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In the age of the internet homeschooling is becoming more and more popular. Both students
and teachers believe that learning this way is better for everyone. I also find it a great convenience.

Young people are deciding about change their way of studying because of many reasons.
Above all, the youngsters find that studying at home is more comfortable and helps save time. If you
study at home, you don't have to waste time commuting to school. As a result, you can devote this
time to rest, study, hobbies, or anything else. Students highlight that to study at home you need a lot
of self-motivation but you are able to avoid a lot of stress when studying at home.

Teachers also agree that homeschooling has many pros. They believe that students are able
to develop a lot of self-discipline and skills for time management which will be helpful in the future.
Teenagers have to create their own value system and choose what is the most important for them.
Teachers think that learning at home creates great learning environment because everyone learns at
their own pace. Students can assimilate some parts of the material faster and others more slowly.

These arguments show that homeschooling has a lot of advantages. In my point of view, it
will become even more popular in the future than it is now.

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