c) AVG
d) MIN
Ans. b) SUM
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13. How can you sort data in Tableau?

a) By right-clicking on a field and selecting "Sort"
b) By dragging and dropping a field into the "Sort" shelf
c) By using the "Sort" option in the toolbar
d) All of the above
Ans. d) All of the above

14. Which of the following is a map-related chart type in Tableau?

a. Bar chart
b. Line chart
c. Scatter plot
d. Symbol map
Ans. d) Symbol Map

15. What is the purpose of the "Tableau Public" version?

a. It is a free version of Tableau for personal use
b. It is a version designed for large enterprises
c. It is a version that can only connect to cloud data sources
d. It is a version with advanced features not available in the standard
Ans. a) It is a free version of Tableau for personal use

16. What are different joins in tableau?

a. Inner
b. Left
c. Right
d. All the above
Ans. d) All of the above
iNeuron Intelligence Pvt Ltd

17. In which colour does Discrete is shown in tableau?

a. Red b. Blue
c. Green d. Yellow
Ans. b) Blue

18. What Will the Following Function Return?

Left (3, “Tableau”)
Choose the correct answer:
a) Tab
b) Eau
c) Error
d) None of the above
Ans. c) Error

19. Which type of chart in Tableau is best suited for showing the
distribution of a single continuous variable?
a Bar chart
b. Pie chart
c. Scatter plot
d. Histogram
Ans. d) Histogram
20. What is the role of a filter in Tableau?
a. To modify the data source
b. To exclude certain data from the view
c. To create calculated fields
d. To add new data to the
Ans. b) To exclude certain data from the view
iNeuron Intelligence Pvt Ltd
1. What is Tableau?

Ans. Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that allows users to connect to various data sources, create
interactive dashboards, and generate insightful reports. It turns the raw data into a format that is easy to
understand. Dashboards can be used to create visualizations.

2. What are the different data connection options available in Tableau?

Ans. Tableau provides various data connection options, including Excel spreadsheets, text files, databases (such
as SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL), and web data connectors.

3. Differentiate between Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server?

Tableau Desktop Tableau Server
Tableau Desktop is a data visualization To share the Tableau files , with the different
application that lets you analyse virtually any users across the company, we need server, this
type of structured data and produce highly is a web based application.
interactive, beautiful graphs, dashboards, and
reports in just minutes. So in Tableau Desktop I
can make the visualizations ad I can publish
these tableau file (.twbx files) on the server.

4. What are the datatypes used in Tableau?

Ans. Text values, date values, Date, and time values, Boolean , Geograohical.

5. Difference between Measure and Dimension?

Dimension Measure
Dimensions contain qualitative values (such as Measures contain numeric, quantitative values
names, dates, or geographical data) that you can measure (such as Sales, Profit)

Example: Category, City, Country, Customer ID, Example: Profit, Quantity, Rank, Sales, Sales per
Customer Name, Order Date, Order ID Customer, Total Orders
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6. What is sets area of the data pane?

Ans. If the data source you are using contains at least one set, or if you have created one or more sets, they will
show up here.

7. Difference between Discrete and Continuous?


Discrete Continuous
Discrete field creates header. Continuous field creates axes.
Discrete can be sorted Continuous cannot be sorted it follows its own
chronological order. Left being the old result
and the right side being the latest result.

8. Differentiate between Tableau Extract and Tableau Data Source.

Ans. A Tableau Extract is a snapshot of data saved in a. hyper file, while a Tableau Data Source is a live
connection to a data repository.

9. How does Tableau handle big data?

Ans. Tableau supports connecting to various big data sources like Hadoop, Amazon Redshift, and Google Big

10. What is a Tableau Dashboard?

Ans. A Tableau Dashboard is a collection of views arranged on a single canvas, allowing users to see and
compare multiple visualizations simultaneously.
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11. How can you filter data in Tableau?
Ans. Data can be filtered using Quick Filters, Context Filters, and Top N filters in Tableau.
12. Explain the difference between a worksheet and a dashboard.
Ans. A worksheet is a single page where visualizations are created, while a dashboard is a collection of multiple

13. What is the role of calculated fields in Tableau?

Calculated fields are used to create new data from existing data in Tableau, performing calculations and
14. How can you create a calculated field in Tableau?
Ans. Calculated fields are created by using formulas involving existing fields and functions.
15. What are the different file types generated by Tableau Desktop?
Ans. Tableau Workbook (.twb) and Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx) are the two main file types.

16. What are the key considerations when using a line chart to visualize time-series data in Tableau? How can
you customize the appearance of the line chart to enhance its effectiveness?

Ans. When visualizing time-series data in Tableau using a line chart, it's important to set the date field on the
Columns shelf. You can customize the appearance by adjusting the line style, color, and thickness. Additionally,
using reference lines or bands can help highlight specific periods or trends

17. Describe the process of creating a stacked bar chart in Tableau. When is it appropriate to use a stacked bar
chart, and what insights can it provide?

Ans. To create a stacked bar chart in Tableau, drag the dimension you want to stack onto the Color shelf. Stacked
bar charts are useful when you want to show the total and the contribution of each category to the total. They
work well for illustrating part-to-whole relationships.

18. Explain the steps to create a combined axis bar chart in Tableau. What are the advantages of combining
multiple measures in a single bar chart?

Ans. To create a combined axis bar chart in Tableau, drag the second measure onto the same axis as the first
measure. This is useful when comparing two related measures on a common scale. For instance, you might
compare sales and profit for different product categories.

19. How can you create a chart with independent axes in Tableau? Provide an example scenario where
independent axes are necessary for accurate data representation.
Ans. In Tableau, you can create a chart with independent axes by using dual axes and then synchronizing or
desynchronizing them as needed. Independent axes are necessary when the measures being compared have
different scales, and aligning them would distort the visualization.

20. Discuss the differences between synchronized and independent axes in Tableau. When would you choose one
over the other, and what impact does it have on data interpretation?
Ans. Synchronized axes maintain the same scale, while independent axes allow each axis to have its own scale.
Synchronized axes are suitable when comparing similar measures, while independent axes are necessary when
the measures have different units or scales. The choice depends on the data context.
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21. When designing a bar chart in Tableau, what considerations should be taken into account for
colour selection, axis scaling, and sorting to ensure effective communication of insights?

Ans. When designing a bar chart in Tableau, consider using a consistent colour scheme for easy
interpretation. Scale the axis appropriately to avoid distortion, and sort bars by size or significance.
Carefully choose colours to emphasize key insights and maintain visual clarity.

22. What are different types of join in tableau?

Ans. Pretty similar to SQL. Hence their joins are similar too

Left Outer Join: Extract all records from left and matching records from the right table.

Right Outer Join: Extract all records from right and matching records from the left table.

Full outer Join : Extracts the record from both the left and right tables. All unmatched rows go with
the NULL values.

Inner join: Extracts the records from both tables.

23. What are groups in tableau?

Ans. Tableau Groups are a collection of multiple members in a single dimension that is combined to
form a higher category.

24. What is a Mark card in tableau?

Ans. The Marks Cards in Tableau provide some of the most powerful functionality in the program
because they allow you to modify a view’s design, visualization type, user experience, and granularity
of analysis all in one place.
iNeuron Intelligence Pvt Ltd
25. Describe the steps involved in creating a calculated field that calculates the profit margin based
on the given sales and cost data

Ans. The calculated field formula for profit margin would be: (SUM([Sales]) - SUM([Cost])) /
SUM([Sales]). This formula calculates profit margin as the ratio of profit to sales.

26. Describe the process of creating a dual-axis combination chart in Tableau. Provide an example of
a scenario where such a chart would be effective.

Ans. To create a dual-axis combination chart, drag one measure to the Rows shelf, then drag another
measure to the same shelf. Right-click on the second axis and choose "Dual-Axis." This is useful for
comparing two measures with different scales.

27. What is the role of reference lines in Tableau? How can they be added to visualizations, and what
insights can they provide?

Ans. Reference lines in Tableau are used to mark specific values on an axis. They can be added to
highlight target values or key points of interest. Reference lines can be based on constants, fields, or

28. Explain the difference between blending and joining data in Tableau. In what situations would
you choose to blend data, and when would you prefer to join data?

Ans. Blending vs. Joining Data:

Blending is used when data comes from different data sources, and Tableau combines the data at the
visualization level. Joining is used when data comes from the same data source, and it combines the
data at the data source level.

29. Describe the steps involved in creating a dashboard in Tableau. What elements can be added to a
dashboard to enhance the overall presentation of data?

Ans. Creating a Dashboard:

To create a dashboard in Tableau, go to the "Dashboard" tab, drag sheets and objects onto the
dashboard, and arrange them as needed. You can also add containers and use dashboard actions to
enhance interactivity.
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30. How can you create a calculated field that calculates the running total of sales over time in
Tableau? Provide the necessary formula and steps.

Ans. Running Total Calculated Field:

The calculated field formula for a running total of sales over time would be
RUNNING_SUM(SUM([Sales])). This formula calculates the cumulative sum of sales.

31. What is the purpose of a live connection in Tableau?

a. It creates a static snapshot of the data. b. It directly links to the data source.
c. It pivots the data for analysis. d. It extracts data for offline use.

Ans. b) It directly links to the data source.

32. Which of the following is a cloud-based data source option in Tableau?

a. CSV File b. Google Sheets

c. Excel Workbook d. Text File

Ans. b) Google Sheets

33. What is the purpose of the Data Interpreter in Tableau?

a. To create visualizations b. To detect and correct data issues

c. To extract data for offline use d. To join tables from different sources

Ans. b) To detect and correct data issues

34. In Tableau, what does an extract provide that a live connection does not?

a. Offline access b. Real-time updates

c. Dynamic linking d. Data snapshot

Ans. a) Offline access

35. How can you handle null values in calculations in Tableau?

a. Remove them from the dataset b. Use the IFNULL() function

c. Ignore them in visualizations d. All of the above

Ans. b) Use the IFNULL() function

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36. What does the "Data Source" tab in Tableau allow you to do?

a. Create visualizations b. Modify, join, or blend data

c. Filter data in visualizations d. Export data to Excel

Ans. b) Modify, join, or blend data

37. In Tableau, what does the "Hide" feature allow you to do?

a. Exclude data from the dataset

b. Hide fields from the Data Source tab
c. Exclude data points from view without removing them
d. Hide the entire worksheet

Ans. c) Exclude data points from view without removing them

38. What is the purpose of the "Pivot" feature in Tableau?

a. To aggregate data b. To transform columns into rows

c. To filter data d. To create calculated fields
Ans. b) To transform columns into rows

39. How does Tableau handle data blending?

a. By combining data from multiple sources in a single query

b. By directly linking tables from different databases
c. By blending colors in visualizations
d. By extracting data for offline use

Ans. a) By combining data from multiple sources in a single query

40. Which function is used for renaming fields or values for better clarity in visualizations?

a. RENAME() b. ALIAS()

Ans. b) ALIAS()
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11. Can Tableau automatically recognize geographic fields for mapping?

a. No, it requires manual mapping b. Yes, using the Geographic Role feature
c. Only with live connections d. Only with extracts

Ans. b) Yes, using the Geographic Role feature

12. What is the primary advantage of using data extracts in Tableau?

a. Real-time data updates b. Offline access to data

c. Dynamic linking to the source d. Automatic data cleaning

Ans. b) Offline access to data

13. How can you refresh data in Tableau to reflect changes in the source?

a. Use the Refresh option b. Reload the workbook

c. Recreate the visualization d. All of the above

Ans. a) Use the Refresh option

14. What is the role of the "Data Interpreter" in Tableau's data connection process?

a. To interpret foreign keys b. To interpret complex SQL queries

c. To detect and correct common data issues d. To interpret geographical data

Ans. c) To detect and correct common data issues

15. Which chart type is most suitable for displaying the distribution of a single numerical variable?

a. Bar Chart b. Line Chart

c. Histogram d. Scatter Plot

Ans. c) Histogram

16. In Tableau, how can you create a bar chart?

a. Dragging the measure to Rows shelf b. Dragging the dimension to Columns shelf
c. Dragging the measure to Columns shelf d. Dragging the dimension to Rows shelf

Ans. a) Dragging the measure to Rows shelf

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17. What is the primary purpose of a scatter plot in Tableau?

a. Showing the distribution of a single variable b. Comparing two numerical variables

c. Displaying hierarchical data d. Representing time-series data

Ans. b) Comparing two numerical variables

18. Which chart type is effective for visualizing trends over time?

a. Bar Chart b. Scatter Plot

c. Line Chart d. Pie Chart

Ans. c) Line Chart

19. How can you add a reference line to a bar chart in Tableau?

a. Right-click on the axis and select "Add Reference Line"

b. Drag a reference line from the toolbar onto the chart
c. Use the "Analysis" menu to add a reference line
d. Reference lines cannot be added to bar charts

Ans. a) Right-click on the axis and select "Add Reference Line"

20. In Tableau, what does the "Color" shelf allow you to do?

a. Change the background color of the worksheet

b. Assign colors to data points based on a dimension or measure
c. Adjust the transparency of the entire chart
d. Add color to the axis labels

Ans. b) Assign colors to data points based on a dimension or measure

21. How can you customize the size of data points in a scatter plot in Tableau?

a. Dragging a dimension to the Size shelf

b. Adjusting the overall chart size in the Layout menu
c. Changing the data source size
d. Customizing the marks card size directly

Ans. a) Dragging a dimension to the Size shelf

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22. What is the purpose of the "Show Me" menu in Tableau?

a. To display hidden data in the worksheet b. To switch between different chart types
c. To show additional columns in the data source d. To create calculated fields

Ans. b) To switch between different chart types

23. How can you add data labels to individual data points in a chart?

a. Dragging the dimension to the "Label" shelf

b. Right-clicking on data points and selecting "Add Labels"
c. Adjusting the "Label" option in the "Analysis" menu
d. Data labels cannot be added to individual data points

Answer: a) Dragging the dimension to the "Label" shelf

24. What does the "Tooltip" shelf allow you to do in Tableau?

a. Add explanatory text to the chart b. Create custom tooltips for each data point
c. Adjust the size of the tooltip window d. Hide tooltips for specific data points

Ans. b) Create custom tooltips for each data point

25. How can you create a dual-axis chart in Tableau?

a. Dragging a second measure to the "Secondary" axis

b. Right-clicking on the chart and selecting "Dual-Axis"
c. Using the "Analysis" menu to add a secondary axis
d. Dual-axis charts are not supported in Tableau

Answer: b) Right-clicking on the chart and selecting "Dual-Axis"

26. What does the "Color Palette" option in Tableau allow you to customize?

a. Background color of the worksheet b. Colors assigned to dimensions or measures

c. Font color in the worksheet d. Transparency of the entire chart

Ans. b) Colors assigned to dimensions or measures

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27. How can you create a combo chart in Tableau?

a. Dragging multiple measures to the Columns shelf

b. Combining different chart types on the same axis
c. Using the "Combo Chart" option in the "Show Me" menu
d. Combo charts are not supported in Tableau

Ans. c) Using the "Combo Chart" option in the "Show Me" menu

28. What is the purpose of the "Size Legend" in Tableau?

a. To adjust the overall size of the chart b. To display a legend for the color scheme
c. To show the size range of data points in a scatter plot d. Size legend is not a feature in Tableau

Ans. c) To show the size range of data points in a scatter plot

29. How can you customize the axis titles in Tableau?

a. By dragging a dimension to the "Title" shelf

b. Right-clicking on the axis and selecting "Edit Title"
c. Adjusting the font size in the "Format" menu
d. All of the above

Ans. b) Right-clicking on the axis and selecting "Edit Title"

30. What is the purpose of the Tableau "Page Shelf"?

a. To add pages to a workbook b. To create animated visualizations

c. To navigate between different worksheets d. To format text in a dashboard

Ans. b) To create animated visualizations

31. How can you create a hierarchy in Tableau?

a. Drag and drop fields onto the Rows shelf

b. Right-click on a field and select "Create Hierarchy"
c. Use the "Show Me" menu
d. Apply filters to the data

Ans. b) Right-click on a field and select "Create Hierarchy"

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32. What is a "table calculation" in Tableau?

a. A calculation involving fields in a table b. A calculation applied to a subset of data

c. A calculation performed on a chart d. A calculation using Excel tables

Ans. c) A calculation performed on a chart

33. How can you combine data from multiple tables in Tableau?

a. Using calculated fields b. Using the "Data Blend" feature

c. Using hierarchies d. Using the "Show Me" menu

Ans. b) Using the "Data Blend" feature

34. What is the purpose of the Tableau "Marks" card?

a. To display row and column labels b. To apply filters to the data

c. To customize the appearance of marks in the view d. To create calculated fields

Ans. c) To customize the appearance of marks in the view

35. What is the role of the "Level of Detail" (LOD) expressions in Tableau?

a. To define the level of detail in a visualization b. To sort data in a chart

c. To create hierarchies d. To filter data based on conditions

Ans. a) To define the level of detail in a visualization

36. In Tableau, how can you filter data using a range?

a. Using the "Filter" shelf b. Using the "Page Shelf"

c. Using the "Show Me" menu d. Using the "Sort" feature

Ans. a) Using the "Filter" shelf

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37. What is the purpose of the Tableau "Quick Filter" feature?

a. To quickly apply filters based on a single click b. To create calculated fields

c. To change chart types d. To navigate between worksheets

Ans. a) To quickly apply filters based on a single click

38. How can you create a calculated field in Tableau?

a. Drag and drop a field onto the "Calculated Field" shelf

b. Right-click on a field and select "Create Calculated Field"
c. Use the "Show Me" menu
d. Apply a filter to the data

Ans. b) Right-click on a field and select "Create Calculated Field"

39. What does the "Data Interpreter" in Tableau do?

a. Translates data into multiple languages

b. Prepares data for analysis by cleaning and structuring it
c. Creates animated visualizations
d. Interprets statistical models

Ans. b) Prepares data for analysis by cleaning and structuring it

40. How can you share a Tableau workbook with someone who doesn't have Tableau installed?

a. Export as a PDF b. Export as an image

c. Use Tableau Public d. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

41. How can you create a dual-axis chart in Tableau?

a. Dragging a field to the "Dual-Axis" shelf b. Using the "Show Me" menu
c. Right-clicking on a chart and selecting "Dual-Axis" d. All of the above

Ans. d) All of the above

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42. What is the purpose of the Tableau "Story" feature?
a. To create animated visualizations
b. To combine sheets and dashboards into a narrative
c. To filter data in a chart
d. To customize chart appearance
Ans. b) To combine sheets and dashboards into a narrative

43. In Tableau, what is a dimension?

a. A measure of the data b. A numerical value
c. A categorical field d. An aggregate function
Ans. c) A categorical field

44. In Tableau, what is the purpose of the "Pages" shelf?

a. To navigate between different worksheets b. To create animated visualizations
c. To organize dashboards d. To filter data based on date
Ans. b) To create animated visualizations

45. What is the role of the Tableau "Filter" shelf?

a. To apply filters to the entire workbook
b. To quickly apply filters based on a single click
c. To create calculated fields
d. To filter data based on user input
Ans. a) To apply filters to the entire workbook

46. How can you combine data from different tables in Tableau?
a. Using the "Data Blend" feature b. Using calculated fields
c. Using hierarchies d. Using the "Show Me" menu
Ans. a) Using the "Data Blend" feature

47. How can you create a tree map in Tableau?

a. By using the "Show Me" menu b. By dragging and dropping fields onto the view
c. By applying filters to the data d. By using the "Data Blend" feature
Ans. a) By using the "Show Me" menu

48. What is the purpose of the Tableau "Table Calculation" feature?

a. To create tables in Tableau b. To perform calculations on tables
c. To create calculated fields using tables d. To perform calculations on
Ans. d) To perform calculations on visualizations

49. What is the significance of the "Path" shelf in Tableau?

a. To create path visualizations b. To navigate between different worksheets
c. To organize dashboards d. To filter data based on date
Ans. a) To create path visualizations
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50. What is the purpose of the "IF" statement in Tableau calculations?
a. To filter data b. To create conditional logic
c. To sort data d. To aggregate values
Ans. b) To create conditional logic

51. How can you reference a specific field in a calculated field formula?
a. Using the field name directly b. By using the "Fields" pane
c. By typing the field alias d. By using the "Calculated Fields" pane
Ans. b) By using the "Fields" pane

52. What is the purpose of the "CASE" statement in Tableau calculations?

a. To create hierarchies b. To handle NULL values
c. To sort data d. To create calculated fields
Ans. b) To handle NULL values

53. How do you convert a date field to a string in Tableau calculations?

a. Using the "Convert" function b. By dragging the date field to the Columns shelf
c. By using the "Date Format" menu d. Using the "STR" function
Ans. d) Using the "STR" function

54: What does the "WINDOW_AVG" function do in Tableau calculations?

a. Calculates the average across the entire table
b. Calculates the average for a specific window of data
c. Sorts the data window
d. Creates a moving average
Ans. b) Calculates the average for a specific window of data

55. How can you perform a percentage-of-total calculation in Tableau?

a. Using the "Percent of Total" quick table calculation
b. By dividing values by the total using a calculated field
c. By applying a filter to the data
d. By using the "Sort" feature
Ans. b) By dividing values by the total using a calculated field

56. What is the purpose of the "WINDOW_SUM" function in Tableau?

a. Calculates the sum across the entire table
b. Calculates the sum for a specific window of data
c. Sorts the data window
d. Creates a running sum
Ans. b) Calculates the sum for a specific window of data

57. How can you round a numeric field to a specified number of decimal places in Tableau?
a. Using the "ROUND" function b. By applying a filter to the data
c. By using the "Show Me" menu d. By dragging the field to the Rows shelf
Ans. a) Using the "ROUND" function
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58. What does the "LOOKUP" function do in Tableau calculations?

a. Retrieves the value from a specific row in the table
b. Calculates the difference between values
c. Sorts the data window
d. Creates a moving average
Ans. a) Retrieves the value from a specific row in the table

59. How can you create a running total in Tableau?

a. By using the "RUNNING_TOTAL" function b. By dragging the field to the Rows shelf
c. By applying a filter to the data d. By using the "Show Me" menu
Ans. a) By using the "RUNNING_TOTAL" function

60. What is the purpose of the "ZN" function in Tableau calculations?

a. Converts NULL values to zero b. Calculates the z-score of a field
c. Sorts the data window d. Creates a moving average
Ans. a) Converts NULL values to zero

61. How can you concatenate two string fields in Tableau?

a. Using the "CONCAT" function
b. By dragging the fields to the Columns shelf
c. By using the "Show Me" menu
d. By applying a filter to the data
Ans. a) Using the "CONCAT" function

62. What does the "INDEX" function do in Tableau calculations?

a. Returns the index of a field b. Sorts the data window
c. Creates a moving average d. Calculates the difference between values
Ans. a) Returns the index of a field

63. How can you create a custom sort order in Tableau?

a. By using the "Sort" feature
b. By creating a hierarchy
c. By applying a filter to the data
d. By dragging and dropping fields onto the view
Ans. a) By using the "Sort" feature

64. What is the purpose of the "SCRIPT_REAL" function in Tableau calculations?

a. Executes a script in a programming language
b. Creates a calculated field using R or Python scripts
c. Sorts the data window
d. Calculates the difference between values
Ans. b) Creates a calculated field using R or Python scripts

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