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In Depth

Introduction to Numerology

Numerology explores the mystical significance of numbers in

understanding life's mysteries.
It involves interpreting the vibrations and energies associated with
specific numbers.

History of Numerology

Numerology has ancient roots, evolving across civilizations to its

modern interpretations.
Explore its historical journey, from ancient cultures to
contemporary practices.

Understanding Destiny and Personality Numbers

Destiny numbers, derived from birthdates, reveal life paths

and purposes.
Personality numbers, linked to names, unveil traits and
outer perceptions.
In Depth

How to Create A Vedic Grid

Hands-on activity: Create a personalized Vedic grid

for deeper insights.
This grid forms a foundational tool in Vedic

Detailed Study of 9 Numbers

Explore the symbolism and energies associated with numbers

1 to 9.
Each number holds unique characteristics and significance.

Impact of Single and Multiple Numbers

Experiment with the influence of single and combined

numbers on life.
Understand how numbers work together to shape
In Depth

Understanding Rows and Columns

Analyze the meanings and interactions of each row and

column in your Vedic grid.
Gain insights into the dynamics between different aspects
of your life.

How to Calculate Your Personal Year

Calculate your personal year number for yearly forecasts and

Understand the implications of your personal year number for the
upcoming year.

Lucky Days, Colours, and Numbers

Calculate your personalized palette of lucky days, colors,

and numbers.
Use these elements to enhance positivity and harmony in
In Depth

Friendly and Anti-Numbers

Investigate relationships between certain pairs of numbers

and navigate their influences.
Understand the compatibility and challenges associated
with different numbers.

Mastering your Destiny Number

Learn how to align yourself with your destiny number to unveil your
unique purpose.
Discover practical steps to live in harmony with your destined path.

Name Numerology and Name Correction

Name spelling correction is implemented for individuals,

companies, and products.
Explore the impact of name vibrations on personal and
professional aspects.
In Depth

Mobile Numerology

Assign numerical values to mobile phone numbers for insights

into various life aspects.
Interpret the resulting numbers to gain guidance and

Understanding 9 Numbers and Association with Planets

Each number from 1 to 9 is linked to specific planets in

Explore how these numbers resonate with planetary energies.


Planetary conjunctions occur when two or more planets align

in the same zodiac sign.
Analyze real birth charts to understand the impact of these
In Depth


Planetary aspects refer to angular relationships between planets

influencing interpretations.
Learn about the different types of aspects and their effects.


Study the significance of retrograde planets on aspects and their

unique impact.
Understand how retrogrades influence planetary dynamics.


Trines represent harmonious aspects between planets, forming

an equilateral triangle.
Explore the positive energies created by trine aspects.

Zodiac Signs

The zodiac consists of 12 signs, each with distinct characteristics.

Learn about the basic traits associated with each zodiac sign.
In Depth

Integration of Zodiac Signs with Numerology

Connect numerology with zodiac signs to reveal additional insights

into personality traits.
Understand how numbers and astrological signs complement each

Calculation of Dasha

Dasha sequences, like Mahadasha and Antar Dasha, are calculated

step by step.
Predict life phases based on these astrological time periods.

Understanding Different Yogas in Grid

Analyze planetary combinations or "yogas" in a birth chart for deeper

Understand how specific planetary alignments shape an individual's
In Depth

Prediction of Life Events

Predict life events by examining planetary positions and transits

in the birth chart.
Gain insights into the timing and nature of significant life

Profession Analysis

Assess astrological insights in your birth chart to identify a suitable

career path.
Understand the connection between planetary influences and
professional choices.

Choosing Appropriate Career

Engage in exercises to guide individuals in choosing the right

career path based on astrological insights.
Explore how astrological factors can influence career decisions.
In Depth

Relationship Compatibility

Evaluate compatibility between individuals using their birth

Understand how astrological factors impact relationships.

Karmic Number

Derived from the birth date, the karmic number highlights specific
challenges or traits.
Explore the lessons an individual needs to address or develop in
their current life.

Karmic Relationship

Involves individuals with a connection spanning past lives,

presenting intense lessons or unresolved issues.
View these relationships as opportunities for personal growth
and transformation.
In Depth

Foreign Travel

Use astrology to explore potential opportunities for overseas

travel or relocation.
Understand the astrological factors influencing travel prospects.


Analyze financial prospects through astrology and planetary

Gain insights into wealth-related aspects based on astrological

Land and Property Buying

Determine auspicious times for buying land or property based

on astrology.
Utilize astrological guidance for successful property
In Depth

Health Analysis

Investigate health trends and potential issues through

Numerological analysis.
Understand how planetary positions may influence health


Craft personalized remedies, such as gemstone

recommendations or rituals, to mitigate negative planetary
Learn practical ways to balance and enhance positive energies.

Case Studies

Apply numrological knowledge to real-life scenarios through

intriguing case studies.
Explore practical applications of astrology in various situations.

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