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1. Complete the following text with verbs of your own, and choose their correct form and tense.
Completaţi textul următor cu verbe proprii puse la forma şi timpul corect: 2 p.

When the young teacher a. ................................................... to the town, nothing he b.

......................................................before prepared him for this. He c. ..................................... to
change a few things in the school, as it d. ......................................................completely out-of-
order. Luckily, it e. ............................................... summer, and there was enough time to do it.
First, the roof needed repairing, because it f. ............................................................ the rain pass
through it , as if it g. .................................................exist. Then, the walls needed painting. The
villagers h. ...........................................him that they i. ......................................... before. Still, the
black board j. good conditions, and it could be used. When
everything was finally ready, his students k. they were only
three of them! The young teacher l. .................................................disappointed again, but now
he m. ............................................................why the school n. such a bad shape for a long time.

2. Choose for, or since. Alegeţi for sau since: 2p.

Ex. a. I’ve worked here for/since six years.

b.I lived here for /since three months.

c.I’ve worked in the factory for / since 1990.
d. He’s been abroad for / since two years.
e.I studied Chinese for / since twelve years.
f. I’ve known her for / since we were children.
g.I’ve lived here for / since my sister was born.
h.We’ve been in Paris for / since we were married.
i. I’ve known them for / since ages.
j. We practised for / since months.

3. Write the sentences putting the verbs into Past Simple or Past Perfect. Puneţi verbele din
paranteze la trecut simplu sau prezent perfect:
Ex. a. When the police (arrive), the car (go) arrived. Arrived/had gone. 2p
b. When I (get) to the shop, it (close)…………..........
c. They (eat) everything by the time I (arrive) at the party…………………
d. When we (leave) the beach, the rain (already start)………………
e. I (try) telephoning her several times but she (leave) the country……………
f. When I (find) my purse, someone (take) the money out of it…………
g. The car (go) when I (look) in the street...............................
h. The patient (already die) by the time I (see) her………….
i. You already (leave) when the trouble (start)………………….

4. Some people prefer to keep up with the latest fashion, while others prefer being classical.
Which of these types do you belong to. Argument your choice in no more than 150 words .

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