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Store and forward telex is a communication system that allows messages to be sent from one location to
another, even if the receiving station is temporarily unavailable. This system is particularly useful for
asynchronous communication, where the sender and receiver may not be online at the same time. Here's how
store and forward telex works:

1. Store:
The sending telex station initiates a message transmission to the receiving station.
Instead of sending the message directly to the recipient, the sending station stores the message in its
memory or storage.
2. Forward:
 The sending station periodically attempts to establish a connection with the receiving station to
deliver the stored message.
 If the receiving station is available and ready to receive, the stored message is forwarded to it.
 If the receiving station is not available or busy, the sending station continues to attempt delivery until

The store and forward telex system is advantageous in situations where the availability of communication
lines or the online status of the receiving station is uncertain. It allows messages to be queued for delivery,
and the system keeps attempting delivery until the recipient acknowledges receipt.

Telex, in general, was a telegraphy network used for text-based communication before the widespread use of
email and the internet. It was commonly employed for business and official communication, offering a
reliable means of sending written messages between businesses and individuals worldwide. The store and
forward capability enhanced the resilience and efficiency of the telex system by accommodating variations
in the availability of communication links.

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