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My new life. (With two dads and a teaching rodent?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Academia (Anime & Manga)
Relationship: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa
Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada
Hizashi | Present Mic
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi |
Present Mic, Inui Ryou | Hound Dog, Snipe (My Hero Academia),
Ectoplasm (My Hero Academia), Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Nedzu (My
Hero Academia), Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Shuuzenji Chiyo |
Recovery Girl, Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Baby Midoriya Izuku, Young Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Young
Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Protective U.A. Faculty (My Hero
Academia), Midoriya Izuku Does Not Go to U.A. High School, Young
Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Parental Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl,
Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present
Mic, Parental Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Parental Aizawa Shouta |
Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Adopts Midoriya
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-15 Words: 2,393 Chapters: 3/?

My new life. (With two dads and a teaching rodent?)

by Iateyourskittlez


"You all keep calling me Izuku....." He looked the two men and two women in the eyes.
"Is that name?"
Chapter Notes

I've decided to start an actual story, but I have no idea where it'll go, soooo, welcome
to the ride.

"It was a calm night, a surprise for living near the beach. Normally the waves would crash up
against the rocks that lined the beach. The rocks were there to protect people from going on the
beach, while it did protect the people from harm, the people started to use it as a garbage site, no
one cleaned it, so now, now this is what it is." Izuku, 2 years old, looked up at his mommy with
wide eyes, then at the beach.

"It used to be so beautiful, this was where I meat your father after all." She looked at the man
beside her, they shared a smile. He spoke "I was on a work trip from America." He picked Izuku
up on his shoulders, Izuku let out a giggle, Inko, her mother smiled, her eyes sparkling. They
started walking beside the rocks lining the dubbed 'garbage beach.'

"Why were you over from ee-merr-aca, Daddy?" He and Inko smiled at their son tried to sound out
the long word 'America'.

"At the time there weren't much hero's here in Japan, but America already had a fair amount.
Because of that America was pretty covered with fighting villains, but Japan suddenly had an
uproar of villain attacks, so America sent some aid." Izuku cocked his head to the side. "A group
of hero's were sent to help out. Me being one of them."

His father put him down in front of there small house and held one of his hands, Inko taking the

"Afterwords, they made hero schools a thing in Japan, hence, All might." Izuku smiled and hugged
his daddies leg, laughing, his mother following suit.

"Okay hunny, it's bedtime for you." Inko said unlocking the door, the walking in. Izuku, still
holding his daddys hand let out a yawn, felt him self get picked up by his dad again, this time
laying against his chest.

"Awh, someones tired." Izuku could feel the rumbles against his dads chest. Izuku the felt his feet
feel light, his mommy had taken off his shoes, while his dad took off his jacket.

He closed his eyes.

When he opened them again he was on his bed, he looked down at his clothes, he was now in his
All Might onesie. He pulled his covers up and over him and fell into a slumber.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" Tears fell down his face. Izuku was sitting in his bed. The room was hot
and outside his bedroom it was light.

There was smoke seeping in through the top of his door and, he didn't know what to do, so he sat
there and cried.
And waited for his mommy and daddy.

He let out a gasp, his door had been burnt and there was smoke and fire in his room.

There was a large breaking sound behind him, but before he could do anything, he felt an arm
around his waist and was yanked backwards. He closed his eyes, to the soothing whispers in his

It was dark when he next woke up. His head was throbbing, and he just wanted his mommy a
daddy...Where were they? he sat up, there was no one in site, just a raging fire.

"MOMMY? DADDY?" he looked and looked, but he couldn't find anyone.

So he sat there, watching the fire burn down his house, weeping and hoping he'd fine his parents

He doesn't know when, or how, but soon he could hear sirens. He could see people putting out the
fire, and footsteps coming towards him. But, before they could get to him, ran off, as fast as he

He didn't get very far before something wrapped around his waist and he was pulled backwards.
He started to cry, where are his mommy and daddy?.

"Shh, it's okay" He was picked up, and faced towards the person who picked him up. He had black
hair, and bright, red pulsing eyes. He put his head against his chest and started to weep.
Chapter Summary

A little insight to what's happening to Izuku.

Slight aftermath of the house fire.
History, and friends of Hisashi

Things moved in a blur. First he's on the ground crying, next he's in a strangers arms, and now
crying and yelling for help while said stranger is running god-knows-where.

"PLEASE, WHERE ARE WE GOING?" I just want my mommy and daddy, where are they? Who
is this I'm with?

"Shh, It's okay little dude, I'll keep you safe." The strangers hand was rubbing Izuku's back in a
circular motion. Izuku let out a whimper and close his eyes.

"Shiro Kirby...." Chikao, a man wearing a brown fedora, threw a file down, the name 'S h i r o K i r
b y' Across it. Another man, Habiki Aizawa, sat at a desk, in front a long table, picked up the
binder. And started reading through it. "...Is wanted for assault, attempted murder, and most
recently, kidnapping." Habiki raised an eyebrow, and picked up the file.

Full name: Shiro Kirby, also known as: Daichi.

Age: 24.

Looks: dark green colored eyes, light green hair brown roots, ghost-white skin colour.

Quirk: Earth bending (hence the villain name Daichi)

His quirk allows him to bend anything earth related, including, rocks, tree, dirt, plants and trees.

-Extra: He can bend water too, but his quirk considers water as its own element so it takes more
energy to control water compared to all the rest.

-He normally controls vines, using them for quick escapes and to capture villains.

Danger type/ tire: mid rank/ B.

Habiki, let out a whistle, "That's quite the strong quirk he's got there." He laid the files back on the
table. "Yeah, he's got a kid too, she's two years old, and has shown signs of getting the vines part of
her fathers quirk"

"Huh? Normally, they don't show signs of quirk, or get theirs until at least four?"

"It's not confirmed as her quirk, but people can guess it'll have to do with vines, as vines are
growing out of her head, as hair. She can't do anything with it yet but, we can guess she'll probably
be able to control it somehow."

Habiki placed his hands on the table "I see. Now, what's this most recent as a kidnapping?"
"Yes, that.. He was seen running away from a house on fire, a kid was in his arms." Chikao placed
more files on the table, including three photos.

"The house belonged to the Midoriya's" He put a picture of a young women in front of him first, it

'Inko Midoriya, status: deceased" The next was a young man.

Habiki sucked in his breath. 'Hisashi Midoriya, statues: missing"

His long time partner, and closes pro hero friend.

"Hisashi... that's his name.." he couldn't help but whisper, he looked Chikao in the eyes.

"Mhm, it's unfourante that we had to find out this way.."

When Hisashi was in his second year at a hero school he intern under Habiki, but never told him
his actual family name, just Hisashi


After graduating Hisashi and and Habiki both went on to be pro-heroes partners together. Hisashi
as 'The heat hero, Firefly' and Habiki as 'The felid leveler, Echo' Whilst Chikao became a detective.

After a few years they moved to Japan, Habiki and already had their own son, at the time, Shouta
Aizawa, and a wife, while Hisashi didn't start a family till later on..

When they had a family, Hisashi introduced them both to Inko, but when they had a son, he spoke
of him, but never got to meet him.


He looked Chikao in the eyes "And his son?" Chikao let out a huff of air and placed a picture of a
young boy in front of him. "Izuku Midoriya.. Heh, he has his dads straight hair, but literally
nothing else."

Chikao let out a chuckle "Yeah, that's what I thought too....."

The air around them was said and tense.

"Anyways, we don't know what happened." Chikao sat in a chair "We don't know if Hisashi
started the fire, if he's alive or dead, or if Shiro has to do with it and if so, then what"

"What's the story of Shiro? Is he in a gang, all that?"

"He's not in a gang, but he works with multiple different ones. Why he kidnapped Izuku, were not
sure, it could've just been a chance and he took it." Chikao and Habiki look each others in they eye.

Izuku woke up on a firm, yet warm mattress with blankets on him and a pillow below his head. His
eyes were sore, and his mouth was dry. He went to wipe at his eyes, but couldn't. He looked and
saw his hands wire cuffed to either side of the bed, and his legs together. He wanted to cry but
couldn't, his eyes were too dry, so he set there and waited until something or someone, came.

It was a while later when someone had came by. Izuku hadn't moved from his position, just kept
falling in and out of a sleep.

The person kneeled down beside Izuku, "Hey little dude, you awake now?" Izuku didn't say
anything, but he looked over at person besides him. 'That's not my daddy...'

"Shhhh, shhh, shh. it's okay" The person took the cuffs of his small hands.

"I'm not here you hurt you, okay?" He picked the two-year-old up. "You're safe with me okay? I
promise I'll take care of you." Izuku nodded his head.

"Okay, I'm gonna go turn the lights on" He sat Izuku on the bed and proceeded to stand up and
walk to the door, turning the lights on.

Izuku swung his legs back and forth on the bed, looking at the ground.

"This is your room, Izuku." Izuku didn't look up at the green-haired man.

"I know you miss your 'mommy' and 'daddy' but this is your new home, you'll have a new family
and everything., I'll leave you to it, feel free to looked around the room. Just be care, while your
the cuffs on your legs are loose, they could still trip you."

The room, even lit, was still pretty dark. Izuku looked around the room, the walls and floor dark
gray and the roof was white.

He took a step onto the carpet, it was soft, he put both his feet down and stood up-straight, not able
to hold back a google as each time he took a step, it tickled between his toes, and feet.

Scared of where he could be, but also also, curious, he spotted a object in the corner. He couldn't
remember what it was called, but he remembered when his Mommy would make toys appear out
of it, but he could never get in the object himself?

He walked over to the chest and sat on his knees then started to fiddle with it, his small, yet,
chubby fingers trying to pull, and push at it. But he couldn't!

He slumped in defeat, when he couldn't open it. He put his arm on it to stand up, when he heard
some odd sound. Izuku looked at the object, it was open! He smiled, pushing it fully open, and
toys! He gave a big grin and grabbed the first toy he saw, it was shaped like a bunny.

Izuku gave a big yawn, now sitting on his bed. as the door was open "Hey little dude, you feeling
tired?" He didn't recognize the man in the doorway, but he recognized the voice. The man at the
door looked like one word, he remembered him mommy taught him 'green'.

"I know you're tired, Izuku, buddy. But first, we've got to eat, then you can bathe, the sleep, okay?"
The man walked towards, Izuku clutched, his toy bunny to his chest and was lifted up.

Habiki let out a sigh, staring at the poster in front of him, across from him sitting was Chikao

"It's been exactly five years since the Izuku's been missing." Chikao didn't respond. "He'd be seven
now. I wonder how he his." Chikao put his hands into fists.

It had been five years since Izuku's disappearance. Except for the one eye-witness count, there was
no evidence or clues, of where he could be, how he was, if he was still even alive. It was like both
him and Shiro disappeared off the face of the planet. Because of that, the case wasn't open long, all
they could do was hope, to pray.

Not only that, but his father, they're close friend, Hisashi Midoriya, had disappeared without a
trace, too.


Their conversation did down. Not until the waiter came and took their order did Chikao continue

"So, how's Shouta doing lately, I haven't seen him at the station much. He normally our favorite
customer, and the pain in all our asses, with all the paperwork he provides us with."

Habiki let out a snort, "He's fine, he took a small break off hearing work to buy, and move in a new
place with his boyfriend. He also took up a job at U.A, he's just an assignment right now, working
part-time, though."
"Shouta Aizawa, thee Eraserhead, working with teenagers? While I'm happy for him all 'round, I
certainly did NOT expect him to work at U.A, especially with being underground."

"Yeah, I was quite shocked, too. Although, I did know the Nezu has been asking him to work at
U.A since second year."

"Ah, yes, I remember Naomasa told me a bit about that. If I recall correctly, "Shouta won't stop
bitching about Nezu wanting me to work here when i graduate."

Habiki laughed, "Yes, he did bitch about it quite a bit. I'm pretty sure Naomasa said that to me
too...." Chikao furrowed his eyebrows, as Habiki kept looking out the window. He turned his head
just in time to see a green blur, with wild bushy hair run past, with someone, who ha black hair and
black outfit, looking like Eraserhead running after him, Midnight, not far behind, with Present mic
at the rear, yelling


They both looked at each other, confused, before racing up and out the door. They were able to
catch up pretty easy, as they had entered a dead-end ally. One thing they were able to heat before it
descended into chaos was Eraserhead saying


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