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MFY - 001


1. Which of the following does not contribute to hydrogen cracking:

a. External forces on the weldment

b. Amount of hydrogen in the weld

c. Residual stresses in the weld

® Size and length of linear discontinuities

2. For the arc air carbon cutting process the air is

a. Use for cooling the electrode only

b. Produced through thectremjcal reaction of the electrode and the hast


o Supplied through air ports in the electrode holder and directed alonj
the electrode

d. Supplied by another torch also by other operator

3. Acetylene hoses are distinctly difference from oxygen hoses .Why?

A Because the internal diameters of the two are different

B Because of operating pressure differences between fuel gas and oxygen

c. Acetylene attacks the materials used in oxygen hoses

G To prevent accidental interchange

4. Which of the following can result in a hard and brittle condition resulting from
rapid cooling:

@Arc strikes

B. Excessive weld reinforcement

c. Excessive spatter

d. Slag inclusiou

5. DC negative when used for MIG/MAG can give smooth arc.

A. True

6. In which of the following process is the use of pressure required to

successfully joint the materials:




G Stud welding
7. Which of the following will contribute significantly to lack of fusion

G)ncorrect joint design

B. Incorrect welding technique

c. Heavy scale on the joint surface

d. All of the above

8. Which of the welding process used loose granular flux:





9. Crack Tip Open Displacement test is used to measure

A. Strength of the material being tested

B. Hardness of the material

~he toughness of the materials, resistance to crack extension and the

acceptable flaw size all

d. Ductility of the material being tested

10. The pulsed MIG/MAG mode of transfer is a variation of a spray transfer

mode that make used of a low background current with a higher, rapidly
pulsing current superimposed on it.

A. False


11. The iron carbon diagram is used by metallurgists and others to se e how:

a . Adding nickel changes the corrosion resistance of steels

@ Adding carbon changes the response of the steel to temperature


c. adding molybdenum increases the toughness of steel

d. adding chromium improves corrosive corrosion resistance

12. The main purpose of a developer is to :

a. Assist in the development of the test procedure

b. Provide a clean surface for the penetrant indication

@ Assist in the development of the penetrant indication from a defect

d. Assist in the drying of the penetrant

13. Overlap in a fillet weld would occur:

a . At some point in the 'weld throat

b . on lyon the face of the weld

G) At the toe of the weld

d. At the root of the weld

14. In the TIG welding process, gas shielding of the weld pool maybe provided

by which gas (es)

a . carbon dioxide

b . argon and oxygen

@ argon and helium

d. oxygen and helium

15. Welding flux:

a . Helps on control the temperature of the pieces being welded

b. Crates a temporary bond between the pieces being welded

@ Protects from the atmosphere and removes the oxide film on the

d. Makes it easier to move the electrode

16. In creasing the carbon content of steel allows a given level of hardness to he
achieved :

a . at a higher cooling rate

b . 'w it hout consideration of the cooling rate

c. without adding chromium to the steel

@ At lower cooling rate

J 7. Which is not a factor that should be considered in selecting the best shielding gas
mixture for a given application:

a . weld appearance and acceptable spatter' level

b. thickness.joint design and penetration requirements

@ the welder's personal requirements

d. Transfer mode

18. Which of the following is not considered to be cause of incomplete fusion

a . Welding current exceeding that specified on a WPS

b. Using too large an electrode for a narrow Vee

c. Improper manipulation of the electrode

@ Using the wrong type of electrode

19. Which is an advantage of an argon/hydrogen gas mixture in TIG of stainless

a . Lower heat input

b. Improved toughness

(S) Faster travel speed

d. Improved mechanical properties

20. Some MIHA electrodes for the welding of stainless steel have a low carbon
Steel core wire and the alloying elements in the covering. This is because :­

a . The core wire offer lower resistance to the passage of the welding

@. The manufacturer can more conveniently include alloying elements

in the covering than produce special core wires

c. Both for reasons a and b above

d. For some reason not listed above

21. SUlphur is sometimes added to steel to improve:

a . The impact properties of the welded joint

b. Provide higher impurities levels

c. Toughness of the parent materials

@Machining properties characteristics of the steel

22. Slow cooling of liquid metal from high temperature promotes the growth of:

a . Medium grains

® Large grains

c. Small grains

d. A combinations of large and small grain

23. A defect can best be described as :

a . All types of flaw in a weld regardless of size

b. Meaning exactly the same thing as a discontinuity

c. Any type of weld flaw

@ A discontinuity judged to possibility interfere with the fit for pui

of the weld

24. A CC ( Drooping arc) power source is suitable for

Ci). MMA - TIG

b. MIG/MAG - FCAW welding process



25. In Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW ) , spray Transfer may be ach ieved
shielding gases containing

G More than 85 % argon

b. Less than 50 % Argon

c. 100 % carbon dioxide

d. Less tban 75% argon

26. When welding with a weave technique the heat input using the sa me weld
parameters( amps and volts) as those used for stringer bead will be :

a . Lower than that for the stringer bead

b. Unaffected because techniques has no influence on the heat input

~) Will be higher than the stringer bead because the travel speed will I

d. The same as that for the stringer bead

27. Welding in cold weather conditions is mostly commonly associated with

increased risk of:

a . Undercut

b. porosity

c. Slag Inclusion

G) Cracking
28. Hydrogen trapped in the weldment can cause hydrogen cracking if the conre
of hydrogen are too high. What is the other name commonly used to descr
hydrogen cracking?

a . Fissure cracks

b. Hot cracks

c. Supercritical cracks

@Cold cracks
29. Steel is often heat treated after it is made at the steel mill. When a s
normalized what is the primary objective of this process?

a . To increase the hardness

b. To decrease the amount of carbon in the ste el

@ To increase the low temperature toughness of the steel

d. To improve the tensile strength

30. The recommended drying temperatures and time required producing a

condition below 5 ml H 2 / 100 grams of weld metal when using basic electro
would be :­

a . Below 1500 C for 1 hour

b . 250 0 C for 1 hour

G)O ver 350 0 C for 1 hour

d. GOOD C for 1 hour

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