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Scene 1:

Beam: Adriel! Did you get the rumours going around about the boss?

Adriel: the boss? No what’s happening?

Beam: apparently her husband left her for another woman with whom he already had 2 kids with and

they have been dating for about 6 years already.

Adriel: WHAT!!! That’s crazy. Hope you not making this up Beam because I know you

Beam: Absolutely not, why do you think she’s been so mean to us lately, she’s letting out her anger on


Scene 2:

Tax walks in

Tax: morning guys what’s good? Whatchu guys talking about

Beam: The boss apparently, she-

Tax: The boss !!?? no thanks I’m not trynna get involved in anything messy with her. I gat 3 wives and

10 kids to take care of, I’m not trynna get fired or get my pay reduced. I barely make 10k baht not

trynna drop it to 5k.

Adriel:10 kids!! 3 wives!! You out here living life to the fullest my boy I can barely get a girlfriend bro

Beam: (laughs)

Tax: You guys shouldn’t be talking about the boss like that, especially here. The walls have ears plus

she looks like she could nuke us all in a second! I’m talking broken bones injuries. I’m not trynna be in

no wheelchair.

Beam: ugh! You’re such a loser why are you so scared of a chick?

Tax: You tell me! Why aren’t you scared of her, she’s literally my worst nightmare. I hate her.

Abiana: Really?? I well since I’m here I guess is time to go to sleep.


Abiana: Good morning, Beam did you finish the work I left on the desk yesterday?

Beam: no ma’am

Abiana: but yet you had time to chit-chat? Be done in 30 I need for a meeting this morning

Adriel: scuse me boss, its month end already aren’t we suppose to get our pay yet?

Abiana: ah! Yes! My bad gimme a few minutes to settle down ill send it to you right away

Walks into office

Workers get credit alert

Adriel: 5k!!!!

Beam: What in the world is going on?

Tax: Alright that’s it I say we riot and stomp into her office right now
All: YEAH!!!

Walks into boss’ office

Adriel: boss, what’s going on with our salaries this wasn’t on our contracts we didn’t agree on this!

Abiana: well I didn’t agree on my employees jumping into my office like its they momma’s house

either. but here we are.

Abiana: neither did I agree on you piling up work for about 3 months now while you sit around doing

nothing and holding chit-chat conferences yapping about irrelevant stuffs.

Tax: why am I getting involved in the cut too I didn’t do anything.

Abiana: really?? Remind me who your worst person was again?? …. ohh!! yours truly

Beam: This isn’t fair that is not a valid reason to deduct our salaries?

Abiana:Beam sweetheart I don’t think you understand ,this is my company my territory and my

money, so I decide what is fair or not and if it doesn’t sit right with you go find someone else to to

messy with .Now you all get out of my office and get back to work .Thank you.

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