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Oleh :
Redo Ramadhan Pratama

Jurusan :
Teknik Informatika


TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021
Foundation of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is including Visibilty,
Affordances, Mapping, Constraints and Conceptual Model. And in the text below
we will explain about the foundation of HCI.
• Visibilty
o Visibility is one of the most important aspects in
design.Visibility plays an important role in Human-Computer
Interaction as the mind is excellent at noticing and interpreting clues
in the world, rationalizing, explaining cause and effect. Ideally,
natural clues are made visible, requiring no conscious thought (natural
design) but excess has proven to be as bad as lack of visible clues, so
just the right things have to be visible.

• Affordances
o Affordances is the actions that the design of an object suggests to its
user. And the concept of affordances in the Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) was referring to the perceived and actual properties
of a thing, primarily those fundamental properties that determine just
how it could possibly be used. Affordances provide strong clues so
that no instructions or labels are needed.

• Mapping
o In the context of Human-Computer Interaction, mapping is the link
between what you want to do and what is perceived possible. It is the
relationship between moving a control, and the results in the real
world. Good mappings are natural and use physical analogies or
cultural standards. As a result, they are understood immediately,
easier to remember, and enable better ease-of-use.
• Constraints
o Constraints is the limit of the way an object can be used. Exactly,
constraints is the inverse concept of affordances, Constraints can be
used to avoid usage errors or minimize the information to be
remembered. Constrains can be physical, semantic, logical or cultural.
Constrains further use our common knowledge about the world and
particularly the meaning of the current situation but they might as rely
on generally accepted cultural conventions and only be applicable to
spesific cultural group.

• Conceptual Model
o Conceptual Model is our brain’s way to deal with our World’s
complexity. Conceptual models are mental models of things formed
through experience, training, instruction and we build them based on
our perceptions, and influenced by the visibilty, affordances,
constraints and mapping.

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