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A. Sampling Technique

If there are wrong with the sample, it will be directly reflected in the final result (the
research/survey). To avoid the unperfected research, there are lot of technique that help us
to collect the sample depending the need and the situation.
To choose a perfect sampling technique based on what is the research need, let us have a
look on basic terminology of sampling.




Population is the group of elements which has some or the other characteristic in common.
The number of elements in the population same as the size of it.

Sample is the subset of the population. It’s the small group of population which is had been
eliminated by need. The number of elements in the sample same as the size of it.

Sampling is the process of selecting sample.

Until this we had known the basic information about “Sample” and then, there are lot of
sampling techniques which are arranged or grouped into two categories as
Probability Sampling

Random Sampling Multi-stage Sampling

Statified Sampling Cluster Sampling

System Sampling

Non- Probability Sampling

Convenience Sampling Snowball Sampling

Purposive Sampling Quota Sampling

B. Criteria of Test

To know how far the students or learners knowledge after studying some subjects, there
is a test. Test itself is a list of questions whether it’s a writing or oral to exercise the learners’
knowledge about the subject they had been studied. The purpose of the test must be clear and
valid based on their goal.
For example, there is a test for jumping to next level and a remedial test.
The test criteria or specifications (Specs) tell us the lacks and bolts of how phrase the test
items, how the structure layout, how the locate passages, and how to make the host of
difficulty choices as we prepared test materials. Commonly it called Blueprint of the real test.
Here some specs in test

1. How much can we actually plan in any test?

2. Guiding language Versus Samples.
3. Is it match with the purpose?
4. How do test questions originate?
5. Is the test language can reach the learners?
6. The fairness of the test.

All questions above are the specs to make a better test than exist nowadays. To make sure
that the test is fit to the learners, tryout needed. Some teachers use tryout as exercise to try
the questions they had. If the learners can understand the goal of the questions, then the test
can be conducted although they can’t answer all tryout questions.



A. Test Technique

a. Direct and indirect Testing

Direct assessment of language allows teachers to see students using language in
context, through tasks that require performance of language. Direct assessment is
often used in measuring speaking or writing. Examples of direct assessment might
include presentations, interviews, writing summaries, or portfolios. On the sample
test, Part 8 "Timed Writing" is an example of direct assessment.

Direct assessment is often preferred for assessing language for a number of reasons:
1. increased potential for communicative interaction,
2. better evidence for language use,
3. more motivating for students, and
4. more authenticity.

b. Indirect Testing
Indirect Assessment: the student decides what he or she learned and how well it
was learned. Examples: surveys, teaching evaluations.

c. Norm Referenced Vs Critesion Referenced Testing

Scores from norm-referenced tests are used to compare students’ progress to others in
their peer group. This group may contain students in the same grade across the nation, or other
categories such as special education, disability status, English learners, gifted students, and more.
Most commonly, norm-referenced tests use a national peer group.

The key goal of these tests is to compare one student’s performance to others in a predetermined
peer group. Students take an assessment. Teachers can then analyze their scores to learn more
about the students’ performance. In addition to norm-referenced tests, teachers can also use
criterion-referenced tests in order to learn different things about their students’ progress.

A criterion-referenced test is designed to measure a student's academic performance against

some standard or criteria. This standard or criteria is predetermined before students begin the
test. Schools or districts choose a standard, such as a percent of items answered correctly or a
state test benchmark, as the criteria for the test. The student's score then shows the progress they
have made toward the agreed-upon standard--if they fall short, they must continue to work
toward the standard. An example: When you take your temperature, the accepted healthy
standard is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If your temperature is higher, you are not meeting the
standard for health and are likely ill

In addition to criterion-referenced tests, teachers can also use norm-referenced tests in order to
learn different things about their students’ progress.
Test Technique there are 7 :

1. Objective Vs Subjective Tesing

2. Direct Vs Indirect
3. Discrete Point Vs Integrative Test
4. Aptitude, Achievment, Proficiency Test
5. Criterion, Referenced Vs Norm Referenced
6. Speed Vs Power Test
7. Other Test Categories




A. The Goal of Language Learning Assessment

The primary purpose of assessment is to improve students’ learning and teachers’
teaching as both respond to the information it provides. Assessment for learning is an
ongoing process that arises out of the interaction between teaching and learning. What makes
assessment for learning effective is how well the information is used.
The purpose of assessment is to gather relevant information about student performance or
progress, or to determine student interests to make judgments about their learning process.
After receiving this information, teachers can reflect on each student’s level of achievement,
as well as on specific inclinations of the group, to customize their teaching plans.
Learning takes place in students’ heads where it is invisible to others. This means that
learning must be assessed through performance: what students can do with their learning.
Assessing students’ performance can involve assessments that are formal or informal, high-
or low-stakes, anonymous or public, individual or collective.
It’s important to emphasise that assessment is not synonymous with measurement. The
varieties of assessment that are useful in an educational context will sometimes include
aspects of measurement in terms of scores, grades and results. However, the range of
approaches that teachers use in their everyday work to monitor how well their classes are
doing will be equally prevalent.
Assessment plays a crucial role in improving learning and raising standards. It’s a key
professional competence for teachers that enables them to make learning and teaching more
1. System improvement
a. Students and teachers can use the information gained from assessment to
determine their next teaching and learning steps.
b. Parents and families can be kept informed of next plans for teaching and learning
and the progress being made, so they can play an active role in their children’s
c. School leaders can use the information for school-wide planning, to support their
teachers and determine professional development needs.
d. Communities and Boards of Trustees can use assessment information to assist
their governance role and their decisions about staffing and resourcing.
e. The Education Review Office e assessment information to inform their advice for
school improvement.
f. The Ministry of Education can use assessment information to undertake policy
review and development at a national level, so that government funding and
policy intervention is targeted appropriately to support improved student

B. The Kinds of LLA

1. Diagnostic Assessment (as Pre-Assessment)
2. Formative Assessment
3. Summative Assessment
4. Norm-Referenced Assessment
5. Criterion-Referenced Assessment
6. Interim/Benchmark Assessment



Validity is a measure that indicates the level of validity or validity of an
instructor. A valid instrument has high validity and conversely if the validity level is low
then the instrument is not valid. An instrument is said to be valid if it is able to measure
what it wants to measure / want. An instrument is valid if it can reveal data from the
variables under study. The validity of the instrument is divided into internal validity
(construct validity/constract validity and content validity) and external/empirical validity.

1.1.There are three types of variables that are often used in the preparation of
instruments, namely:
a. Content validity
(a) Using understanding or logic thinking on the basis of the theory of scientific
(b) Using empirical experience is what happens in real life.
b. Wake up validity
(a) Using understanding or logic to think on the basis of the theory of scientific
(b) Using empirical experience is what happens in real life.

c. Validity of predictions
It is associated with certain criteria, in this validity it is prioritized
not the contents of certain criteria. And the measurement is in the form of
learning motivation, motivation can be used to predict achievement when
the score is obtained from the first measure of validity. The validity of this
prediction has two meanings : short-term validity and long-term validity.
Short-term validity means that the predictive power of the gauge is only
for a short period of time and that time correlates at the same time, while
long-term validity contains the meaning of the score will also correlate in
the future.
The three validities above can be used in compiling research
instruments, the minimum validity used is two validities, including content
validity and understanding construct validity, understanding construct
validity is very necessary and can be attempted without statistical testing.

1.2.Types of Test
a. Multiple choice Test
b. Error Correction
c. Completion Items
d. Transformation Items
e. Word Changing Items
f. Sentence Combining Exercises

1.3. Usability of Validity

a. To avoid unclear questions.
b. To exclude too foreign words or words that arouse suspicion.
c. To correct less obvious questions.
d. To add items that are needed or eliminate items that are considered irrelevant.
e. To find out the validity of the questionnaire.


Reliability refers to an understanding that an instrument can be trusted to

be used as a data collection tool because the instrument is considered good. A good
intuition is not likely to be tendenslus directing the respondent to choose certain
answers. Reliability means trustworthiness can also be relied upon. So repeated
several times the results will remain the same (consistent). Reliability testing can be
done externally (staility / test retest, equivalent or combination of both) and inernal
(analysis of the consistency of the items in the instrument.

2.2. One of the criteria for the results of a test to be trusted is that the test must have
adequate reliability in the book

a. Reliability of response consistency

b. Reliability of combined item consistency


Item difficulty is the percentage of students who answered a test item
correctly. This means that low item difficulty values (e.g., 28, 56) indicate
difficult items, since only a small percentage of students got the item correct.

Relevant Test Law and Legal Definition. The term “relevant test” can be
defined as: “The intent contemplated as necessary proof can best be described
as it is usually described -- intent embodies the expectations that are the natural
and probable consequences of one's act or failure to act.



A. Testing Reading

As one of the four skills, reading is an important skill for the students in learning English.
By reading, students also can get information that they need and develop their knowledge. Since
it is an active process, reading is closely related to other activities such as thinking, interacting,
making perception, making generalization and of course comprehension the context. In doing so,
a reader also has to use his prior knowledge or at least, his vocabulary mastery since it supports
very much in comprehension in the text.

Getting students to read English texts is an important part of the teacher’s job. Many of
them want to be able to read English texts for different purposes such as for careers, study or
pleasure. Reading texts provide good models for English writing. Teachers should show students
models of what they are encouraging them to do. Besides, reading texts also provide
opportunities to study language like vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and the way to construct
sentences, paragraphs and texts. Reading in foreign language learning is a skill that should be
acquired by the learners. There are two main obstacles for learners of English to be efficient
readers. The first one, they need to be able to master fundamental bottom up strategies for
organizingg separate letters, words and phrases as good as top down strategies that focus on
comprehension. The second one, second language readers have to develop appropriate content
and formal schemata (background information and cultural experience ) to apply those
interpretations effectively. The measurement of comprehension is not the only way to assess the
reading ability.

In education, the process of observing and measuring learning is stated as assessment.

For the purpose of supporting and improving student learning, teachers evaluate a student`s level
of achievement and skill.

B. Criteria of Testing Reading

Variety of reading performance is derived more from the multiplicity test types (genres)
than from the variety of overt types of performance. Based on Brown’s idea (2004:189), there
are several types of reading performance that typically identified and these will serve as
organizers of various assessment task.

1. Perceptive
Perceptive reading test involve attending to the componentsof larger stretches of
discourse: letters, word, punctuation, and other graphemicsymbols. Bottom up
processing is implied. Assassment of basic reading skils may be carried out in number
of different ways:

a. Reading Aloud
b. Written Response
c. Multiple Choice
d. Picture-Cued Items

2. Selective
In order to ascertain one’s reading recognition of lexical, grammatical or
discourse features of language within a very short stretch of language. The certain
typical tast that are used follow: picture-cued task, brief paragraphs and simple charts
and graphs. A combination of bottom up and top down processing may be used.

a. Multiple Choice
b. Matching Tasks
c. Editing Tasks
d. Picture-Cued Tasks
The questions of Testing Reading
1. Several years ago, I ……………. English.
A. Studied
B. Study
C. Studies
D. Will Study
( The correct answer is A)
2. We have to go the ………… to send these letters because there is no mailbox nearby.
A. Supermarket
B. Post Office
C. Shop
D. Office
(The correct answer is B)
3. A person who investigates crimes and seeks the criminal is called a …………………
4. Mr. Jhon has written many books. He is a ……………..
5. My brother has some troubles with his tooth. Dad told me take him to the …………….
This afternoon.
Chosee from among the following:
1. Dentist (answer for number 3)
2. Detective (answer for number 1)
3. Author (answer for number 2)



A. Listening
Listening is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying
the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences. When we listen, we
use our ears to receive individual sounds (letters, stress, rhythm and pauses) and we use
our brain to convert these into messages that mean something to us.
There are several points from the difficulty of learning listening are Unfamiliar
vocabulary, Grammar, Text too long, Several people talking, Unfamiliar Context, Lots of
details, Topic not interesting, Theme not clear, Accent, Speed, Idiomatic speech, Task too
difficult, Not prepared for the format, A lack of background information.

B. Types of Listening and Assessment Task

1. You recognize speech sounds and hold a temporary “imprint” of them in short term
2. You simultaneously determine the type of speech event (monologue, interpersonal
dialogue, transactional dialogue) that is being processed and attend to its context
(who the speakers is location purpose)
3. You use (bottom up) listening decoding skill and /or (top-down) background
schemata to bring a plausible interpretation to the message and assign a literal and
intended meaning to the utterance.
4. In most cases (expect for repetition task, which involve short-term memory only)

Each of these stages represents a potential assessment objective:

1. Comprehending of surface structure elements such as phonemes word intonation,
or a grammatical category
2. Understanding of pragmatic context
3. Determining meaning of auditory input
4. Developing the gist, a global or comprehensive understanding

From these stages we can derive four commonly identified types of listening
performance, each of which comprises a category within which to consider assessment
tasks and procedures.

1. Intensive Listening
2. Paraphrase Recognition
3. Responsive Listening
4. Selective Listening
C. Types of Listening Task
1. Listening Cloze
2. Information Transfer
3. Sentence Repetition
4. Extensive Listening
5. Dictation
6. Communicative stimulus – response tasks
7. Authentic listening tasks
Testing listening
Man) : I can't believe we have to read this entire book by Monday.
(Woman) : Some teachers think you have nothing else to do besides prepare for their
(Man) : Well, my boss thinks the same thing about my job — that it's the only thing I
have to do.
(Woman) : Oh, I didn't know you were working. What do you do?
(Man) : I do bookkeeping work for a small company on Saturdays. This weekend, I
have to prepare end of the quarter reports to give to the accountant on Monday.
(Woman) : You'd better start reading soon.
Narrator : 1. What does the man imply about the assignment?
2. What does the man imply about some teachers?
3. What does the woman suggest that the man do?
4. What does the man say about his work?

Tulisan dalam buku test :

1. A. It is too much to read in such a short time.
B. He has already read the material.
C. He can read at work.
D. The teacher knows that he has a job.
2. A. They are understanding.
B. They give thought-provoking assignments.
C. They act like taking their class is the only thing a student has to do.
D. They are unprepared.
3. A. Skip work
B. Begin work on the assignment as soon as possible
C. Quit the class
D. Stay up all night
4. A. He does manual labor.
B. He dislikes his job.
C. His employer is very understanding.
D. He works with figures.

Pembahasan untuk soal-soal di atas adalah:

1. Jawab : (A) It is too much to read in such a short time
Keyword : can't believe
Pembahasan : Ungkapan "can't believe" mengindikasikan bahwa yang
diungkapkan tersebut suatu hal yang luar biasa/ memberatkan.

2. Jawab : (C) They act like taking their class is the only thing a student has to do
Key word : Some teachers think you have nothing else to do besides prepare for
their class
Pembahasan : Kalimat pada kata kunci mengimplikasikan bahwa para guru tidak
terlalu peduli pada kesibukan para siswa, dan para guru berfikir bahwa para siswa
tersebut hanya mengikuti kelas mereka.

3. Jawab : (B) Begin work on the assignment as soon as possible

Key word : You'd better start reading soon.
Pembahasan : Kalimat pada kata kunci mengindikasikan bahwa sebaiknya sang
laki-laki segera memulai pekerjaannya secepat mungkin.

4. Jawab : (D) He works with figures

Keyword : my boss thinks the same thing about my job
Pembahasan : Dari yang diucapkan laki-laki tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa dia
bekerja pada orang lain.

A. Types of Testing Grammar

The most common test formats for testing grammar compare of two types:
1. Recognition
When should we go for grammar recognition?
When. . .
• More material needs to be covered.
• You want to test different levels of learning.
• You have little time for scoring.
• You are not interested in evaluating how well a test taker can
formulate a correct answer.
• You have a large number of test takers.
Kinds of:
a. Multiple choice items
b. Error-recognition items
c. True/False
d. Pairing and matching items
e. Cloze/Modified Cloze

2. Production
When should we go for grammar production?
• You want to evaluate a person’s ability to formulate a correct answer.
• You have more time to score the items.
• You want to test a person‘s ability to apply concepts and information
to a new situation.
• You have a clear idea of the aspects and concepts that should be tested.

Kinds of:
a. Completion items
b. Transformation items
c. Paraphrase
d. Rearrangement
e. Editing
f. Combination and addition items
g. Items involving the changing of words
B. Five characteristics to measure communicative grammar (R. Dickins)
1. The test must provide more context than only a single sentence.
2. The test taker should understand what the communicative purpose of the task is.
3. He/she should also know who the intended audience is.
4. He/she has to focus on meaning and not form to answer correctly.
5. Recognize is not sufficient. The test taker must be able “to produce grammatical
The Question:
1. What time does your brother get up?
a. He get up at 5 am.
b. He always gets up at 5 am.
c. He usually got up at 5 am.
d. She always gets up at 5 am.
Jawab: b. He always gets up at 5 am.
2. Father ………. a car but he……….it very often.
a. does not have
b. has- does not drive
c. had-does not drive
d. has – is not driving
Jawab: b. has- does not drive
3. The baby …………. for three hours.
a. has sleeping
b. has slept
c. has sleep
d. has been slept
Jawab: b. has slept
4. Someone …………. the door now. We are not in the living room.
a. are knocking
b. knock
c. is knocking
d. knocked
Jawab: c. is knocking
5. ………. You and Ahmed at the library last night?
a. Were
b. Did
c. Are
d. Do
Jawab: a. Were



A. What to test?

We can test the basic aspects of words which are written and spoken forms as
well as collocations, derivations, meaning, part of speech, relative frequency and
certain register style. Testing the written and spoken forms of words is the most
frequent type at state schools in the Czech Republic, students are given a set of words
which they have to translate, this method is very easy and economical for the teacher.
However, it does not really show students´ knowledge of vocabulary because they
just learn many and many words by heart without connection to the real world. To
avoid this, we have to decide about the purpose of such a test before giving a test to
our students. These purposes have already been mentioned at the beginning of this

According to the purpose we design the test, which is either contextualized or

de-contextualized. Contextualized test means that the vocabulary is examined through
a text whereas in de-contextualized test there are only words without any text. If the
teacher needs to test student´s knowledge of spelling, he can dictate words without
any context. On the other hand, when we test meanings of words, we have to put
them into a context. These contextualized tests can be further divided into tests that
test active vocabulary or passive vocabulary.

D. Vocabulary testing techniques

1. Multiple choice
2. Cloze test
3. Word formation
4. Matching
5. Odd one out
6. Writing sentences
7. Dictation
8. Sentence completion
9. Definitions
10. Translation
11. Writing
12. Reading
13. Oral testing
14. Associations
15. Placing
16. Synonyms and antonyms
17. Transformation
18. Substitution
The Question:

Complete each sentence by choosing the correct preposition.

1. She has no control … that dog! (over / on / with)
2. Do not feel guilty … being late. (from / about / with)
3. Has was somewhere … Rome and Venice. (between / among / along)
4. Be careful! Do not go … the trees. (beyond / over / without)
19. 5. Which way … does this box go? (about / up / over)

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