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Understanding the intricacies of population change is crucial in various fields, from sociology to

urban planning. One of the essential components of delving into this topic is conducting a literature
review. However, writing a literature review on population change can be an arduous task. It requires
comprehensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a coherent
overview of the subject matter.

Navigating through numerous academic papers, journals, books, and other sources to gather relevant
information is time-consuming. Additionally, discerning the key findings, methodologies, and
theoretical frameworks from a plethora of literature demands meticulous attention to detail.
Moreover, synthesizing these findings into a cohesive narrative while maintaining academic integrity
poses its own set of challenges.

Furthermore, ensuring that the literature review addresses the research questions or objectives
effectively requires careful planning and organization. It involves structuring the review in a logical
manner, presenting arguments coherently, and seamlessly integrating various perspectives and

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understandable that many individuals seek assistance. In such cases, seeking professional help from
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A few United States schools of public health now provide such training, but more and better
programs and facilities are needed to train much larger groups. It may be that the variance estimate
may be so high for some units as to not support desired comparisons. It is estimated Europe will half
its population in a few hundred years time. No gold standard currently exists for population size
estimation. He asked whether transportability, when inferences from one dataset can apply to
another, is a potential metric to help assess internal and external validity. The first is the growing
recognition of the problem by major social institutions, including governments, and their consequent
support of study and action programs on population control. The death rate in 1800 averaged 25 to
30 per 1,000 population although, as indicated, it was subject to variation because of episodic
plagues, epidemics, and crop failures. There will only be 500 people in Japan by the year 3000. He
showed a general t-test—the ratio of a parameter estimate to its standard error. Infrastructure is a
vital national asset that promotes economic growth. In the same period the output of the non-
agricultural part of the Indian economy probably would be slightly more than doubled if the birth
rate remained unchanged. Additionally, he said, person-level data can be chained or analysis done
using multigroup structural equation modeling. Group C had no rodents with tumors, while Group E
had 3 rodents with tumors. We see a need for the training of social workers and health educators
through practical work in this country under the supervision of appropriate local officials. A wide
range of social values has traditionally supported the appropriateness of the large family, especially
when coupled with traditionally high mortality rates. It can also be done retroactively because no
new questions need to be added to the survey instrument. Annual growth rates in all these areas
range from one and one-half to three and one-half per cent, doubling in 20 to 40 years. Might we not
expect that long before 200 years had passed the population of Mexico would have responded to
modernization, as did the populations of western Europe, by reducing the birth rate. Moreover, there
are few remaining areas comparable to North and South America into which a growing population
could move and which could provide rapidly expanding markets. An estimate for the size of the
hidden population would be 2 percent of the size of the general population. It is assumed that the
proportion of respondent contacts who are members of the hidden population is equal to the
population proportion. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. She noted in venue-based sampling, this is likely not to be true. A researcher cannot
necessarily rely on large sample assumptions to make inferences. Since then, buildings, highways,
water and sewage systems have expanded beyond cities to the rest of the nation. Louis noted that
other applications using more data have indicated that the combined results are more accurate.
Figure 2 presents the trends of birth and death rates in the less-developed areas in a rough schematic
way similar to that employed in Figure 1. The combination of the survey estimates and regression
estimates using a Bayesian procedure produces estimates with lower mean squared error than would
be possible using the survey data alone or regression estimates alone. Another key assumption is that
the matching is reliable, and that everyone in the second sample will recall participation in the first
sample and will respond honestly. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly
to that page in the book.
Often, as a way to recruit people, researchers do not collect any personal information about
participants that could be identifying. Moreover, rapid population growth and a heavy burden of
child dependency divert investment funds to less productive uses—that is, less productive in the
long run. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier
than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Why did population grow so rapidly in
the eighteenth-century and why did Ma. He noted that even with a very large population with a very
small event rate, there is a potential for an unstable situation. In individual terms, the family with a
large number of children finds it more difficult to save, and a government that tries to finance
development expenditures out of taxes can expect less support from a population with many
children. For 6 months, they each provided positive and negative affect data every day. Women there
have now got status and want to learn about education. It can also be done retroactively because no
new questions need to be added to the survey instrument. Louis observed that this work resonates
with discussions about external validity and representativeness, noting several papers on the issue are
included in the workshop bibliography. 9. The number of people willing to accept the idea is not
large and the number of continuing users is even smaller. Register for a free account to start saving
and receiving special member only perks. That machinery is typically based on or in the health
services. All the methods she described need further sensitivity analysis, validation, and diagnostics,
and more work is needed on uncertainty estimation. If the birth rate in India is not reduced, its
population will probably double in the next 25 or 30 years, increasing from about 450 million to
about 900 million. In the paper “ population growth ” the author analyzes the effect of damaging the
Earth's natural-capital as well as increasing carbon-dioxide buildup in the ecosystem by the rapid
population growth. In last decade, the population in Pakistan has grown by 40 million, making it the
6th largest country with respect to population in the world with about million masses. Substantial
numbers of people at the lower end of the economic and literacy range perhaps cannot be interested,
at least within a period of five years or so, but a significant number at the other end (especially those
with large families), representing at least a fourth to a third of the community, appears to be ready
now. If so, a course of action that would directly accelerate the decline in fertility becomes an
important part of the whole development effort which is directed toward improving the quality of
each individual’s life. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that
make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. He noted that this is less
controversial than stabilizing the direct estimates but is used relatively infrequently. In the same
period the output of the non-agricultural part of the Indian economy probably would be slightly more
than doubled if the birth rate remained unchanged. In the survey world, this is benchmarking and
more generally to matching margins in contingency tables. Then the healthcare system improved and
hygiene was better. Hoyle suggested that researchers frequently do not consider all factors that may
be affected by the treatment and the causal mechanism at play to understand where the treatment
may create variability that can help or hinder in measuring the outcome. The only information needed
is the network size of an individual, which is already routinely collected during respondent-driven
sampling. But the matter of the fact is 6 billion people are living today and it has doubled in the last
30 years. Such people are a small minority among the populations in less-developed areas, of course;
even a large decrease in their birth rates would have little effect upon the total national figures. Essay
about population growth to media another reason the government fears social unrest and problems is
that the population in Pakistan is growing on a large scale. Register for a free account to start saving
and receiving special member only perks.
Given the prevailing conditions of life in the less-developed areas, only the simplest methods can be
employed. This may be troublesome if the model is misspecified (always true) and may be even more
worrisome if the sample size is informative, for example, if the larger units tend to perform better.
Aging Population And Population Growth Words 7 Pages Open Document. The fall in the
population growth rate has been widely attributed to the declining fertility within the country. With a
sample of size 175, almost 90 percent of the population is included in the sample, so the sample
standard error (representing the uncertainty in the unknown remainder of the population) is
substantially smaller than the value of 9.77. This approach also assumes that network connections are
formed at random. No great increase in the effective contribution of population research is likely to
occur without an increase in the number of good demographers. Moreover, there are few remaining
areas comparable to North and South America into which a growing population could move and
which could provide rapidly expanding markets. In addition, funds are needed to help universities
establish teaching and research posts, for at the present time graduate training in demography is
available at only a few of the many outstanding American universities. The basic procedure involves
mapping all sites where the population of interest could be found (similar to venue-based sampling).
There is little use of contraception so disease spread rapidly. The Bayesian approach also provides a
statistical model for uncertainty. This bare excess over the increase in population, however, is
scarcely a satisfactory outcome of India’s struggle to achieve economic betterment. The final
alternative noted is to limit model complexity. In this context, Bayesian modeling suggests a middle
ground—an estimate that is partway between the direct estimate and the regression estimate. This is
not only depleting the earth's resources but by exhaust emissions also destroying the environment of
the earth. Children leave home to seek jobs and parents no longer count on support by their children
in their old age. The population of Australia is constantly changing. This means Global Population
Change Grade May, 05, Global Population Change The human population growth has been
phenomenal over the past century. Researchers can use standard power tables to determine the
appropriate sample size for an infinite population. It commands the attention of every nation and
society; the problem is no less grave for the technically advanced nations than for the less developed.
A few United States schools of public health now provide such training, but more and better
programs and facilities are needed to train much larger groups. Sometimes a sample is small because
of constraints such as a small population or insufficient resources. As a result, a sampling frame for
this population may not exist. It is, however, unacceptable to most societies on religious or moral
grounds. He broke his presentation into the following parts: informative analysis, a definition of
small in a data context, an explanation of the finite population correction factor, and design and
measurement qualities that optimize research when samples are small. The session was moderated by
steering committee member Lance Waller (Emory University). Although not a panacea, the Bayesian
formalism is a very effective aid to navigate these challenges. If the frequency of larger network sizes
does not decrease, one conclusion is that there are still many people not sampled and the population
size is likely to be larger than the sample size. A similar informational program in Jamaica doubled the
It allows inference about the state of this population (200 in his example above) at the point in time
of the sampling. As part of the survey, individuals would be asked whether they received the service
or the object. It pairs a general population survey with a hidden population survey, such as
respondent-driven sampling, and tries to match up the accounts. The current birth rate in western
European countries is 14 to 20 per 1,000 population with an average of two to three children born to
a woman by the end of childbearing. However, if the direct estimate has high variance relative to the
regression estimate, the weight on the regression estimate will be higher. Such efforts, across a range
of countries and with a range of methods, should produce knowledge and techniques on which
general programs can be based. In some Japanese villages a similar program was successful in turning
a substantial proportion of couples from abortion to contraception. Briefly, the realistic question in
the short run does not seem to be whether some increases in per capita income are possible while the
population grows rapidly, but rather whether rapid population growth is a major deterrent to a rapid
and continuing increase in per capita income. This is one way in which the population is changing.
Economists have estimated that a gradual reduction in the rate of childbearing, totaling 50 per cent in
30 years, would add about 40 per cent to the income per consumer that could be achieved by the end
of that time. India has one of the largest populations in the world and is struggling to cope with its
huge number of people. The kinds of mortality reduction that have actually occurred in the world
have the effect, if fertility remains unchanged, of reducing rather than increasing the average age of
the population. In either instance an economy, to grow, must divert effort and resources from
producing for current consumption to the enhancement of future productivity. Such information
should be appropriate to the particular economic and social milieus of its recipients as well as to
their medical and personal requirements. Essay about population growth to media another reason the
government fears social unrest and problems is that the population in Pakistan is growing on a large
scale. He gave an example of trading off bias and variance for a linear model. The figures vary
somewhat from one locality to another and, of course, the interview questions are varied, but there is
an impressive body of favorable interview responses from Mysore and Singur in India; from low-
income women in Pakistan; from Mexican factory workers; from Ceylon and Japan; from Jamaica
and Puerto Rico; from the United States and Great Britain. This is in stage 5 of the demographic
transition model. Net investment is investment in factories, roads, irrigation networks, and fertilizer
plants, and also in education and training. Although he mentions society possibly rebelling over
major job loss, he also identifies a net positive increase in jobs as a possible outcome. We recommend
that these laboratories expand their facilities and mobilize additional students and mature scholars to
work on problems of human fertility. This difference results from the fact that in many less-
developed countries almost all women at age 35 have married, and at an average age substantially
less than in 18th-century Europe. Many believe that essay about population growth does not increase
with overpopulation, however, as the population gets bigger more products are needed to be
produced, to keep up with high demands; thus causing high amounts of waste. McLaughlin
suggested several methods that may work well in estimating the size of hidden populations and
discussed some of the data requirements. The scientists have come up with newer methods of power
generation like nuclear power generation, wind power, tidal power etc. He noted that this is less
controversial than stabilizing the direct estimates but is used relatively infrequently. If a random
effect model is assumed, the result is essentially an infinite population assumption. To appreciate the
pace of population growth we should recall that world population doubled in about 1,700 years from
the time of Christ until the middle of the 17th century; it doubled again in about 200 years, doubled
again in less than 100, and, if the current rate of population increase were to remain constant, would
double every 35 years. This paper presents the issue of water crisis and population growth. Click here
to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available.

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