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"Step Second Identification Problem And Location Difficulty Study"


Prof. Dr. Daharnis, M.Pd.,Kons.


Muhammad Evryan Syahputra



Step Second Identification Problem And Location Difficulty Study

A. Methods/Techniques Which Used For Identify Location Difficulty Study

At the Identification stage based on the writings of Alang (2015), schools that wish
to implement a systematic remedial teaching program (learning improvement) should
do identification For determine children Which need or potentially require remedial
teaching services (learning improvement). Identification can be carried out by paying
attention to previous class or school teacher reports, intelligence test results, or through
informal instruments, for example in the form of observations, learning outcomes tests,
tests to identify factors that cause learning difficulties. According to Abdurrahman
(1999) there are at least seven procedures that must be followed in making a diagnosis,
1. Identification
2. Determine priority
3. Determine potency
4. Mastery field studies Which need remedied
5. Determine symptom difficulty
6. Analysis various factor Which related And
7. Compile recommendation For teaching remedial.
Based on this information, schools can estimate how many children there are need
service repair Study (Alang, 2015). In stage The methods that can be taken for this
identification are as follows:
1. Mark students in one class to groups who are thought to have learning
2. The method is to compare the position or position of student achievement with
achievement group or by level criteria success which has been set.
3. Technique Which taken can many kinds of, between other:
a) Examine the semester exam results listed in the learning results report
(leger book), and then compare them with the group average score or
with predetermined criteria.
b) Observing student activities in the teaching and learning process,
students who behave deviantly in the teaching and learning process are
predicted to experience learning difficulties.
Diagnosis of learning difficulties is carried out using test and non-test techniques.
Techniques that teachers can use to diagnose learning difficulties include: prerequisite
tests (prerequisite knowledge, prerequisite skills), diagnostic tests, interviews and p
(Darimi, 2016).
a. Prerequisite tests are tests that are used to find out what the prerequisites are
required For reach mastery competence certain fulfilled or not. These
prerequisites include prerequisite knowledge and prerequisite skills.
b. Diagnostic tests are used to determine students' difficulties in mastering certain
c. Interview done with stage interaction oral with participant students to dig deeper
into the learning difficulties students encounter .
d. Observations are made by looking carefully at students' learning behavior. From
these observations it is hoped that the types and causes of students' learning
difficulties can be identified.

Diagnostic tests to determine learning difficulties experienced by students can be

carried out in groups or individually. The main goal of learning diagnostic tests is to
discover mistakes or error draft And process error happen in self student when learn
something topic lesson certain. Identifying student difficulties through diagnostic tests
seeks to obtain information about profile student in material tree, knowledge base
Which has owned students, achievement of indicators, mistakes students usually make,
and ability to complete question who demands understanding sentence. Whereas
technique non-test diagnostics (like interview, questionnaire, And observation) done For
identify difficulties student Which No can identified through technique test. Information
Which can be obtained from non-test techniques, for example, to find out students'
study habits, physical weaknesses, emotional weaknesses, family conditions, the way
teachers teach, and so on.
B. Tool/ Instrument Which Used For Identify Location Difficulty learning
Diagnostic tests are tools or instruments used to identify difficulties Study. Every
test arranged For determine One or more student disability. Teacher must know Where
should start teaching And what skills should be emphasized.
Otherwise, students' weaknesses will not be known and a preliminary teaching
program cannot be created. Diagnostic tests are tests that are used to identify strengths
and weaknesses, initial knowledge, the gap between initial abilities and expected
abilities, student misconceptions, as well as efforts to find out the causes of these
According to Treagust, diagnostic tests also function as evaluation material that can
be used to improve the teaching and learning process in
class. According to Nduru (2015) There is four type assessment or tool Which used To
diagnose children with learning difficulties include:
1. Assessment development
A process of collecting information about aspects of a child's development that are
thought to significantly influence their academic achievement. Academic learning
programs can run well if children have readiness or maturity according to the
rhythm of their development. Aspects of developmental assessment include motor
disorders, perception disorders, attention disorders, memory disorders, obstacles in
spatial orientation, direction/spatial, language barriers, concept formation obstacles
and behavioral problems.
2. Assessment academic
A process carried out to collect data or information relating to the actual condition
of a child's academic abilities. Assessment scope: reading skills assessment, writing
skills assessment, and numeracy skills assessment.
3. Assessment non academic (specificity)
The process of collecting information about the condition of the crew members
which includes conditions of abnormalities, abilities that have been mastered and
difficulties/obstacles experienced to consideration make decision about need Which
required to develop their potential and reduce the impact of their disorders.
Information This used For make consideration And decision in determining the
program when compensatory services for crew.
4. Assessment formal And informal
a. Assessment formal: test standard Which has standardized
This assessment is usually accompanied by a manual which contains
instructions on carrying out the assessment, scoring and interpreting the test
results. Example: aspects measured academic achievement:
individual peabody achievements (PIA), Monroe Sherman, and others.
Children's motor abilities : The Purdue Perceptual Motor Survey (PPMS).
Visual abilities: visual motor integration, Bender Gestalt. Auditors' abilities:
Wepman auditory discrimination test. Basic concept abilities: Boehm test
of basic concepts.
b. Assessment informal
The assessments made by the teacher are appropriate to the learning context
in the classroom. Informal assessments are carried out by teachers after
completing learning. Teacher use test Which there is in book teach according
to the curriculum. Informal measurement techniques by teachers include:
Observation, Analysis sample Work, Task analysis, Inventory informal, List
check, Rating scales, Questionnaires, Interviews.
Four things are related to diagnostic tests, namely tests to: (1) identify and find out
the strengths and weaknesses of certain students; (2) determine the disability in student
performance, and if possible determine the cause; (3) know ability beginning and find
indication how far is the difference between initial abilities and expected abilities and
(4) knowing misconceptions his students. According to Arikunto (2008), Diagnostic
tests have the following functions:
a. Determine is material precondition has mastered or Not yet.
b. Determine level mastery student to material Which studied.
c. Separating (grouping) student based on ability to accept the lessons to be
d. Determine difficulties Study Which experienced For determine specific
ways to address or provide guidance.

Alang, S. (2015). Urgensi Diagnosis dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar. Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs:
Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam, 2(1).
Abdurrahman, Mulyono. (1999). Pendidikan Bagi Anak Berkesulitan Belajar. Jakarta: PT
Rineka Cipta.
Arikunto, S. (2008). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Edisi Revisi 6). Jakarta:
Rineka Cipta.
Darimi, I. (2016). Diagnosis kesulitan belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran aktif di sekolah.
JURNAL EDUKASI: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling, 2(1), 30-43.
Irzani. (2010). Pengembangan Tes Diagnostik Kesulitan Belajar di SMA.
Ndura, M.A. (2015). Identifikasi dan Asesmen Kesulitan Belajar Anak. Proseding Seminar
Nasional PGSD UPY dengan Tema Strategi Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar ketika Murid
Anda seorang Disleksia.

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