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1. What are the activities or events you have joined during the intramurals?

•the activities or events that i join or the day that I'm present is the theatre, opening day, basketball
championships and last is the cheerdance competition.

2. Do you think the activities show rich culture Filipinos?

• yes, i think that all activities in intramurals are showing the rich culture Filipinos. For example is the
theatre act, we all know that the theater act represents to us Filipinos the dedication to all that we do,
that we are good at acting or dramatizing what is currently happening in our country or culture.

3. How does the intrams activities connected to our subject?

• I think why the intrams activities that took place in our subject are connected because these
activities are shown that are usually done by Filipinos, just like the theater act, the basketball and
volleyball that will not disappear from the culture of the Filipinos. and the cheerdance that various big
universities have been doing for a long time. and lastly, the reason why all these activities are
connected to our subject is because of our subject "POPULAR CULTURE" which means what we will
discuss are popular activities or cultures of the Philippines which all took place in the intrams.

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