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ENZYME( HOMEWORK 30/4/20202)

1 Diagram 1.1 shows the action of enzyme maltase on substrate P.

Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan tindakan enzim maltase ke atas substrat P.

Diagram 1.1 / Rajah 1.1

a(i) Name molecules P and Q.

S Namakan molekul P dan Q.

P : ..............................................................................................................................

Q : …..................................................................................................................................
[2 marks]

b (i) The action of enzyme maltase on substrate P is specific.

S Explain this statement.
F Tindakan enzim maltase ke atas substrat P adalah spesifik.
Terangkan pernyataan ini.



[2 marks]

(ii) Based on Diagram 1.1, state two other characteristics of enzyme maltase.
T Berdasarkan Rajah 1.1, nyatakan dua ciri enzim maltase yang lain.

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
[2 marks]

c) When a sliced apple is exposed to air, an enzyme in the apple starts a

chemical reaction which cause the apple turning brown.
Diagram 2.2 shows the observation made on a sliced apple before and after
a treatment as follows:
Part R: Soaked in an alkali
Part S: Soaked in a distilled water

Apabila sepotong epal didedahkan ke udara, sejenis enzim dalam epal

memulakan tindak balas kimia yang menyebabkan epal bertukar perang.
Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan pemerhatian yang dibuat ke atas potongan epal
sebelum dan selepas satu rawatan seperti berikut:
Bahagian R: Direndam di dalam alkali
Bahagian S: Direndam di dalam air suling

Diagram 1.2 / Rajah 1.2

(i) Based on Diagram 1.2, explain your observation.

S Berdasarkan Rajah 1.2, terangkan pemerhatian anda.




[3 marks]

(ii) Explain another treatment to avoid sliced apples from

turning brown.
Terangkan satu rawatan lain untuk mengelakkan potongan epal




[3 marks]

2 (a) Enzymes is produced by living cells. There are two types of enzyme which are
intracellular enzyme and extracellular enzyme.
Diagram 6.1 shows the organelles involved in the synthesis and secretion of
extracellular enzymes in an animal cell.

Enzim dihasilkan oleh sel hidup. Terdapat dua jenis dua jenis iaitu enzim intrasel dan
enzim luar sel.
Diagram 6.1 menunjukkan organel-organel yang terlibat dalam sintesis dan rembesan
enzim-enzim luar sel di dalam sel haiwan.

Diagram 6.1
Rajah 6.1

(i) Explain the differences between intracellular enzymes and extracellular enzymes.
Terangkan perbezaan di antara enzim intrasel dan enzim luar sel.

[ 4 marks ]
[ 4 markah ]

( ii ) Describe the involvement of the organelles in the production of

extracellular enzymes.
Huraikan penglibatan organel-organel di dalam penghasilan enzim-enzim luar sel.

[ 8 marks ]
[ 8 markah ]

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