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DIRECTION: Read the questions carefully and shade the letter of your choice in the answer sheet.

1. A process of relating the reader’s background knowledge with the information in the text to get
message of the text. It is the definition of_____________.
a. Writing
b. Reading
c. Listening
d. Speaking

2. It is the study of speech sounds related to reading.

a. Phonics
b. Morpheme
c. Morphology
d. Words

3. It is the set of words in a particular language

a. Words
b. Sentence
c. Vocabulary
d. Grammar

4. According to Akar, how many words can children ages 10-11 years old can learn in a lesson?
a. 4-5 words
b. 7-8 words
c. 14-18 words
d. 30 words

5. According to Akar, how many words can children ages 8-9 years old can learn in a lesson?
a. 4-5 words
b. 7-8 words
c. 14-18 words
d. 30 words

6. Reader’s background knowledge, world knowledge take active role in this reading process.
a. Top down
b. Bottom up
c. Intensive
d. Extensive

7. It is reading for leisure.

a. Top down
b. Bottom up
c. Intensive
d. Extensive
8. Example of this kind of reading is reading short story and answering questions afterwards which is
assigned by your English teacher.
a. Top down
b. Bottom up
c. Intensive
d. Extensive

9. This is the last step of reading.

a. Pre-reading
b. While reading
c. Post-reading
d. Brainstorming

10. The following are typical problems of a learner in speaking except for –
a. Cannot sustain spoken interaction beyond short segments
b. Lack of vocabulary needed to talk about common utterances
c. Has poor eyesight
d. Cannot participate actively in conversation

11. Language learners need to recognize that speaking involves the use of the right words in the right
order with the correct pronunciation. Which one is described?
a. Mechanics
b. Functions
c. Social
d. Norms

12. The following are reasons for poor speaking skills except for –
a. Lack of curriculum emphasis on speaking skills
b. Class conditions do not favor oral activities
c. Examination system does not emphasize oral skills
d. Lack of teachers speaking English

13. To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, instructors can use a balanced
activities approach that combines language input, structured output, and communicative output.
Which is described in this statement? It comes in the form of teacher talk, listening activities, reading
passages, and the language heard and read outside of class. It gives learners the material they need
to begin producing language themselves.
a. Language input
b. Structured output
c. Communicative output
d. System output

14. To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, instructors can use a balanced
activities approach that combines language input, structured output, and communicative output.
Which is described in this statement? It focuses on correct form. Students may have options for
responses, but all of the options require them to use the specific form that the teacher has just
a. Language input
b. Structured output
c. Communicative output
d. System output

15. Which language input is described? It focuses on information, whether it is a simple weather
report or an extended lecture on an academic topic. It may also include descriptions of learning
strategies and examples of their use.
a. Content-Oriented Input
b. Form-Oriented Input
c. Word-Oriented Input
d. Lesson-Oriented Input

16. The following are Jack Richards' recommendation for a successful teaching of speaking. Which
one is not included?
a. Activities are suitable for students of different proficiency levels
b. Students have ample talking time
c. Students participate actively in lessons
d. Less monitoring on the teaching of speaking

17. Which of the following is a speech mark rule?

a. Only famous quotes need speech marks
b. Only what someone actually says is within the speech marks
c. The speech marks include the speaker
d. You only need speech marks at the end of a conversation

18. A listening lesson usually ends with an activity that applies listening comprehension. Which of the
following activities would reinforce listening comprehension skills?
a. Text reconstruction
b. Imitative speech
c. Spelling
d. Following instruction

19. All of the following are the goals of communicative language teaching EXCEPT:
a. To become communicatively competent
b. To use the language appropriate for a given social context
c. To manage the process of relating meaning with interlocutors
d. To make the content available for English language learners

20. Student B is refining his prose; he makes each sentence as concise and accurate as possible.
What stage of writing is he currently in?
a. Prewriting
b. Drafting
c. Revising
d. Editing

21. What cognitive strategy applied in listening is exemplified in relating new information?
a. elaboration
b. contextualization
c. inferencing
d. visualization

22. Which type of writing is featured in the following sentence? In order to solve an algebra problem,
you must isolate the variable on one side of the equation.
a. Persuasive writing
b. Expository writing
c. Descriptive writing
d. Narrative writing

23. In this step of the writing process, you are organizing your thoughts into complete sentences, but
are not yet worried about spelling, capitalization, punctuation or word choice.
a. revising
b. publishing
c. editing
d. drafting

24. Which of the following is a pre-listening activity?

a. listening to words in groups
b. assessing the importance of problematic parts of the listening text
c. checking current interpretation with prior knowledge
d. rehearsing sounds of potential content words

25. The following are the four general types of visual organizers, except:
a. Non-linear organizers
b. Hierarchical organizers
c. Matrix organizers
d. Web-like organizers

26. For speaking, emphasis on meaning is on communicating thought and ideas while emphasis on
accuracy focuses on?
a. forming letters properly and nearly
b. using correct vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar
c. spelling words correctly
d. recognizing and distinguishing sounds

27. The following is an example of a design assessment task for selective reading, except;
a. Picture-Cued Tasks
b. Ordering Task
c. Matching Tasks
d. Gap-Filing Tasks

28. Which of the following topics would expository writing be most appropriate and relevant?
a. The importance of participating in the elections
b. A meaningful cultural event
c. How solar panels work
d. Coral reef bleaching

29. In the statements provided below, where might you find a sample of descriptive writing?
a. In a newspaper editorial about political corruption
b. In a novel set on a strange alien planet in outer space
c. In the instruction manual for a new stationary bicycle
d. In a telephone directory

30. Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if an intruder gets in the house. An
intruder is someone who intrudes. To INTRUDE is to
a. paint or repair the old building
b. wear your shoes on the wrong feet
c. go where you are not wanted or don’t belong
d. make a lot of noise to disrupt the quiet in an area

31. Which of the following statements is accurate?

a. Fables are tall tales
b. Fairy tales are tall tales
c. Exaggerated stories are tall tales
d. Folk tales are tall tales

32. Which of the following language skills places the largest cognitive load on students?
a. Reading
b. Speaking
c. Writing
d. Listening

33. It is an important tool for survival.

a. Reading
b. Speaking
c. Listening
d. Writing

34. Another fundamental tool for ideas, facts and figures.

a. Reading
b. Speaking
c. Listening
d. Writing
35. Fifth macro skill
a. Reading
b. Speaking
c. Listening
d. Viewing

36. The following are speaking and writing have in common EXCEPT:
a. Both skills are receptive.
b. Both skills are productive.
c. Time management is the same in both.
d. Both skills profit from communicative situations.

37. Speaking is successful

a. when there is even participation.
b. if there is no drilling in class.
c. only if there is negotiation of meaning
d. only if there is a communicative situation.

38. The following are the appropriate solution when dealing with speaking EXEPT:
a. Inhibition- Pair and Group work
b. Debates and Discussions participation- Controversy on the topic
c. Lack of language- Silent period
d. Lack of language-provide pseudo-controlled phrases.

39. How can you best teach different kinds of writing formats?
a. By reading models of different kinds of writings.
b. By lecturing about different kinds of writings.
c. By providing a clear communicative situation.
d. By keeping portfolios with different kinds of writing.

40. Why are communicative situations important to work with any of the skills?
a. To contextualize the task.
b. To resemble a real life situation
c. To clarify the communicative purpose of the task.
d. All of the above

41. Which activity would be an example of applying listening skills in the classroom?
a. Memorizing vocabulary words.
b. Conducting a group discussion.
c. Writing a research paper.
d. Learning to spell words.

42. When assessing reading skills, which aspect involves analyzing a student's ability to understand
the main ideas and supporting details of a text?
a. Decoding words.
b. Vocabulary knowledge.
c. Reading comprehension.
d. Pronunciation.

43. What are the four macros kills in language learning?

a. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
b. Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency.
c. Academic language, everyday language, formal language, and informal language.
d. None of the above.

44. Which of the following is an example of a formative assessment strategy for the macroskill of
a. Asking students to listen to a short audio clip and answer comprehension questions.
b. Having students complete a listening quiz at the end of each chapter.
c. Grading students' listening skills on their performance in a class presentation.
d. None of the above

45. Which of the following is a challenge of using rubrics to assess the macroskills?
a. Rubrics can be difficult to develop and refine.
b. Rubrics can be time-consuming to apply to student work.
c. Rubrics can be difficult to differentiate to meet the needs of all learners.
d. All of the above.

46. In an ESL class, students are asked to write a short dialogue in English. This task primarily
assesses which macro skill?
a. Listening
b. Speaking
c. Reading
d. Writing

47. This type of speaking is lengthier and more complex than responsive speaking, requiring students
to converse using multiple exchanges and/or participants.
a. Interactive speaking
b. Extensive speaking
c. Imitative speaking
d. Responsive speaking

48. These particular pieces involve the Who? What? Where? When? and Why? of a true event that
a. Opinions
b. New articles
c. Book reviews
d. Essays
49. In language teaching, what is the term for the process of evaluating a student’s language
proficiency in macro skills?
a. Micro assessment
b. Macro assessment
c. Assessment of individual words
d. Phonetics assessment

50. When assessing speaking skills, what might be an effective method?

a. Multiple-choice questions
b. Writing essays
c. Role-playing or oral interviews
d. Reading comprehension

51. All of the topics below are used in writing a persuasive speech except:
a. Vegetables have feelings – stop carrot cruelty
b. Camping: the fun and the not so fun
c. The reason grass appears greener on the other side is because it is probably fake.
d. What women really say when they talk to men?

52. Leslie saw an accident on her way to school; since she was the only bystander there she was
interviewed by the reporter regarding the incident. What type of speech she probably used?
a. Impromptu Speaking
b. Extemporaneous Speaking
c. Manuscript Speaking
d. Memorized Speaking

53. A successful man delivered a speech during the graduation ceremony, his speech focused on
motivating the students to strive for excellence. What type of speech did he use?
a. Informative Speech
b. Persuasive Speech
c. Argumentative Speech
d. Inspirational Speech

54. It consists of delivering a speech in a conversational fashion using notes. This is the style most
speeches call for.
a. Impromptu Speaking
b. Extemporaneous Speaking
c. Manuscript Speaking
d. Memorized Speaking

55. Sir Mark asked often employs oral questionnaires and picture-cued tasks because he believes
that through these activities, his students will enhance their speaking skills. What type of speaking
tasks for communicative outcomes he adheres to?
a. imitative speaking
b. intensive speaking
c. responsive speaking
d. extensive speaking

56. What are macro skills in education?

a. Skills used in computer programming
b. Large-scale skills like teamwork and leadership
c. Skills related to reading, writing, listening, and speaking
d. Skills used in outdoor sports and activities

57. What is the primary goal of assessing speaking skills in language education?
a. To evaluate listening comprehension
b. To measure pronunciation of individual sounds
c. To assess oral communication abilities
d. To test problem-solving skills

58. Why is it essential to assess macroskills in language education?

a. To focus exclusively on grammar and vocabulary
b. To measure a student’s athletic abilities
c. To evaluate a student’s overall language proficiency and communication abilities
d. To encourage artistic expression in student

59. What is the primary focus of assessing listening skills in language education?
a. To evaluate speaking proficiency
b. To measure comprehension of spoken language
c. To assess writing abilities
d. To assess writing abilities

60. What are the four macro skills in language learning?

a. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing
b. Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency
c. Reading comprehension, writing fluency, speaking proficiency, and listening skills
d. None of the above

61. What do Receptive Skills have in common?

a. Time management is the same in both skills.
b. TM in listening comprehension is more difficult than in reading comprehension.
c. Top-down processes are involved in both skills.
d. Both skills are necessary to get input.

62. It pertains on how actors speak their lines which instantly identify their personality and emotion.
a. Body
b. Space
c. Voice
d. Movement
63. What literary device was used in the following line:
“Look, I’m no Mother Teresa. I’ve made my mistakes, but I’m trying.”
a. Dramatic Irony
b. Dramatic Device
c. Symbolism
d. Allusion

64. Also known as the “the art of making things up,’

a. Technical writing
b. Literary writing
c. Creative writing
d. Professional writing

65. The purpose of creative writing is to _______ human experience, like love or loss.
a. to entertain
b. to share
c. none of the above
d. all of the above

66. Writers attempt to get about humanity through poetics and storytelling.
a. fact
b. truth
c. imagine
d. reality

67. In Creative writing, just keep in mind that whether you are trying to -------
a. express a feeling a thought
b. express your imagination
c. express the truth
d. all of the above

68. Writers employ to engage a reader`s interest.

a. five sense
b. ideas
c. imagination
d. none of the above

69. Is a language used by poets, novelists and other writers to create image in the of the reader.
a. language
b. style
c. imagery
d. none of the above

70. Comparison of two things by using the words like or as.

a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Personification
d. none of the above

71. Latin: dictionem (nom. dictio), in its original meaning, is a writer's or speaker's distinctive
vocabulary choices and style of expression in a poem or story.
a. saying
b. expression
c. word
d. all of the above

72. You often hear people talk about the difference driven stories. Do not worry about that for the
moment; simply understand that in every narrative.
a. Fiction
b. Character
c. Setting
d. all of the above

73. One of the most essential skills that we use in communicating in order to comprehend and to give
appropriate feedback when needed.
a. Reading
b. Listening
c. Watching
d. Writing

74. Listed below are the factors in using or applying listening strategies, which doesn’t belong to the
a. Purpose of listening
b. Making predictions
c. Topic
d. Type of listening material

75. Listening is the same as hearing.

a. No
b. Yes
c. Maybe
d. Not at all

76. A teacher imparting a lesson about the Renaissance period

a. Appreciative
b. Comprehensive
c. Empathetic
d. Critical

77. Bo Sanchez's talk about "How to be Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy Today
a. Appreciative
b. Comprehensive
c. Empathetic
d. Critical

78. A celebrity endorsing a whitening soap

a. Appreciative
b. Comprehensive
c. Empathetic
d. Critical

79. A parent talking about his/her day at work

a. Appreciative
b. Comprehensive
c. Empathetic
d. Critical

80. A guidance counselor listening to two students who had a fight

a. Appreciative
b. Comprehensive
c. Empathetic
d. Critic

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