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UJIAN PENILAIAN 1 BIOLOGI TING. 4 2013 1 JAM Jawab semua soalan / Answer all questions 1. Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur sejenis sel. Diagram 1 shows the structure of a cell. 3. Rajah 3 menunjukkan struktur satu sel haiwan. Diagram 1 shows the structure of an animal cell.

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1 Apakah fungsi organel X? What is the function of organelle X? A. Menghasilkan ATP Produce ATP B. Menyerap tenaga cahaya Absorbed light energy C. Tapak penjanaan protein Site of protein synthesis D. Mengkoordinasi aktiviti sel Coordinate cellular activities

Rajah 3 / Diagram 3

Yang manakah antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan D ialah satu mitokondrion? Which of the parts labeled A, B, C and D is a mitochondrion? 4. Organel manakah yang bertanggungjawab mengubahsuaikan protein kepada enzim luar sel. Which organelle is responsible for modifying proteins to extracellular enzymes?

2. Rajah 2 menunjukkan pertukaran gas pada organisma unisel. Diagram 2 shows gaseous exchange in a cellular organism.

A. Mitokondria Mitochondria B. Jalinan endoplasma kasar Rough endoplasmic reticulum C. Jasad Golgi Golgi apparatus D. Jalinan endoplasma licin Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
5 Sel Tisu Tissue P P Sistem System Organisma Organism

Rajah 2 / Diagram 2 Namakan cara bagaimana pertukaran gas berlaku pada organisma ini? State the method of gaseous exchange at the organism? A. B. C. D. Osmosis / Osmosis Pengangkutan aktif / Active transport Resapan ringkas / Simple diffusion Resapan berbantu / Facilitated diffusion


Sekumpulan tisu yang mempunyai tugas yang khusus membentuk P. Manakah antara berikut diwakili oleh P? A group of tissues with specific function forms P. Which of the following can be represented by P?
A. B. C. D. Tendon / Tendon Jantung / Heart Darah / Blood Neuron / Neurone

6. Rajah 4 menunjukkan pergerakan molekul K merentasi lapisan fosfolipid. Diagram 4 shows the movement of molecules K across phospholipid bilayer.

8. Bahan manakah memasuki sel tumbuhan secara pengangkutan aktif? Which substance enters a plant cells by active transport? A. B. C. D. Karbon dioksida / Carbon dioxide Oksigen / Oxygen Ion nitrat / Nitrate ion Air / Water

Rajah 4 / Diagram 4 Namakan molekul K. Name molecule K. A. B. C. D. Glucose / Glukosa Asid amino /Amino acid Asid lemak /Fatty acids Glycoprotein / Glycoprotein

9. Rajah 6 menunjukkan sel darah merah sebelum dan selepas direndam dalam larutan X. Diagram 8 show a red blood cell before and after it has been immersed in solution X.

Sebelum Before

Selepas After

Rajah 6 / Diagram 6 7. Rajah 5 menunjukkan keadaan satu sel bawang setelah direndam di dalam suatu larutan. Diagram 5 shows the condition of an onion cell after being immersed in a solution. . A B C Rajah 5 / Diagram 5 Apakah fenomena ini? What is the phenomenon? A. B. C. D. Segah / Turgid Plasmolisis / Plasmolysis Hemolisis / Haemolysis Deplasmolisis / Deplasmolysed D Apakah larutan X dan proses apakah yang berlaku ke atas sel darah merah? What is solution X and the process that takes place in the red blood cell?

Solution X Air suling Distilled water Air suling Distilled water Larutan sukrosa 20% 20% sucrose solution Larutan sukrosa 20% 20% sucrose solution

Process Plasmolisis Plasmolysis Krenasi Crenation Plasmolisis Plasmolysis Krenasi Crenation

10. Antara berikut, yang manakah manakah organ tumbuhan? Which of the following are plant organs? A. Daun / Leaf B. Perut / Stomach C. Nukleus / Nucleus D. Skelerenkima / Scelerenchyma

1. Rajah 1 menunjukkan organel X dan organel Y di dalam sel hidup. Diagram 1 shows organelle X and organelle Y in a living cell.

Rajah 1 / Diagram 1 (a) Namakan organel-organel di atas. (Name of the above organelles)

Organel X:

Organel Y: [ 2 markah ]

(b) Nyatakan fungsi utama bagi setiap organel. (State the main function of the organelles) Organel X: .. Organel Y: .. [ 2 markah ] (c) i. Nyatakan jenis sel yang banyak mengandungi oraganel X dan organel Y. State the type of cell that contain an abundance of organelle X and Y. Organel X: .. Organel Y: .......................... [ 2 markah ] ii. Terangkan apa yang akan berlaku pada sel yang telah dinyatakan di (c) i. jika organel X tidak hadir dalam sel-sel tersebut. Predict what will happen to the cells stated in (c) i. if organelle X are absent respectively. . [ 2 markah ]

(d) Berikan dua ciri yang hanya boleh dijumpai di dalam sel tumbuhan. Give two features which can be only found in plant cells. i) .. ii) .. [ 2 markah ]

2. Rajah 2.1 dan 2.2 menunjukkan dua jenis pergerakan bahan yang berbeza bagi bahan merentasi membran plasma. Diagram 3.1 and 3.2 show two different types of movement of substances across the plasma membrane.

Rajah 2.1 / Diagram 2.1

Rajah 2.2 / Diagram 2.2

(a) Pada Rajah 2.1, label struktur berikut: / In Diagram 2.1, label the following structures: Dwilapisan fosfolipid, dengan huruf P / Phospholipid bilayer, with letter P Protein pembawa, dengan huruf Q / Carrier protein, with letter Q [ 2 markah ] (b) Membran plasma dikatakan bersifat separa telap. Apakah maksud membran separa telap? The plasma membrane is said to be semi-permeable. What is the meaning of semi-permeable membrane? [ 1 markah ] (c) Namakan proses pergerakan bahan merentasi membran plasma yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah 2.1 dan 2.2. Name the process of movement of substances across the plasma membrane as shown in Diagram 2.1 and 2.2. Proses pada Rajah 2.1/ Process in Diagram 2.1 Proses pada Rajah 2.2 / Process in Diagram 2.2 [ 2 markah ] (d) i. Terangkan bagaimana molekul asid amino diangkut merentasi membran plasma melalui proses yang ditujukkan pada Rajah 2.1. Explain how amino acid molecules are transported across the plasma membrane by the process shown in Diagram 2.1. ........ [ 2 markah ]

(e) Terangkan konsep osmosis dalam pengawetan timun. Explain the concept of osmosis in the preservation of cucumbers. ........ [ 3 markah ] 3 . Rajah 3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen ke atas sel haiwan B. Diagram 3 shows the result of an experiment on the animal cell B.

Rajah 3 / Diagram 3

(a) Nyatakan jenis larutan P dan Q (State the type of solution P and Q.) P: . Q: .. [ 4 markah ] (b) Explain the phenomenon that occurs on animal cell B in solution P and Q. Larutan P / Solution P ........ [ 3 markah ] Larutan Q / Solution Q ........ [ 3 markah ] KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT Disediakan oleh; ( Hayati Mohd Arshad ) Ketua Panitia Biologi SMK Tun Abdul Razak

Disahkan oleh; .... (Pn. Noor Aziah bt Bakri) Guru Kanan Sains dan Matematik SMK Tun Abdul Razak

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