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REVIEWER (Active Recall)

Atoms – The smallest unit of matter.

Molecules - The smallest portion of a substance.

Leucippus and Democritus (5th century BCE)

- ATOMOS “indivisible”

John Dalton

- The Solid Sphere/Billiard Ball Model

- The Modern Atomic Theory of Matter
- Matter is made up of small, invisible, and indivisible particles called atoms
- Atoms of the same element have the same properties
- Atoms cannot be created nor destroyed
- Atoms combine in whole number ratios to create compounds

Joseph John Thomson

- The Plum-Pudding/Raisin Bread Model

- Discovered the electron using the Cathode Ray Tube experiment

Ernest Rutherford

- The Nuclear Model

- Discovered the nucleus using the Gold Foil experiment

James Chadwick

- Discovered the neutron

Niels Bohr

- The Planetary Model

Erwin Schrodinger

- The Quantum Mechanical Model

Atomic Number (Z)

Atomic Mass (A)

Proton (p+)

Electron (e-)

Neutron (n0)

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