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Irfa: the girl who drives the car

Irfa’s mother: Eliya

Kanaya : The Victim

Kanaya’s mother: Runi

Police : Ragil, Wisnu

Judge : Keanu

Ustadz: Panji

Suatu hari Irfa yang masih berusia dibawah 17 tahun menyetir mobil dan tidak sengaja menyerempet
Kanaya yang sedang berjalan bersama Ibu nya.

Irfa: Heeyy…watchout!

Duaaarrr… (Kanaya terjatuh)

Kanaya: Mom, my leg… oh it hurts

Mom Runi: My girl, oh my God! Are you okay?

Irfa: Ooops.. sorry, I didn’t see you there (mukanya ngeles gitu)

Mom Runi: Hey, I will call the police!

Hello, Mr Police there is an accident.

Police Ragil: Hello, where is it Mam? I will go there with my partner

Police Ragil dan Police Wisnu bergegas ke TKP

Police Wisnu: What happened here?

Irfa: She fell and she said that I hit her, no way! I will call my mom!

Hello Mom, please come and help me here

Mom Eliya: What happened? Are you okay? Wait for me there

Situasi sudah ada orangtua masing-masing

Police Ragil: Mam.. we have checked CCTV and it shows that her car hit her. What is your name and How
old are you?

Irfa: My name is Irfa and I am 15 years old.

Mom Eliya: What did you do? I told you not to drive the car, you’re still a kid!

Irfa: I’m sorry Mom, I just want to have “healing” (muka menyesal). I am sorry, Mam.. I am sorry, you..
what’s your name?

Kanaya: My name is Kanaya (muka jutek memalingkan wajah)

Wisnu: We will go to the court and let’s see the Judge

(A few days later, Kanaya is getting better, she gets recovered soon. One day, Kanaya and her mother
recite Quran with an Ustadz)

Panji: Shodaqowlohuladziim.. So, the topic for today is about Forgiving on Eid Al Fitr.

Whoever forgives other’s mistakes, they will get blessings from Allah SWT. Have you ever been angry to
someone, Mam? Kanaya?

Kanaya: Yes, I was angry to Irfa, the girl who hit me on the street (Mom Runi mengusap2 badan Kanaya
pertanda menyuruh sabar)

Ustadz: I understand that Kanaya. But, look at you now, you are healthy now. You don’t need to be
angry anymore. How about forgiving her?

Kanaya diam saja dan murung

Di Pengadilan, semua berkumpul.

Judge Keanu: ketuk palu. Today is the time to open the case about accident with a girl under 17 years

Irfa maju ke podium, menunduk

Judge: Did you hit Kanaya with your car?

Irfa: Yes.. but I am so sorry.. I know this is wrong

Mom Eliya: maju ke podium. I am Irfa’s mother, I really apologize to Kanaya and Mom. My daughter is
wrong and me too.

Di sisi lain, ada Pak Ustadz, Mom Runi, and Kanaya.

Ustadz Panji: Do you still want Irfa to go to jail? Or do you want to forgive her?

Kanaya and Mom Runi: We forgive her, Ustadz..

Ustadz: Alhamdulillah. It is so nice both of you. God bless…

Kanaya dan Mom Irfa: berdiri. Your Honor, I forgive Irfa. I don’t want her to go jail.

Irfa dan Mom Eliya terkejut dan gembira mendengar keputusan Kanaya.

Irfa: Thank you so much Kanaya, Mam..

Judge: Alright, then case closed. Ketuk palu.

Semua berkumpul bersalaman, yang ciwi2 berpelukan 

Police Ragil: Warning! Kids must not drive a car or ride motorcycle on the street.

Police Wisnu: It is very dangerous!

Ustadz Panji: The beauty of forgiving. Eid Al Fitr is coming soon. Let’s purify our hearts.

All: bergantian. We are from 100% English Club want to say sorry. Please forgive us.

Eid Mubarak! Eid Mubarak!

Enjoy the time with your family…

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