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Ajon, Dale B.

GNED 01 Art Appreciation

BSBA - HRM 1D Ms. Felomina Purificacion


This picture
was taken by me, If you ask me why this picture because I love to capture sometimes a sky
when I feel lonely or sad and its symbolize my personality being peaceful or want a
peaceful life and being contented with my life now. Even though, I face some difficulties in
my life always remember that God is our saviour at the all times no matter what. This
picture also the source of the connection between the physical world surrounding us and
the life inside us. Nature is God’s most precious and valuable gift to humans. It is the
principal source of all essential nutrients for all living things on the planet. ‘Nature’ is one of
the topics on which we might be asked to write a paragraph. Check the samples provided in
the article to learn how to write one on your own. Just share something about this photo its
taken in my brother place or nearby in his house to be honest, when I first saw it its so very
impress me, so that’s why I take the photo. Nature can be defined as the physical world and
the life which interacts with it. It is the total of the ecosystem, animals, birds, plants,
landscapes, and humans. Nature not just includes the life but also is the host for the non-
living physical entities as well. Nature took billions of years to grow and form to shape what
we see today. We need to take care our nature to the next generation of people

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