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1930S - 1940S:
The concept of
criminology starts to
gain attention in the
Philippines. Early efforts
focus on studying
criminal behavior and
law enforcement.

1950S - 1960S
Criminology becomes more
structured with the
establishment of formal
education programs and the
inclusion of criminology courses
in some universities.

Republic Act No. 6506, also known
as the "Philippine Criminology Act
of 1972," is enacted. This law
regulates the practice of
criminology and creates the Board
of Examiners for Criminologists
under the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC).

1980S - 1990S

The field of criminology in the

Philippines sees continued
growth, with more universities
offering criminology programs
and more graduates entering
law enforcement and related

Criminology education
becomes more specialized,
covering various aspects of
crime prevention,
investigation, and law
enforcement. The field also
starts to incorporate modern
technologies and approaches
2010S in criminal justice.
Research and studies in
criminology expand to include
topics like cybercrime, white-
collar crime, and terrorism. The
field becomes more
interdisciplinary, collaborating
with psychology, sociology, and
other social sciences.
Criminology in the Philippines
continues to evolve, adapting to
new challenges and trends in
criminal behavior and law
enforcement. Ongoing efforts
are made to improve training,
education, and professional
standards for criminologists.

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