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Colegio Marista Champagnat

4º Eco. y Adm.
Lengua Adicional (Inglés)



1. Complete the sentences with the missing word. The first letters are given. [6]

1- If you leave your bread soaking in milk, it’ll go s .

2- I’m not too keen on these toasted sandwiches because the melted cheese is too
g and it gets everywhere except in your mouth!

3- The chocolate mousse is delicious. I love the way it sips off the spoon and has such a
v texture in your mouth.

4- This fried breakfast is very nice, but all that oil makes it a bit g , don’t
you think?

5- These pineapple chunks are dry and c . I think they must be quite old.

6- This fruit smells horrible and what’s this blue stuff on it. I think it must have gone
m ______________________.

2. Choose the correct option a-c to complete the sentences. [6]

1- Before you put the bread in the oven, add a

of sesame seeds.
a sprinkle b drop c dusting
2- Wait until the water is boiling, before adding four of rice. Then turn the heat down
and let it cook for ten minutes.
a scoops b handfuls c dabs
3- I’ll have a cup of tea with two of sugar, please.
a cloves b segments c spoonfuls
4- Would you like a of my pizza before I eat it all and regret it for the rest of the
a segment b sprig c slice
Colegio Marista Champagnat
4º Eco. y Adm.
Lengua Adicional (Inglés)

5- To make this dessert, you’ll need half a of dark chocolate and the better the
quality, the nicer it will taste.
a slice b slab c drop
6- He licked a of cream from his finger before taking a sip of his coffee and
complimenting her on a delicious meal.
a dab b sprinkle c scoop

3. Choose a word from the box to fill in the blank. [6]

basil butter orange icing sugar garlic bread

1- In order to finish the cake, we gave it a dusting of

2- In a box, there are eight segments of
3- According to this recipe, I need a sprig of
4- You need to add a small dab of
5- For this recipe you’ll need two cloves of
6- If you’re very hungry, here’s a heel of

4. Provide the word for each definition. [5]

1- tender, juicy, and tasty.

2- containing a solid white substance in meat that is
difficult to eat.
3- very hot; burning.
4- easy to cut or chew; not tough.
5- heavy, filling, and high in carbohydrates.

5. Choose the correct option a–c to complete the sentences. [6]

1- If I hadn’t taken sandwiches with me, I anything to eat.

Colegio Marista Champagnat
4º Eco. y Adm.
Lengua Adicional (Inglés)

a wouldn’t have
b wouldn’t have had
c hadn’t have
2- I eat healthier food from now on, I won’t get better and I’ll probably become
more ill.
a Since
b If
c Unless
3- Should I ever go to India on my travels, fish curry because I’ve heard it’s amazing.
a I tried
b I’ll try
c I’d try
4- I’m pretty sure that if I hadn’t eaten those spicy prawns last night, I so ill now.
a wouldn’t feel
b won’t feel
c wouldn’t have felt
5- more money, I would have been able to pay for your lunch as a birthday treat.
a Had I brought
b I had broughtc
If I brought
6- If I were you, I’m pretty sure that lunch in a restaurant every day and forget about
a I would have had
b I had
c I’d have

6. Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown. [8]

1- If you do not get assistance, you will not be able to find the farm
2- If you won a million dollars, what would you do?
Colegio Marista Champagnat
4º Eco. y Adm.
Lengua Adicional (Inglés)

3- If Paul hadn’t helped us, we would be in the middle of nowhere.

4- If you pass your exams, I will let you go to the trip.
5- If your order is delayed, please contact customer services.
6- If Jim had been available, I would have asked him to do the job.
7- If we had had more time, we would have stayed there all day.
8- If you were to choose our premium plan, you would enjoy more benefits.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. [10]

1- Dan (arrive) safe if he drives slowly.

2- You (not have) trouble at school if you had done your
3- If you (swim) in this lake, you'd shiver from cold.
4- The door will unlock if you (press) the green button.
5- If Kate (ask) her teacher, she'd have answered her
6- I (call) the office if I was/were you.
7- If we met at 9:30, we (have) plenty of time.
8- Lisa will find the milk if she (look) in the fridge.
9- The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she (feed)
the animals.
10- If you spoke louder, your classmates (understand) you.

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