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Grade: 9 BIOLOGY DATE : Mar ‘22

Worksheet (Revision 2)
3. Movement In and Out of Cells
4. Biological Molecules
Section A: MCQ 1 x 15 = 15
Choose the correct answer from the given options.
1. Boiling potatoes destroys their cell membranes. A peeled, boiled potato strip is placed in a
concentrated solution of salts.

2. A red blood cell is placed in a concentrated sugar solution.

What happens and why?
A The cell bursts as sugar molecules diffuse into it.
B The cell bursts because the concentrated sugar solution enters it.
C The cell shrinks because sugar molecules leave it.
D The cell shrinks because water leaves it.

3. Nutrients are made up of smaller basic units. Nutrients can be identified by food tests.
Which nutrient is a protein?

4. How do oxygen molecules diffuse from a region of high concentration to a region of low
A as a result of their random movement
B by moving directly towards the area of low concentration
C by moving up a concentration gradient
D by osmosis

5. What increases the rate of diffusion of oxygen into red blood cells in the lungs?
A Air leaving the lungs is saturated with water vapour.
B Air leaving the lungs still contains 16% oxygen.
C Blood arriving in the lungs is saturated with oxygen.
D Blood is taken away from the lungs as it circulates.

6. The diagrams show an experiment when set up and the same experiment two hours later.

7. The diagrams show how a cell appears under the microscope at the start of an experiment
and after it has been placed in a dilute solution of salts for 5 minutes.

Which statement explains what happens?
A Dissolved salts enter the cell by diffusion.
B Dissolved salts leave the cell by diffusion.
C Water enters the cell by osmosis.
D Water leaves the cell by osmosis.

8. Four foods were tested for

fat (using ethanol),

protein (using the biuret test),
reducing sugar (using Benedict’s solution),
starch (using iodine solution).

Which food contains protein and starch?

9. Which nutrients can provide the body with energy?

A carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins
B minerals, vitamins and proteins
C vitamins, proteins and fats
D proteins, fats and carbohydrates

10. What term is used to describe all of the chemical reactions that take place in living
A digestion
B metabolism
C photosynthesis
D respiration

11. What is the name of the smaller molecules that join together in long chains to form protein
A amino acids
B enzymes
C fatty acids

D glucose

12. Which element is found in all proteins, but not in carbohydrates or fats?
A carbon
B hydrogen
C oxygen
D nitrogen

13. In what form is carbohydrate transported in human blood?

A glucose
B glycerol
C starch
D sucrose

14. The diagrams show the arrangement of cells in a section of a green leaf.
Which arrow represents the diffusion of the most oxygen during bright sunlight?

15. The diagrams show examples of movement of substances in organisms.

Which process is taking place in all three examples?
A assimilation
B diffusion
C osmosis
D translocation

Section B: Theory and ATP questions
1. Fig. 1.1 shows a section of a villus at two different magnifications.

Fig. 1.1
a) Label the structures shown in Fig. 1.1.
Write the labels in the boxes in Fig. 1.1. [3]
b) Suggest the role of the muscle tissue shown in the villus in Fig. 1.1.





……………………………………………………………………………… [2]

Fig. 1.2 shows an experiment to investigate the uptake of glucose by cells of the villi.
• Two leak-proof bags were set up.
• One bag was made from artificial partially permeable membrane (Visking tubing).
• The other bag was made from a piece of small intestine containing living cells, with its
inner surface inside the bag.
• The bags were filled with equal volumes of a dilute glucose solution.
• The bags were suspended in the same glucose solution for two hours.
• After two hours, the volumes of the bags were measured and the contents were tested
for the concentration of glucose.

Fig. 1.2
Inside the bag made from small intestine the volume and concentration of the glucose
solution decreased. There were no changes to the volume and concentration in the
Visking tubing bag.
c) State and explain the process responsible for the decrease in the glucose concentration in
the bag made from small intestine.



…………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

d) After two hours there was less water in the bag made from small intestine
The volume of water in the bag made from small intestine decreased, but the volume in
the bag made from Visking tubing did not change. Explain why.





…………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

e) An investigation studied the flow of water into and out of the human alimentary canal.
Table 1.1 shows the results
Table 1.1

i) Name the part of the alimentary canal that secretes most water in a digestive juice.

……………………………………………………………………………………………. [1]

ii) Name the part of the alimentary canal that absorbs most water.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]
iii) Explain why water is added to food by the secretions shown in Table 1.1.







………………………………………………………………………………………….. [3]

iv) Explain why it is important that water is absorbed in the alimentary canal.





………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]

[Total: 17]
2. A sample of DNA was tested to find out which bases were present. It was found that 30% of
the bases in the DNA were T.
a What percentage of the bases in the DNA would you expect to be A? Explain your answer.
b What percentage of the bases in the DNA would you expect to be C? Explain your answer.
c Explain why two organisms that have different sequences of bases in their DNA may look
different from each other. [2]
[Total: 6]

3. Fig. 3.1 shows the appearance of a cell from the epidermis of a leaf.
(Paper 6, May/June 2004)

Fig. 3.1

Three similar pieces of epidermis have been placed in different solutions and left submerged for 30
minutes. One solution was pure water, another contained 1.5% sugar solution and the third 5%
sugar solution. Figs. 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 show a cell from each of these three pieces of epidermis

Fig. 3.2 Fig. 3.3 Fig. 3.4
(These cells are all drawn to the same magnification)

a) Measure the width of the cell contents along the lines drawn across each cell.

Fig. 3.1 ..................................................

Fig. 3.2 ..................................................

Fig. 3.3 ..................................................

Fig. 3.4 .................................................. [3]

b) Suggest in which solution each of the cells, in Figs. 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4, was placed and

explain your choice.

Fig. 3.2 .............................................................................................................................

explanation .......................................................................................................................


Fig. 3.3 .............................................................................................................................

explanation .......................................................................................................................


Fig. 3.4 .............................................................................................................................

explanation .......................................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................... [Total : 11]

4. Fig.4.1a shows a whole garlic bulb and Fig.4.1b shows a section with many 'cloves' arranged
around a central stem
(Paper 6, May/June 2009)

Fig. 4.1a Fig. 4.1b

Fig. 4.2a shows a whole potato and Fig. 4.2b shows a section of the potato stem tuber.

Fig. 4.2a Fig. 4.2b

a) Make a large, labelled drawing of Fig. 4.1b. to show the section of the garlic bulb.

b i) Compare one visible similarity between the garlic bulb and the potato tuber.


………………………………………………………………………………………. [1]

B ii) Describe two visible differences between the garlic bulb and the potato tuber.


……………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

c) Describe how you would carry out tests on the garlic and the potato to compare the starch content

and the reducing sugar content. Include any necessary safety precautions.

starch ………………………………………………………………………………………




reducing sugar …………………………………………………………………………….





………………………………………………………………………………………… [6]

[Total 14]


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