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1. Which load will work if the switch makes contact with terminal 1 and terminal 2?

(5 points)
ANSWER: The lamp and also the buzzer.
2. Which load will work if the switch makes contact with terminal 5 and terminal 6? (5 points)
ANSWER: Both the speaker and also the LED wil work.

From the given diagram/schematic. How are you going to utilize and set the contacts to make to following
situation possible? Use the letter for determining the contact points. 10 points each.

*Make a unique way on explaining your answer and write it in paragraph form.

1. LED 1 is ON, LED 2 is ON

Explanation: In SW1, it only have 1 terminal to make 1 LED turn on. It doesn’t have the ability to turn both LED’s
2. LED 1 is OFF, LED 2 is OFF
Explanation: For me, LED 1 will not turn on because SW1 is connected to Terminal A making it open. LED 2 will
not turn on if we connect SW3 to Terminal F and Terminal H. Electricity will not flow, making it impossible to
turn on LED 2.
3. LED 1 if ON, LED 2 is OFF
Explanation: LED 2 will not turn on if we connect SW3 to Terminal F and Terminal H. Electricity will not flow,
making it impossible to turn on LED 2. To turn on LED 1, simply connect SW1 to Terminal B.
4. LED 1 is OFF, LED 2 is ON
Explanation: LED 1 is an open circuit and LED 2 is the opposite of LED 2( the circuit is simply close ).



Analyzing Circuit with Switches


INSTRUCTIONS: Analyze each circuit below and answer the questions that follows. You can add separate page if

*Upload your PDF copy of the activity in google drive.


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