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Name: Jess Rey Optina

Subject: GE20 (11363) – Reading Visual Arts

Task: Photography Activity
“The Beauty of Nature”

There are many symbols that you can find in both pictures just like the different
shapes of the stones that symbolizes it is a stone, the zigzag flowing of water, and
the shapes of the tress and grasses. The diffrences between these two pictures are
the angles of postioning and distance. The first picture is much closer to the flowing
of water while the second picture is a little bit far compare to the first picture. In the
very first place I chose to took “river scene pictures” because I love to take a bath
there since the start of the pandemic and went home to our province. I was
appreciated the beauty of our nature that symbolizes life. Without nature, we have no
life because natures sustains life by its resources. I took the first picture in the sense,
that is my favorite spot the river because that spot is very relaxing and cool while
having a seat on the stone. I took the second picture because that would be my
second favorite spot in the river especially in the late afternoon where the heat of the
sun is not so hot. My habitus affects my understanding by manipulating what I
understand because I believe that the habitus of the person is rooted to its
personality. What I understand dosen’t mean that would be followed throughout my
life, but sometimes we need to accept the fact that not all knowledge or
understanding can turns into habit connected to your personality. Sometimes we
tend to forget some of the things in our life, especially if you can never internalize
what you have understand. That’s all thank you.

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