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Digital Marketing


Mohammed Altamash Rajpoot


Task 1: Select a Niche or Industry

The niche selected for this assignment is fashion. In digital marketing, fashion is essential
because it's a potent weapon for captivating and interacting with online audiences. Fashion's
visual element melds perfectly with digital platforms in this age of social media domination and
e-commerce growth, producing a dynamic synergy. Firstly, fashion is an essential part of digital
marketing strategy since it creates trends and defines a brand's identity. Visual material draws
attention and promotes brand identification. Examples of this include top-notch photos and films
that display the newest fashions. Social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram have evolved
into digital catwalks where companies can present their goods and establish personal connections
with customers (Rathnayaka, 2018). Furthermore, influencer marketing has become a widely
used tactic in the fashion sector. Partnering with fashion influencers extends a brand's reach by
using their well-established online platform to promote goods. In this setting, relatability and
authenticity are essential since influencers engage viewers with real-life fashion experiences.
Fashion is also used by e-commerce platforms to improve user experience (Purwar, 2019).
Cutting-edge innovations such as augmented reality bridge the gap between the physical and
digital shopping experiences by enabling customers to virtually try on garments before making a

Task 2: Conduct SEO Analysis

The website selected for analysis is In this part, a

comprehensive and detailed SEO analysis is conducted that include identification of relevant
keywords, assess on-page and off-page SEO factors, and suggest improvements to increase the
search engine visibility of website.

Based on the relevant SEO tools, the top 20 keywords used by Gul Ahmed are mentioned
below along with SEO difficulty level and traffic.

No Keywords Volume Position Est. Visits Difficulty
1 gul ahmed 301000 1 139236 58
sale in gul
2 ahmed 90500 1 26241 38
gul ahmed shop
3 sale 90500 1 26241 38
sale at gul
4 ahmed 90500 1 26083 45
5 gul ahmed sales 90500 1 19494 42
6 idea 90500 1 19373 68
7 idea sale 49500 1 14246 50
8 ideas sales 49500 1 14171 38

idea by gul
9 ahmed 40500 1 12659 73
10 ideas gul 40500 1 8975 61
11 sale 14800 1 5441 29
12 sale on brands 14800 1 5409 28
gul ahmed
13 collection 2023 12100 1 5379 36
gul ahmed sale
14 2023 12100 1 5379 38
15 lawn gul ahmed 14800 1 5359 37
16 brand sale 14800 1 5336 29
gulahmed lawn
17 sale 9900 1 5252 37
gul ahmed lawn
18 sale 9900 1 5178 36
sale on gul
19 ahmed lawn 9900 1 4837 36
gul ahmed
20 collection 2022 8100 1 4807 31

The above table shows that Gul Ahmed has high domain authority and this is the reason
that company is ranking high SEO difficulty keywords. These all keywords are ranked on 1 st on
Google as these keywords are high in number of searches and traffic.

Links from one website to another are called backlinks, sometimes referred to as inbound
or incoming links. They can affect a website's visibility and ranking in search engine results and
are essential to search engine optimisation (SEO) (Killoran, 2013). Considering off-page SEO,
Gul Ahmed has used 638,448 backlinks till now which means more than 600,000 websites are
referring the website of Gul Ahmed on their respective channels. This gives good impression to
Google and Google ranks the website on search engines. The following is the backlinks
summary of Gul Ahmed:

The graph shows that with time, Gul Ahmed has increased efforts on backlinks. While
working on backlinks, one important element is Anchor text. Different keywords are used by Gul
Ahmed digital marketing team as an Anchor text on different websites, they are shown below:

The above image shows that has high number of backlinks because it
is main keyword and also it is used commonly by other websites.

Apart from off-page SEO, Gul Ahmed also focuses on on-page SEO. The following are
some points that Gul Ahmed has considered for on-page SEO:

Keyword Research

 Identify relevant and high-performing keywords for the content.

 Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find keywords with the
right balance of search volume and competition.

Title Tags

 Craft compelling and relevant title tags for each page.

 Include primary keyword near the beginning of the title tag.
 Keep it within 50-60 characters for optimal display in search results.

Meta Descriptions

 Write concise and engaging Meta descriptions that summarize the content.
 Use the primary keyword naturally but avoid keyword stuffing.
 Limit the Meta description to around 150-160 characters.

URL Structure

 Create clean and user-friendly URLs.

 Include the target keyword if possible.
 Use hyphens to separate words in the URL.

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

 Use header tags to structure content.

 Include the target keyword in the H1 tag (main heading).
 Use H2 and H3 tags for subheadings to improve readability and SEO.

Image Optimization

 Compress images to reduce file size and improve page loading speed.
 Use descriptive filenames and include alt text with relevant keywords.

Internal Linking

 Link to other relevant pages on website using descriptive anchor text.

 Helps distribute link equity and improves navigation for users and search engines.

External Linking

 Include authoritative external links to relevant and reputable sources.

 Link to credible websites to enhance the credibility of content.

Task 3: Utilize SEMrush for Competitor Analysis

The first competitor of Gul Ahmed is Sana Safinaz. The SEO analysis of this website is
shown below:

Volum Positio Est. Difficult
No Keywords e n Visits y
1 sana safinaz 201000 1 61067 52
2 sana safinaz pk 5400 1 2215 43
3 sanasafinaz pk 5400 1 2084 32
4 sana safinaz lawn 4400 1 1817 33
5 sanasafinaz lawn 4400 1 1760 30
sana safinaz sale today
6 unstitched 3600 1 1334 29
7 sana safinaz winter collection 2900 1 1058 30
8 winter collection sana safinaz 2900 1 1058 30
9 sana safinaz sale 2023 2400 1 999 27
10 sanasafinaz online 2400 1 945 42
11 sana safinaz online 2400 1 891 31
12 sana safinaz sale 2022 1900 1 802 28
13 sanasafinaz pakistan 1600 1 681 53
14 sana safinaz pakistan 1600 1 613 39
15 sana safinaz lawn 2023 1600 1 613 30
sana safinaz winter collection
16 2022 1600 1 565 28
17 sanasafinaz online pakistan 1300 1 516 45
18 sana safinaz pk online 1300 1 516 37
sana safinaz summer
19 collection 2023 1300 1 516 28
20 sana safinaz in pakistan 1600 1 501 38

This table shows that Sana Safinaz has used majority of keywords that are not highly
difficult, but they are moderately difficult because majority of the keywords are around the range
of 20-30. Moreover, the traffic generated from those keywords is also less as compared to Gul
Ahmed. Additionally, in terms of backlinks and off-page SEO, the company has almost similar
domain authority just like Gul Ahmed, however the backlinks used are more.

Another competitor used in this assignment is Khaadi. The website of Khaadi has similar
domain authority just like other two companies and keywords used as backlinks are also same as
Gul Ahmed.

Moreover, the keywords by search volume are shown below:

Est. Seo
No Keywords Volume Position Visits Difficulty
1 khaadi khaas 6600 1 2602 38
2 khaadi official website 4400 1 1892 56
3 khaadi khaas official website 4400 1 1717 61
4 khaadi pakistan 3600 1 1352 50
5 khaadi khaas online shopping 3600 1 1334 48
6 khaadi online store 3600 1 1334 49
7 khaadi shop online 3600 1 1334 46
8 khaadi shopping online 3600 1 1334 54
9 khaadi khaas online store 3600 1 1209 44
10 khaadi new collection 2900 1 1165 34
11 khadi com 2900 1 1140 62
12 khaadi kidswear 2900 1 1033 38
13 khaadi com 2900 1 1033 66
14 khaadi perfume 8100 2 1006 54
15 khadi brand 2400 1 1002 62
16 khaadi online shopping 2400 1 999 53
17 khaadi brand 2400 1 794 67
18 khaadi brands 2400 1 794 55
19 khadi collection 1900 1 749 49
20 khaadi collection 1900 1 749 42

Task 4: Digital Consumer Persona Development

Understanding many facets of the target audience's online behaviour, tastes,

psychographics, and online behaviour is necessary to develop comprehensive digital consumer
personas for the fashion sector (Jansen et al. 2020). These personas are broad and might not
accurately depict every member of the intended audience. Additionally, as customer tastes and
behaviours change over time, it is critical to update these personas on a frequent basis.

Persona 1: Trendy Millennial


 Age: 24-30
 Gender: Female
 Location: Urban areas
 Income: Moderate to high


 Values self-expression and individuality

 Tech-savvy and active on social media
 Follows fashion influencers and trendsetters
 Interested in sustainable and ethical fashion

Online Behavior

 Primarily uses Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok for fashion inspiration

 Enjoys online shopping and follows fashion blogs
 Frequently engages in fashion-related hashtags and challenges
 Participates in virtual fashion events and live streams


 Prefers fast fashion with a mix of high-end pieces

 Values brands that promote sustainability
 Enjoys personalized shopping experiences and discounts
 Responsive to limited-edition and exclusive releases

Persona 2: Classic Professional


 Age: 30-45
 Gender: Male
 Location: Urban or suburban
 Income: High


 Values quality and durability in clothing

 Follows a classic and timeless fashion style
 Busy professional with limited time for shopping
 Prefers established and reputable brands

Online Behavior

 Uses LinkedIn and Twitter for professional updates

 Prefers online shopping for convenience
 Reads fashion blogs and follows industry news
 Engages with targeted email newsletters


 Invests in high-quality, versatile wardrobe staples

 Appreciates tailored and well-fitted clothing
 Looks for loyalty programs and exclusive member benefits
 Prefers online platforms with detailed product descriptions

Task 5: Social Media Overview and Strategy

Gul Ahmed has good and solid social media presence. When it comes to Facebook, the
company has active Facebook page with 2.9 million followers. Gul Ahmed also updates its new
arrivals and also update its followers about discounts and sales promotions. All the details
including outlet’s addresses and contact numbers are updated on their Facebook page.

Moreover, apart from Facebook Gul Ahmed brand is also active on Instagram. The
company has 2.3 million followers on Instagram. Gul Ahmed follows all the relevant
requirements of Instagram like good captions, use of hashtags, and shopping website link etc.

For Gul Ahmed, a well-known brand in the textile and fashion industries, long-term
growth and customer connection require a thorough plan that includes content production,
posting frequency, engagement strategies, and advertising.

Content Creation

Gul Ahmed ought to combine informative value with a captivating visual aesthetic in his
social media posts. Include photographs of the most recent collections in excellent quality, as
well as behind-the-scenes looks at the design process and lifestyle images that are consistent with
the brand's values (Evans et al. 2021). Video material can include designer interviews, fabric
insights, and style advice.

Posting Schedule

Reliability is essential. Schedule your posts regularly, taking into account when your
target audience is most engaged. Aim for no less than three to four postings each week on social
media sites like Instagram. For in-the-moment conversations and first looks at unique content,
use Facebook Live and Instagram Stories.

Engagement Strategies

Involve the audience using interactive materials like surveys, games, and campaigns
including user-generated content. Encourage fans to use branded hashtags when sharing their
looks (Dwivedi et al. 2015). Encourage a sense of community by swiftly responding to direct
messages and comments. To increase the brand's visibility, work with fashion bloggers and


Set aside money for Facebook and Instagram targeted advertising. Make use of the
advanced targeting features offered by the platforms to target particular demographics, including
age, geography, and hobbies. Post sponsored content with new products, special offers, and
promotions (Dwivedi et al. 2015). Invest in carousel advertisements to highlight a variety of
products. Investigate influencer collaborations for paid content as well. Influencers can
genuinely present Gul Ahmed products to their audience, offering a dependable and relatable

Metrics and Analysis

Keep a close eye on important performance metrics (KPIs) like conversion rates, reach,
and engagement rates. Examine the efficacy of various content kinds and modify the plan as
necessary. Make use of analytics to monitor return on investment and improve ad targeting.

Task 6: Website Audit and Recommendations

Gul Ahmed website has a mixed bag when it comes to operation, design, and user
experience, according to a thorough assessment. Vibrant images and a simple layout greet
visitors to the homepage, which serves as an eye-catching introduction to the products and
services offered by the brand (Barnard, 2013). However, some customers could find it difficult to
find specific product categories, thus the navigation might be more user-friendly. The efficient
search feature is hampered by the laborious refinement filters, which make it difficult to explore
the wide selection of products with ease. Examining the user experience further reveals that the
checkout procedure is one important area that need improvement. The process is a little
complicated, which can discourage customers from finishing their orders. Conversion rates can
be greatly increased by streamlining the checkout procedure by lowering the number of steps and
providing guest checkout options (Siroker & Koomen, 2015). Furthermore, adding progress
indicators and obvious calls-to-action can help users feel more at ease and confident as they
navigate the purchasing process.

Even if the design elements are visually pleasing, there might be more consistency
between the sites. In order to establish a consistent visual language and strengthen brand identity,
the colour scheme and font should not change. The website functions admirably and adjusts to
different devices thanks to its responsive design (Siroker & Koomen, 2015). To guarantee that
visitors, particularly those with weaker internet connections, have a quick and seamless surfing
experience, load times for certain sites can be optimised. Investing in design that is user-friendly
and responsive to several devices is essential to improving the user experience overall. Adopting
a mobile-first strategy satisfies the growing number of people who visit the website via
smartphones and tablets by providing a consistent experience across platforms.

Task 7: Integrated Digital Marketing Plan

1. Digital Consumer Personas

Define the target audience for Gul Ahmed, considering demographics, interests, and
online behavior. Develop detailed consumer personas to guide content creation and marketing

2. SEO Strategy

On-Page SEO:

 Optimize website content, Meta tags, and images for relevant keywords identified
through SEMrush.
 Ensure a mobile-friendly and responsive design.
 Improve website speed for better user experience and search engine rankings.
 Create high-quality, engaging, and informative content related to Gul Ahmed products
and the fashion industry.

Off-Page SEO:

 Build high-quality backlinks through outreach, partnerships, and collaborations.

 Leverage social media and influencer marketing to increase brand mentions and online

3. SEMrush Insights

 Utilize SEMrush for continuous monitoring and improvement:

 Regularly analyze keyword performance and adjust content accordingly.
 Track competitor strategies and identify new opportunities.
 Monitor website health and fix any technical issues that may impact SEO.

4. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

 Run targeted PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns using Google Ads:

 Use SEMrush insights to identify high-performing keywords.
 Optimize ad copy and landing pages for conversions.
 Implement remarketing campaigns to re-engage website visitors.

5. Social Media Tactics

Facebook and Instagram:


 Share visually appealing content showcasing Gul Ahmed products.

 Run targeted ads based on consumer personas.
 Engage with the audience through polls, contests, and user-generated content.
 Collaborate with influencers for wider reach.

Twitter and Pinterest:

 Share industry trends, fashion tips, and behind-the-scenes content.

 Utilize Pinterest for visual inspiration and product discovery.

6. Website Improvements

User Experience:

 Enhance website navigation for easy product discovery.

 Implement a secure and user-friendly checkout process.
 Optimize product pages with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and customer

E-commerce Optimization:

 Implement a recommendation engine for personalized product suggestions.

 Integrate a loyalty program to encourage repeat purchases.
 Optimize product listings based on SEMrush insights.

Content Marketing:

 Start a blog to share fashion trends, styling tips, and industry insights.
 Implement video content to showcase product features and styling ideas.

7. Analytics and Monitoring

 Use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and social media analytics to monitor key
performance indicators (KPIs).
 Regularly review and refine the strategy based on data and insights.


Through the execution of this comprehensive digital marketing strategy, Gul Ahmed may
improve its online visibility, successfully interact with its target market, and increase sales and
brand awareness. Monitoring performance measurements on a regular basis will yield insightful
information for continued optimization.


Barnard, M. (2013). Graphic design as communication. Routledge.

Dwivedi, Y. K., Kapoor, K. K., & Chen, H. (2015). Social media marketing and advertising. The
Marketing Review, 15(3), 289-309.

Evans, D., Bratton, S., & McKee, J. (2021). Social media marketing. AG Printing & Publishing.

Jansen, B. J., Salminen, J. O., & Jung, S. G. (2020). Data-driven personas for enhanced user
understanding: Combining empathy with rationality for better insights to analytics. Data
and Information Management, 4(1), 1-17.

Killoran, J. B. (2013). How to use search engine optimization techniques to increase website
visibility. IEEE Transactions on professional communication, 56(1), 50-66.

Purwar, S. (2019). Digital Marketing: An Effective Tool of Fashion Marketing. In Proceedings

of 10th International Conference on Digital Strategies for Organizational Success.

Rathnayaka, U. (2018). Role of digital marketing in retail fashion industry: A synthesis of the
theory and the practice. Journal of Accounting & Marketing, 7(02).

Siroker, D., & Koomen, P. (2015). A/B testing: The most powerful way to turn clicks into
customers. John Wiley & Sons.

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