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Current events of national and international

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Is current affairs what troubles you the most? Are you looking for a way to understand
the crux of current events of national and international importance? Do you want to
know how to score more marks in the civil service exam? Read further to know more.

The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is undoubtedly one of the most prestigious and
challenging exams in India, requiring aspirants to possess a comprehensive understanding of a wide
range of subjects.
Among these, the segment on “Current Events of National and International Importance” holds
significant weightage.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of staying updated with current affairs and how it aligns 2/22
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In this blog post, we ll explore the importance of staying updated with current affairs and how it aligns
with the UPSC CSE syllabus. (

Table of Contents
1. What is the best strategy to learn current affairs for competitive exams like UPSC CSE?
2. Understanding the relevance of Current events of national and international importance
3. What Falls Under Current Events
4. Current Affairs is an extension of Static Topics
5. Some major events of recent national importance:
6. Some recent issues or events of international importance
7. How to learn about current affairs?
8. Online Sources to learn events of national and international importance
9. Conclusion:

What is the best strategy to learn current affairs for

competitive exams like UPSC CSE? 3/22
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( Affairs is not separate from traditional

subjects – it is an extension of static topics like History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Environment,
Science and Technology etc.

Hence the best strategy to learn about Current Affairs is to link it with respective static topics. That is
the reason why when we started the ClearIAS Current Affairs Course
( – we provided subject-wise and topic-wise
current affairs.

Click here to join ( the ClearIAS Current Affairs


Understanding the relevance of Current events of national

and international importance
Current events play a pivotal role in the UPSC CSE syllabus as they serve as a bridge between
theoretical knowledge and real-world application.

This segment gauges an aspirant’s awareness of global and national issues.

It also checks aspirants’ analytical skills, and their ability to connect various events to broader socio-
political, economic, and environmental contexts. 6/22
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political, economic, and environmental contexts.

What Falls Under Current Events

As far as UPSC CSE is concerned, candidates should conceive the “Current Events of National and
International Importance” as events that have taken place in recent times and have significant
relevance to India’s socio-economic, political, and cultural landscape.

This includes both national and international events, policy changes, scientific advancements,
diplomatic relations, environmental issues, and more.

Current Affairs is an extension of Static Topics

Current affairs is not something that is separate from static topics.

Ideally, candidates should see current affairs as an extension of static topics like Geography
(, Economy (, Polity
(, Technology (

Current affairs events can be connected to subjects like polity (

polity/) and governance, economy, international relations, environment
(, science and technology
(, social issues, and security. 7/22
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( technology/), social issues, and security.

Aspirants should aim to form a holistic understanding of how these events impact these diverse

Some major events of recent national importance:

The current affairs events mentioned below represent a cross-section of the diverse issues that have
captured national attention in recent times, reflecting the multifaceted nature of India’s socio-political

ISRO’s X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat) (

missions/): Launched to study black holes and galaxies, marking a significant step in space
Aditya-L1 Mission ( India’s first solar mission
successfully reached its final orbit, enhancing India’s capabilities in space research.
Mumbai Trans Harbour Link: India’s longest bridge, connecting Mumbai with Navi
Women Reservation Bill ( This
legislation aims to reserve 33 per cent of seats in both the directly elected Lok Sabha and state
legislative assemblies exclusively for women.
Chandrayaan 3 ( Chandrayaan-3 is India’s
third voyage to the moon and its second attempt at a soft landing. Through this mission, India
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joined China, the United States, and Russia as the fourth nation in the world to accomplish this
COVID-19 Pandemic: ( The global pandemic had a
profound impact on India, leading to lockdowns, healthcare challenges, and socio-economic
Farmers’ Protests: The ongoing farmers’ protests against agricultural reforms sparked
nationwide discussions on agrarian policies and farmer welfare.
Vaccination Drive: India’s vaccination campaign against COVID-19, one of the largest in the
world, aimed to inoculate millions and curb the spread of the virus.
Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization: ( The
abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into union territories sparked
debates on regional autonomy and security.
Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) Protests (
amendment-act-2019): Nationwide protests erupted against the CAA, with concerns raised
about its implications on citizenship and secularism.
Ayodhya Verdict: The Supreme Court’s verdict on the Ayodhya land dispute paved the way for
the construction of a Ram temple and the allocation of an alternative site for a mosque.
Digital India Initiatives ( The
push for digitalization, especially during the pandemic, emphasized the importance of digital
connectivity, governance, and services.
Economic Slowdown and Recovery: The economic impact of the pandemic led to
challenges, followed by efforts for recovery through stimulus packages and policy changes.
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Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: (

abhiyan/)The self-reliance initiative aimed to boost domestic manufacturing, reduce dependence
on imports, and promote entrepreneurship.
Ladakh Standoff: The military standoff with China in Ladakh’s Galwan Valley
( highlighted border security concerns
and India’s foreign policy challenges.
Cyclone Amphan: The powerful cyclone wreaked havoc in West Bengal and Bangladesh,
emphasizing the need for disaster preparedness and climate resilience.
Black Lives Matter Solidarity: The global movement sparked discussions in India about
racism, discrimination, and social justice.
Rising Environmental Concerns: Environmental issues (
warming/) gained prominence, with discussions on air quality
(, water scarcity, deforestation, and
sustainable development. (
New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 (
policy): The policy aimed at revamping the education system, emphasizing holistic learning,
skill development, and flexibility.
Rise of Digital Payments: The surge in digital payments, accelerated by the pandemic,
showcased the potential of a cashless economy.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Policies: RBI’s interventions to stabilize the economy, manage
inflation, and promote financial inclusion were closely monitored.
New Labour Codes ( The introduction of new
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labour codes aimed to modernize and simplify labour laws, impacting the rights and working
conditions of employees.
National Education Technology Forum (NETF): The forum was launched to promote the
integration of technology in education, facilitating e-learning and innovation.
One Nation One Ration Card Scheme: (
system-) The initiative aimed to provide food security to beneficiaries across states by enabling
ration card portability.
Pegasus Spyware Controversy: Allegations of surveillance using Pegasus spyware raised
concerns about privacy, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression.

Note: Do you wish to cover a lot more current affairs topics in a short span of time? If yes, join the
ClearIAS Current Affairs Course (

Some recent issues or events of international importance

The international events and issues mentioned below reflect the intricate web of interconnectedness
that shapes our world, highlighting the importance of diplomacy 11/22
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(, cooperation, and informed global citizenship.

Russia-Ukraine Tensions ( The ongoing

tensions and conflicts between Russia and Ukraine heightened concerns about territorial
integrity, European security, and international law.
Israel-Palestine Conflict (
Escalations in the Israel-Palestine conflict led to renewed violence, international mediation, and
discussions on a two-state solution.
Global COVID-19 Response: ( global effort to
combat the COVID-19 pandemic included vaccine distribution, travel restrictions, and
collaborative research on treatments.
Climate Change and COP26: ( The United Nations
Climate Change Conference (COP26) highlighted the urgency of addressing climate change
through global cooperation.
Afghanistan Withdrawal: ( The
withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan led to a power vacuum, impacting regional
security and stability.

Myanmar Coup: ( military coup in

Myanmar sparked international condemnation and raised concerns about human rights and
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Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan: (

relations/)The rapid takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban raised questions about governance,
women’s rights, and global security.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): (
obor/) China’s expansive infrastructure project continued to impact global trade, geopolitics, and
economic dynamics.
Russia-Ukraine Tensions: ( Ongoing
tensions between Russia and Ukraine raised concerns about territorial integrity and European
Brexit Implementation: (
world/)The finalization of the UK’s exit from the European Union marked a significant shift in
Europe’s political and economic landscape.
Global Supply Chain Disruptions: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted vulnerabilities in
global supply chains, impacting trade, manufacturing, and logistics.
Vaccine Diplomacy: Countries engaged in vaccine diplomacy by providing COVID-19 vaccines
to other nations, influencing international relations.
Hong Kong National Security Law: China’s imposition of a national security law in Hong
Kong raised concerns about autonomy and civil liberties.

Iran Nuclear Deal ( Negotiations

surrounding the Iran nuclear deal highlighted global efforts to prevent nuclear proliferation and
regional stability.
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Rise of Cyberattacks: ( High-profile

cyberattacks targeted critical infrastructure, raising questions about cybersecurity, espionage,
and digital warfare.
Migration Crisis: ( Ongoing migration
challenges, including refugee movements and immigration policies, remained a global concern.
Emerging Technologies: Discussions around artificial intelligence,
( 5G technology,
( and biotechnology raised questions about ethics,
regulation, and national security.
Ebola Outbreak: (
Ebola outbreaks in Africa prompted international efforts to contain the virus and support
healthcare systems.
Humanitarian Crises: Humanitarian crises in Yemen, Syria, and Venezuela underscored the
importance of international aid and conflict resolution.
Space Exploration: Advancements in space exploration, including Mars missions
( and private space travel, redefined
possibilities beyond Earth.
Trade Disputes: Trade tensions between major economies, such as the US-China trade
dispute, continued to impact global trade flows and economic relations.
Note: Do you wish to cover a lot more current affairs topics in a short span of time? If yes, join the
ClearIAS Current Affairs Course (

How to learn about current affairs? 14/22
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How to learn about current affairs?

Aspirants often wonder about the best way to stay updated with the multitude of current affairs events
occurring around the world.

Readers may note that this article on current events of national and international importance is just
an overview of the topic. There is a lot more to learn ( about the
current affairs.

We recommend the below sources to learn the current affairs.

1. Join ClearIAS Current Affairs Course (

2. If you wish to cover all subjects in the UPSC CSE syllabus including current affairs, join the
ClearIAS Prelims cum Mains course (
3. Go through ClearIAS Current Affairs articles (
4. Download ClearIAS Current Affairs Capsule ( (monthly MCQ PDF
5. Reading reputable newspapers like The Hindu, The Indian Express, and The Business Line and
magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, and Frontline can provide a deep insight into current
affairs. If you wish to subscribe to The Hindu Epaper or The Hindu website
(, you can apply the discount code
CLEARIAS ( to get extra OFF.

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Online Sources to learn events of national and international

There are many websites and apps like ClearIAS that will help in your current affairs preparation.

ClearIAS Website: If you join ClearIAS Prelims cum Mains course

(, you will get information about all major events of
national and international importance. If you are looking for a current affairs-specific course, also
explore the ClearIAS Current Affairs Course (
Also, don’t miss ClearIAS current affairs articles ( which
we create for free.

Government Websites: Websites like PIB (Press Information Bureau), RSTV (Rajya Sabha TV),
and IDSA (Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses) offer valuable information.

News Apps and Podcasts: Utilize news apps and podcasts that offer daily or weekly summaries of
current events, making it convenient to stay updated even on the go.

Television and Radio: News channels and radio broadcasts can provide a broader perspective on
events and discussions.

Government Reports and International Organizations: Reports from government bodies like
NITI Aayog and international organizations like the United Nations can provide data-driven insights
into current issues. 16/22
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In the grand scheme of the UPSC CSE preparation journey, staying updated with current affairs is not
just a box to be checked, but a continuous process of learning and adapting. It’s about nurturing the
ability to critically analyze, comprehend, and discuss the complex world we live in.

By integrating current events into the broader syllabus, aspirants can showcase their readiness to take
on the challenges of governance in an ever-evolving world.

The Civil Services Exam aims to identify individuals who have the potential to become effective
administrators and policymakers. In the modern era, administrators are required to make decisions
that impact not only the nation but also the international community.

Therefore, being well-versed in current events is not just a syllabus requirement; it’s a necessity for
responsible governance.

3/24/24, 11:51 AM Current events of national and international importance - ClearIAS

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