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the Mediterranean Region, is the region of lands around the Mediterranean Sea that have mostly

a Mediterranean climate, with mild to cool, rainy winters and warm to hot, dry summers, which
supports characteristic Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub vegetation. It was very
important part of Mesopotamian civilizations.


To be able to survive in a hot and dry climate, olive trees have small leaves with a protective
Zcoating and hairy undersides that slows transpiration. An olive tree tends to grow dense, thin
branches. To produce more fruit, the tree is pruned heavily. Olives ripen through the autumn
and into the winter. As the oil content increases, the olives change color from green to violet to
nearly black. The green olives are harvested first. Olives can be hand picked, gathered with a
special wooden rake-like tool, or brought down by hitting the branches with long poles. A net is
laid down on the ground to catch the harvest.


Oregano originally came from warm climates in western and southwestern Eurasia and the
Mediterranean region. Oregano is a perennial plant that has the characteristics of an herb,
green and leaflike, with round shaped leaves. As a perennial, oregano is often grown for 3–4
years but in northern climates where the temperature is colder it is often grown as an annual. It
has purple flowers and spade-shaped, olive-green leaves Oregano is planted in early spring, the
plants being spaced 30 cm (12 in) apart in fairly dry soil, with full sun. It prefers a hot, relatively dry
climate, but does well in other environments.[9] well adapted to both dry and calcareous soils.


It is an attractive, narrow-leaf evergreen shrub. It grows well during the summer in Michigan but
Plant rosemary so it gets full sun. Rosemary hails
cannot stay alive over the winter.
from the Mediterranean, which means it can survive heat, drought, and salt
spray. Herbs from this region also demand good drainage, so use soil that's
light and well-drained. Some gardeners mix a handful of fine limestone
gravel, small pebbles, or chicken grit into planting holes to improve drainage.
Thyme is best cultivated in a hot, sunny location with well-drained soil. It is generally planted in the
spring. It tolerates drought well.[7] The plant can take deep freezes and is found growing wild on
mountain highlands. It grows well on dry slopes and is propagated by cuttings. Thyme is a
drought-tolerant, sun-loving herbaceous perennial that is adaptable to a
range of gardens, as long as drainage is ample.Thyme remains evergreen in
milder regions. Thyme attracts butterflies from spring through summer and
hosts many beneficial insects. The tiny blooms may be white, pink or purple,
depending on the variety. Thyme requires regular, moderate water; however,
it is very sensitive to wet feet, so allow it to dry between waterings. For
many gardeners, rainfall alone can suffice, as thyme is drought tolerant.
During very hot and dry summers, routinely watering thyme is a good idea.

Mediterranean pasta . Uses oregano and rosemary

Ratatouille Uses dried oregano and rosemary

Pizza uses oregano, olives, rosemary and thyme.

On the rolling hills, lavender fields look like a lovely purple wave

Lavender fields are in full blossom in July at the peak of summer, the spikes
dancing gently under the breeze, diffusing their intoxicating smell. The bushes
perfectly aligned create a beautiful geometry, and when the fields are slightly
rolling, it’s like looking at a beautiful, purple wave. The beauty of the lavender
field is completed by the charming village dotting the area, like Sault and its
local street market, or the small but enchanting hamlet of aural. Everything is
gentle around the lavender fields, a little oasis of peace.

Traditionally, lavender has been used as a natural remedy in aromatherapy

and has been valued since ancient times for its calming, soothing, anti-
depressant properties. People used to fill pillows with lavender to promote
peaceful, relaxing sleep.

Mount Etna is Europe's most active volcano and has been erupting continuously since the 17th
century. It is also one of the largest volcanoes in the world by volume, which makes it attractive
to live next to because there will always be a demand for volcanic rock curating jobs. The fertile
volcanic soils produced from this activity support extensive agriculture,
with vineyards and orchards spread across the lower slopes of the mountain

 Soil on the surrounding slopes is rich and fertile which makes the area a good place to

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