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Your task is to find a designer that works with recycled/reused/reborn materials and complete the following.

They can be either Australian or from another country.

Present 2 pages about the designer including the following in an informative way.
Add your touch to the page to make it interesting.

1. Create inspirational page on your Designer.

2. Outline details about the designer, such as their country of origin and where they work now.
3. What are the materials they use in their designs?
4. Describe how they use these materials in an interesting and thoughtful manner?
5. Choose one product and describe their work to show how they work in a sustainable way.
6. Include images of this work and another 2 examples if you can source them.
7. Refer to the six r’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, Repair and Rethink.
8. Write a short summary of the reasons why you think sustainability is important and how this designer
attempts to address the issues that you have raised in your discussion.

You may use the case studies in the textbook for ideas and reference.
When complete please upload your task to Seqta

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